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樓主: leshita

不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy)) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 03-5-15 19:06 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

Hi Funfamily,

Sorry I missed your message when I replied in the last message.

My reasons to upgrade are mainly twofold. First I would like to have more books for him to read. Second, I notice that he likes glove peppets and I remember that The Super Mickey got some.

Regarding Wide Eye & Magic English. The consultant just told me that there was a promotional package. Since I find the price ok, I just take it. Yes, I heard that Wide Eye was for kids of 4 years up. However, my thinking is young kids don't know/realize the difference. As long as he likes to read, it is fine to me. Again, it is important for him to keep the reading habit. I just provide him an opportunity to have more exposure. When he gets older, he can choose or concentrate on what he likes more.

By the way, I am searching Chinese books for him. He understands English better than Cantonese since my husband and I talk more in English to him. Now that Chinese is actually more difficult to learn (my Chinese is not good) and I don't plan to let him study in International School (maybe kindergarten but not primary school), it will be great if he likes reading Chinese books as well. Greedy right but I won't push him at all. Everything comes naturally.

Don't worry. If I got time, I like sharing too.
Bonnie Cheng

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-16 13:04 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

大大細細 寫道:
Cutie 寫道:

The meaning of World Family Set is :

Super Mickey Set + Magic English + Wide Eye (HK$42,XXX)

I bought DWE last year (May) but my consulatant didn't tell me there is a World Family Set. So I only bought Super Mickey Set. Is the price has a big different?[/quote]


I bought the DWE last year in BB expo and my consultant called me in end of April and told me that it's time to upgrade my Louie set.

I saw her on 3rd May and she told me that if I really want to upgrade, better upgrade to either Super Mickey Set or World Family Set.  As I mentioned before, the difference between the two is the World Family Set including 'Magic English' & 'Wide Eye' and the price difference is $7,000.

They also send me the CD Mate and a set of encyclopedia (24 books) as gifts.  If I don't remember wrong, they also extend 9 more months of membership as gift.

Hope this can give you a more clear picture!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-19 13:57 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)


Thanks for your sharing.  

Rank: 1

發表於 03-5-21 02:20 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)


funfamily 寫道:
Hi Tszfungma,

My son is slightly younger than yours.  He is now 18 months old.  I bought the minnie set at the baby expo because I want to have Play Along, Sing Along and Talkalong Cards.  Therefore, the only choices available to me is minnie set and super mickey set and I choose minnie set because it's around $10000 cheaper.  The consultant said I might consider upgrading when my baby grows a bit older, say 4-5 years old.

If you consider upgrading to super mickey set when your baby is around 4-5 years old, it'll be too late. I afraid that by that time your baby may not have interest on them . My son is now 22 months' old, I've already let him to listen the CD & watch the DVD of the Main Program & read the books. I'll give him the Activity Book to play when he is around 30 months' old. For a 4-5 years old kid, he will have other distraction, he may not have interest in it. This is only my personally idea.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-21 19:37 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

I've bought the minnie set which already included the DVD for the main program.  The difference of super mickey set, if I remembered correctly, is just the books for main program and some activity books.  Because the cost is around $10,000 for the upgrading, I have not considered it for the time being because I am of the view that I've already got the essence (DVD) for the main program.  

Anyway, thanks for your advice.

Rank: 1

發表於 03-5-21 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)


對不起, 是我搞錯了, 因為我買整套 Super Mickey Set, 所以我不知道每一 set 包括 D mud 野, 既然妳已經有 Main Program 的 DVD 就 OK 啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-23 02:28 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

我25號去children of the world 呀, 中午一點那場, 你地有沒有人會去呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-23 19:34 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)


Never mind.  Thanks for your advice again.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-5-24 22:57 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

我今早去了鷹君酒店參加children of the world,地方大過伊館,我覺得好玩好多。

媽咪愛芝芝,芝芝愛媽咪。 :-D  :-D  :-D 請多多光臨芝心話姨姨鬧芝芝將水混入媽咪的潤膚油內。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-25 18:27 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

YY(芝芝媽咪) 寫道:
我今早去了鷹君酒店參加children of the world,地方大過伊館,我覺得好玩好多。


我今日去在,呀女雖然得十五個月大,不過都女開心,仲唔想走呀,係貴在少少, 成225元三口子,不過算啦,佢開心.  

Rank: 1

發表於 03-5-25 21:58 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

YY, leshita,

請問 children of the world 是什麼形式的活動, 是坐係度睇表演或係可以一齊跳舞及唱歌架?

請指教, 謝謝!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-26 12:29 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

Samsam 寫道:
YY, leshita,

請問 children of the world 是什麼形式的活動, 是坐係度睇表演或係可以一齊跳舞及唱歌架?

請指教, 謝謝!


Rank: 1

發表於 03-5-26 23:14 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)


多謝妳的資料, 咁我都帶我仔仔去玩啦.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-27 15:34 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (支持正版)

Dear all users,

Let's share the progress of the use of program with our little honey.
For me:
Age:                 1 yr
Period of using:        6 months
How we use:        As I am a working mother, it's my Bun who play the CD and video to my son. I ask her to play 1 program (no more than 30 mins), either PA, SA or MP, to him everyday according to my schedule. She has to play at least 1 story book CD and read with the baby. She will play 15 mins flash cards. For myself, I usually play PA with the toys and sing with him when I back and during my dinner time (baby finish his dinner already). I sometimes play cards or read a story to him but not regular.

Progress:        He likes PA and SA very much but not MP. He can remember some actions in the video like clap hands, jumping, standing etc. He has the patience to read 8-10 pages of story and 6-8 cards before go away. He likes to turn the pages by himself. He also look at the posters quite long but I don't know how much he knows or understands.

How about yours? My consultant asks me to play 2 video, i.e. 2 times with 30 mins each, everyday, do u think it's too much?     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-5-28 10:44 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Dear All

Would anyone can tell me the songs that included in Everyday with Zippy' ?  It is valuable to buy for baby ?

Thank you very much.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-6-3 05:22 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

點解最近大家唔來so so? 14/6/03

大家多些交換下意見啦,最近World Family 有沒有什麼值得推介去玩的呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-6-14 09:51 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

Will you go to big sale on 14/6/03?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-6-14 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-6-14 10:33 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

matthew_mama 寫道:

Don't forget the lucky draw coupon.  May be I will go there if have heavy rain.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-6-16 00:05 |只看該作者

Re: 不如組織一個 BK 港版DWE User Fans Club! (教材使用意見/Everyday with Zippy))

hello,我最近都買了給我個女,但佢不大有興趣World Family.淨愛Mother Goose,有無人可解答我
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