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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 幾多歲先開始教BB英文?
樓主: cilamlove

幾多歲先開始教BB英文? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-20 17:14 |只看該作者
0q.cathy 發表於 13-2-20 17:06
亞仔由細到大我都係同佢講中文, 工人同佢講英文, 同睇下d英文dvd, 去下playgroup咁. 到左1歲開始發現講野慢 ...
Fully share your point.  I think both Chi and Eng are important but decided to provide a full Cantonese environment for him first.  Boys are slow in language pick up, and teaching by first language seems better.  It's tempting to listen to our kids speaking fluent English but there's always trade off.  Not all kids can cope with two new languages at one time.

I think for schools, it's ok to learn two languages.  But at home, one dominant language is better.  While my son is a small b, i can see him understanding Chinese instructions well and he started to try speaking words.

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