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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 How to choose?
樓主: umom

How to choose? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 12-10-29 23:01 |只看該作者

回覆:HKTHK 的帖子

PTA point is interesting. Will do some homework about that for sure.

Yes, the NR/ CP/ debenture...  Though we know there's options to use the levy... But sigh, $$$$$$.

Do u have kids in the primary school?


JadeW  If there is a active PTA, you will be able to get more involved in school and have a better feedback to and from school and have closer relationships.  發表於 12-10-30 10:16

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-30 09:48 |只看該作者

回覆:umom 的帖子

本帖最後由 JadeW 於 12-10-30 10:15 編輯

傳統vs 活動
Not necessary means the difference in quantity of homework but also types of homework, dictation content, type of teaching method and how students interact with teachers.

Traditional way normally will require student to sit more steady and listen to what teacher say and follow instructions. Rules are more strict and not too much flexibility in discipline in order to deal with the relatively larger class sizes.

For activity or project based teaching, the student will have more interaction with teachers and classmates usually. The teaching content would seems to be easier an less structural when compared with the traditional teaching. The students would seems to have more freedom and can be more active during class. They need to discuss, work in groups and present result more.  To some parent, they may think the lesson is not good in discipline and content seems to be too easy and a lot of time is used for the students to discuss and to conclude a result which may seems to be waste of time and students seems to be more naught and noisy.

But nowadays, many schools are in between traditional and activity or project based teaching.  You need to learn and verify the type for each of the school carefully.  As what they say aren't mean what they do sometimes.  Not only listen to what official school do say but also need to search and ask what the parents say.  Each parent acceptable level and points of views may be different.  So you need to collect "fact" not opinion and think what you really prefer i.e. quantity of homework, what it need to do, time used.  You may also ask to have a look on the books used and homework done to see the student level and whether it fits your kid.

For myself, my son is in activities based kinder and also primary school.  I agree that the lesson and student are usually less structural than traditional school.  I like it as I want my kid to be active and be able to speak and express himself instead of listen and obey rules most of the time. I want him to discover the knowledge, love to learn and not to memorize them.   But some of the parent and kid may prefer traditional teaching as it better fits their personality and learning type.

For me, I also want closer teacher, parent, student relationship which we can all share our thoughts and help the kids together.  However, some schools may ask the parent to help their kid after school or attend other tutors yourself in order to catch up with the school works.  The school may be more tight on schedule as they would ask the kid to learn in advance about half to one year syllabus. Some school may teach the basic concept and with easy homework but with hard test and exam. You need to know the school you choose in details.

I want my kid to learn in school mostly and only need a little assistance from me after work  which means he can handle the school work himself without learning in advance so much.  

For some schools, parents like to compare a lot and are very concerned with their kid's performance both academic and ECA.  They like to compete with each other and may only share their information with the closed group of people that they think are of similar level.  

For me, school culture, parents type in general and teaching method are all my concerns for choosing a school.


umom  Very useful information. Thanks :loveliness:  發表於 12-10-30 13:51

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-10-30 13:37 |只看該作者
回復 JadeW 的帖子

Thank you so much JadeW.

Yes, I personally prefer active learning and I think that also suits myboy better, he’s the type who loves active participation in the classroom.Thanks for letting me know that we should really find out the REAL situationfrom existing students/ parents instead of just relying on what’s written onthe school introduction.

For better outcome from the group discussion, I guess it’s reallydepending on how experience the teachers are in guiding this and leading youngchildren into focusing on the discussed matters.

some schools may ask theparent to help their kid after school or attend other tutors yourself in orderto catch up with the school works. The school may be more tight on schedule asthey would ask the kid to learn in advance about half to one year syllabus.Some school may teach the basic concept and with easy homework but with hardtest and exam. You need to know the school you choose in details.

I always think this is bizarre! Why on earth these parents( I think it’s more of the parents and schools trying to match the expectationof the parents) want to push their kids ahead of the others??? Learning is alifelong process, it takes time and pleasure to discover and slowly consolidateand build up. Pushing them to do something probably beyond their capabilitiesis totally torturing for everyone. I think many parents in HK are smart enoughto understand this, but lots of them are still trapped with wanton their kidsto be far advance than the others. I agree on suitable amount of stimulation isbeneficial for learning, but often what I hear about here is age inappropriate.

I want my kid to learn inschool mostly and only need a little assistance from me after work which meanshe can handle the school work himself without learning in advance so much.

Yes, this also trains them on doing their worksindependently, which is an important training!

JadeW, you really have pointed out what I want.

I am really more on looking for a school with down-to-earth culturethough the student conducts and school discipline are still the top on my list.I just hope there are good schools like this and yet the parents aredown-to-earth. Are there schools like this??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-10-30 13:46 |只看該作者
朱寶 發表於 12-10-29 16:25
回復 umom 的帖子

呈分試就係p.5下學期, 同埋p.6全年既考試成績, 上呈education department, 呢個係定左個學生本人既braning, 派位先後次序同呢個分好有關係, brand 1學生會比2及3既學生早派位, 相對揀到派到心水學校既機會打好多
So even the primary schoo I choose is not a "famous/ branded" school, if my kid can do well in 呈分試, he will still have the opportunities to go into a good secondary school. On the other hand, if my kid's result in 呈分試 is in band2/3, that mean he can only go to those schools accepting band2/3 kids? have I udnerstood correctly?

Are the secondary schools labelled as band 1/2/3 by the education bureau OR the school is labelled as band 1 simply because most (if not all) the students are with band 1 呈分試 result??

Thanks again

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-30 14:42 |只看該作者


原帖由 umom 於 12-10-30 發表
So even the primary schoo I choose is not a "famous/ branded" school, if my kid can do well in 呈分 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-30 15:03 |只看該作者

回覆:umom 的帖子

本帖最後由 JadeW 於 12-10-30 17:07 編輯

Not true as there is always wrong matching in reality.  Besides, your kids Banding not only depends on his performance, it ALSO relies on past student performance. The previous students performance attributes the % of each banding of the school while your son's own performance determine which band he belongs among his year.

For secondary school selection, it's criteria is based on banding however he sequence among each band is in random base with a lucky draw no assigned to the student. Therefore, even though you might got the highest score in band 1, doesn't mean you can choose it first. Thus, results might be unexpected and may fall to another band if your lucky draw no is very low priority and the no of that band seat is less than the no of student in that band.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 12-10-31 11:03 |只看該作者
回復 朱寶 的帖子

Agreed with your points. Can you share with us which schools you finally come up with?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-31 12:02 |只看該作者
回復 朱寶 的帖子

I am in same situation as yours. My son was being accepted by 嶺小 and another "One dragon" school (but secondary is band 2 only). So, I am still struggling.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-1 11:54 |只看該作者
onepiece 發表於 12-10-30 14:42

Thanks onepiece!!
So, back to square, again it's really the matter of luck and be in a branded primary school?!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-11-1 12:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 umom 於 12-11-1 12:07 編輯
JadeW 發表於 12-10-30 15:03
For secondary school selection, it's criteria is based on banding however he sequence among each band is in random base with a lucky draw no assigned to the student. Therefore, even though you might got the highest score in band 1, doesn't mean you can choose it first. Thus, results might be unexpected and may fall to another band if your lucky draw no is very low priority and the no of that band seat is less than the no of student in that band.

Thanks JadeW.
Actually, I think ultimately I want my little one to be  in a school with good student conducts, down-to-earth attitude, encouraging atmosphere rather than over competitive. I think the primary years is very very important when young children develop their interest in learning, and value judgement. For me, the ultimate success and happiness is really about how much one enjoys discovering new knowledge every day, cause this is really a life long thing.

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