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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 有冇RC的家長
樓主: do-re-me

有冇RC的家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-8-16 13:47 |顯示全部帖子
This was personal experience with RC students.  There were several RC students played in our club house. They were around 8-9 years old wearing their brown uniforms playing and chasing around in the club house. They moved toys and all the big toy cushions from the play area which are supposed for young kids or baby to play. They moved all to other area of the club house so that they could use the big cushions to build the fence for themselves hide inside.

Few young kids went there to take the toy cushions. Those RC kids didn't let them and their helpers were scared to say a word to help. Instead they simply took the young kids away.

I sat far and saw it. When I walked toward them, they spoke Cantonese among themselves. Once they saw me, they immediately switched to speak English as they thought I wouldn't understand them. Not only they didn't feel they were doing anything wrong, they continued to say the stupid mom - me came to stop them.

I immediately spoke English and told them to move back all the toys that supposed for the young kids to play in the play area. They didn't move back the things until I asked where are your aunties and mothers. They felt scared and immediately left the club house.

I know it was an individual case. Honestly I feel disappointed by their selfish behavior and tried to ignore the young kids when they went to ask for the toys which supposed were placed in the play area.

I applied RC for my child as a backup as it was hard and competitive to enter any  IS.  My kid got accepted in the first round but I gave up the offer. One of the reasons was what I experienced with RC students which lots of them live in my neighbour. I always see them in my club house or in the MTR. Second, my friend's children study there. They told me there are lots of bullying in the school. Their children got hit by other classmates in the school. They said they know lots of parents like the IB RC offers. They want to leave to other schools too but they can't because other schools all have long waiting lists.

I know lots of parents love this school. I respect their views. But my experience and my friends' experence gave me different views.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-8-17 01:05 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 whitesky 於 12-8-17 01:20 編輯

回復 Mighty 的帖子

我只是分享我嘅經歷及我朋友嘅親身遭遇,沒有你想象得咁complicated 及別有用心,我小朋友見試完有offer 之後我放棄個位,同我個朋友個仔比同學打,RC老師同RC 個nurse都知道都全是事實. 我朋友個小朋友係仔,  係比男同學bully.   因為咁我朋友見個仔唔開心所以想轉校。但實際環境不是佢想轉就轉。

我尊重不同意見,請不要因為意見跟你不同, 就話人別有用心,  否則其他人亦不㑹願意發表意見。我以前都係BK認識D媽咪,佢哋都好樂意分享佢哋嘅經驗比我,  好及不好都有, 等我可以參考。 難道佢哋提及不好的方面, 我就偏要說成佢哋別有用心及有幾心。如果真是這樣,  我想其實大家都不用在這裏分享意見睇法。


graceyydeng  觀點正確,支持,我們應該對事不對人!要不然,會沒人敢發表意見!  發表於 12-8-18 04:33
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