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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 發現自閉症新基因與療法
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發現自閉症新基因與療法 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-15 07:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
本帖最後由 anan3388 於 12-6-15 07:53 編輯

韓國首次發現導致自閉症的新基因「 SHANK2」,並研究出新療法。韓國首爾大學及延世大學的科學家從基因入手,培植去除「 SHANK2」基因的老鼠,發現這種基因突變會令老鼠的海馬體受傷,神經訊號傳達能力下降,表現出與人類自閉症患者幾乎相同的症狀。
科學家其後利用間接刺激傳達腦神經細胞訊號部位( NMSA)的方式,成功令老鼠重獲社交能力,與其他老鼠相處融洽,而且副作用比服藥小。負責研究的金恩俊教授表示,現有的藥物只能減少自閉症患者的反覆行動,新的治療法較能夠全面改善患者的社交能力,極有可能開啟自閉症療法新一頁。
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Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-15 08:05 |只看該作者
Research raises hopes for dealing with autism

A group of Korean scientists said they have succeeded in temporarily suppressing autistic behavior in mice in experiments, which may raise hopes for treating the developmental brain disorder.

Researchers from the Seoul National University, Yonsei University and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology studied mice with human genes.

They deleted some parts of a gene called SHANK2, and found that the mice carrying the gene show autism-like behavior such as difficulty in interacting with others and repetitive self-grooming.

This is not the first time researchers have linked the SHANK2 gene with autism. The new study suggests that the role of a specific molecule called the NMDA glutamate receptor, or NMDAR, is associated with the disorder.

The NMDAR is one of two receptors existing in synapse and is believed critical to memory function. In the study, researchers found that mice that exhibit autistic behavior show a decrease in NMDAR.

The study further discovered that when mice given a drug called CDPPB that enhances NMDAR function, they became less repetitive and more interactive.

The study, supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation of Korea, was published in the latest edition of Nature.

Although autism-related genes are being increasingly identified and studied through various approaches, how the disorder occurs is still not well understood and there is still no cure for that.

But the latest finding indicates a potential target for future drugs for autism patients, said Kaang Bong-kiun, professor of neurobiology at SNU, who led the research.

He admitted, however, it will take a long time before actually inventing a drug that can stop or possibly heal autism behavior.

“Although we’ve proved our method with lab mice, still we need further research and clinical tests in order to apply it to humans. And I think it will take up to ten years,” he added.

There is no specific data on how many children have the neurobehavioral syndrome in Korea, as autism had long been seen as shameful disorder. But a study in 2011 estimated 1 in 38 Korean children had some form of autism ― compared with 1 in 88 in the U.S.

By Oh Kyu-wook ([email protected])

http://view.koreaherald.com/kh/v ... 613001288&cpv=0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 12-6-15 08:18 |只看該作者
hope this treatment will develop more mature eoungh to run in clinic

Rank: 4

發表於 12-6-15 10:47 |只看該作者
所以話自閉症源於個腦出現問題, 3T只係輔助性質
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