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教育王國 討論區 基督教香港信義會宏信書院 宏信家長可以再分享多些學校現況和感想嗎? ...
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宏信家長可以再分享多些學校現況和感想嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 12-3-27 23:44 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,
Thanks Kamtsk for your valuable summary. I think it is very true and fair. I would like to add some info of this topic.
Ok, first of all, I need to say every time I post something here, people start thinking (accusing) I am a staff or even a teacher in LA. I am NOT, I am just a parent who really support and believe in LA.

My kid is in year 1, and from what i see, the standard of year 1 students is quite high. Yes, I believe there are "hyber students" in LA, but mainly in year 3.

The attitude and quality of the teachers in LA is something the school can be very proud of (ok, once again I am not a staff/teacher in LA). The ratio of international teachers to local teachers is very close to which of an international school. I am not saying that equals "good", I am saying the kids in LA have plenty of chance to communicate with people from other parts of the world and practice their foreign language. Moreover, the international teachers are very motivated and involved in the teaching matters (Unlike some other DSS, where you know those oversea teachers would leave after a year or 2).

3 and 4.
LA is progressing in these areas. Afterall it is just a new school, but over the 6 months in this school I can see the improvement already. The most important is I see the staff are working hard to improve the school.

My kid is very happy to go to school every morning.
My kid is very happy to talk about the school after school.
My kid is not afraid of using English/mandarin to communicate, although there are some mistakes in grammar/pronunciation.
My kid enjoys reading.
My kid enjoys learning.

I know we picked the correct school..
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