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教育王國 討論區 自閉寶寶 應用行為分析治療(ABA) Q&A
樓主: earlyeducation

應用行為分析治療(ABA) Q&A [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-15 07:53 |只看該作者

Rank: 4

發表於 11-9-15 08:11 |只看該作者
另, RDI 開始既 stage 入面, 很多是非語言既溝通, 根據它的理論, 是要重建 a 仔在普通孩子的社會化發展中, 因障礙而未能發展的部份, 1歲前的 baby 唔識講野, 但已能夠與成人有很好的互動。所以 stage 1 中, non-verbal 既 training 不少, 有些"講野"好叻但唔係同人溝通既 a 仔, 訓練會設計成要求他們不要說話, 只用眼神和身體語言就能溝通。

以前我都以為只有高功能孩子比較適合 RDI, 但深入了解後, 其實不然。看過一些 parent 拍的 video, 不是個個都是 high function 的, 但一樣能做到, 並能溝通得很自然。我覺得無論咩程度, RDI 對溝通很有幫助, 而溝通是語言的基礎, 語言只佔整體溝通的一部份而已~

當然不是所有 a 仔都未能掌握 stage 1 的, 所以我也不知道過了 stage 1 的 a 仔的情況會是怎樣的和甚麼是適合他們的。始終 a 仔個個都唔同~

暫時對我而然, RDI 最 amazing 的, 是自然/自發的溝通和交流, 學會用眼神, 表情傳遞思想。當然, 不是一朝一夕, 但, 是有可能的。

[ 本帖最後由 anan3388 於 11-9-15 08:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-15 09:59 |只看該作者
講得無錯, non-verbal, declarative language 同 slow down 係RDI 重點, 家長無上過堂都可以做到的.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 10:27 |只看該作者

回覆 1# anan3388 的文章

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[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-9-15 10:28 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 10:30 |只看該作者


以下感想可能會得罪很多人(但聲明我不是明示或暗示任何人), 請不要誤會,因我的出發點是好, 只想家長們對任何治療背后的底縕作出尊重...well...the blog that anan3388 posted is worth to take a reference, but it's only the tip of the iceberg...regarding VBI,-ABA it encompasses many skills, and involves doing the assessment (James W. Partington) and keeps checking the progress of the student...it's not simple...

Actually, i really upset if someone say ABA is bad or useless (but w/o any grounds...did u go through the training of ABA, the assessment and statistic?) if no, pls dont comment, o/w misleading ppls斷章取義...just like one RDI consultant, i feel very disappointed with her(but i still appreciate her, because she held such a good lesson to the parents)對事唔對人...how come a professional saying something w/o thinking the feeling of the parents? 佢曾經講過:[有一年教一班智力有問題0既a仔上社交班, 嘩...完全跟唔到, 我好似湊仔咁, 好辛苦...]她有否想過在座的我, 小朋友也有智力問題, 他也是跟不上, 但錯不在他, 他也不想智力有問題...btw, this consultant discontented with ABA very much, might be her thinking and comments are based on incomplete comprehension of ABA...可惜就係因為佢一句ABA唔好, 就誤導了許多從未接觸過ABA的家長...for me, i wont compare which therapies is better, which one is the best...because they are "not product", i do think, take the therapies which are suitable for your child in his "stage"...就算當係product, 都先要兩種都"試過", 才能得出結論及比較, 假如只是道聽途說, 不是自己經驗過, 何以去"評論"

BTW, i didnt say low functioning cannot take the RDI lesson, but we (parents) have to equip them with the VBI, o/w, it's really hard to work it out...because i know some of the mother  whom taking the RDI lesson, they complaining that RDI is very difficult, it's because the cognitive skill of her boy is very very weak, he cannot understand even simple instruction...(just like my boy, he is weak in cognitive skill, thus instruction+response together-->too difficult for him at that moment, so i had to divide them into two areas to train, then combined them afterwards

Now i m also studying the RDI, i do think every therapies are good, we have to take their advantages and most important is to work out the theory 因為理論係死, 實踐才是生的...就好像"努力試"的媽媽, 理論是她始創的, 她亦切實的實行出來, 雖然現在她的兒子能力也不算高, 但也是盡了力, 而無悔

[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-9-15 23:11 編輯 ]

發表於 11-9-15 10:33 |只看該作者
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發表於 11-9-15 11:39 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 18:46 |只看該作者

回覆 1# earlyeducation 的文章

so sorry...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 20:10 |只看該作者

回覆 27# ikebukuro 的文章

but i can say, might be the culture is different between hong kong and US. (ABA is come from US) In US, mom usually a housewife (because it's expensive to hire a helper), thus mother ll always sit in during the aba training, they ll learn the skill to teach their kids eventually. And, they ll train their kid at the rest of the time. However, there are many working mothers in hong kong, they are busy, how can they sit in for every lesson? It's impossible...however, for aba training, (and all the therapies) parents and other family members also need to work out exactly the same what the therapist did during the training in order to deal w/ the ASD kid, o/w, it ll has the gap, the ASD child hard to generalize who, when & where should he follow the instructions...so he ll only follow instructions and talk when the therapist is here...t/4, it's suggest to take video for the training, so that parents can learn the skill and work out the same and practise more at home...

[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-9-15 22:08 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 20:31 |只看該作者

回覆 10# LPYdad1 的文章

雖然話唔講, 但都想輕輕分享,上RDI堂, 家長起先要學下忍口, 唔好成日問問題, 因為希望先訓練小朋友多留意我們的面孔, 表情及行為 (多於說話)...而ABA, 在教導社交層面, 會著重言語(7'WH, how etc, 事關人與人的溝通, 除描述外, 很多都是問與答)...其實我本人覺得並冇抵觸, 只要分時段去做, 做RDI 就RDI, ABA 時就ABA...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-15 20:41 |只看該作者

回覆 5# earlyeducation 的文章

yeah...exactly, 可參考協康出的兒童發展手冊, 希望快出新版, 因為現在兒童各方面能力比10年前強很多很多了, 唉...我0地的小朋友相對就更弱了, 現在評估更加多了社交, 解難等範疇...

[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-9-15 22:03 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-15 23:01 |只看該作者
原帖由 earlyeducation 於 11-9-12 11:40 發表
Cheungsm1, 首先要知道太空話的頻率及原因,然後治療師會與孩童進行練習,例如由5mins開始,5mins內要安靜,然後就有奬品,如果沒有安靜,當然沒有獎品啦, 然後加入不同因素,增加難度,例如時間加長、不同活動。慢慢,孩童就知道太空話 ...

再簡單一些, 可以在他沒有講太空話時讚他, reinforce 「不講太空話」這個好行為.

另外有一点要好小心的:對一些說話意欲低的自閉症小朋友來說, 將太空話定位為一個壞行為去改正, 是有一定的風險, 因為語言能力低的小朋友未必分辨得到「有意思的說話」和「太空話」, 那你去 discourage 他講「太空話」時, 可能也 discourage 了他發聲/說話, 比較好是他說太空話時, 和他一起玩聲或跟旋律去發某些音(當唱歌), 將自我剌激轉化成一個玩意/遊戲!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-16 04:33 |只看該作者

回覆 14# overcomer 的文章

dear overcomer, 其實我都明家長們希望好多治療自閉症0既program, 最好都能自學成功(因為我都係家長)...事關要投資的成本也所費不菲...

其他program我唔認識的, 不太comment, 但我唸絕大部份,都需要step by step, e.g from stage 1-stage 10 etc...ABA, 大家都知係將一個項目/目標分拆到很細, (講緊可能過400個項目)要master到一樣再去另一樣, 不能跳步, 操之過急, 不然出現斷層, 即係小朋友學0既0野有好多窿窿(你以為佢識咩, 原來佢根本未識,因自閉兒跟正常小朋友真的不同, 正常的懂類化, 一點就明, 甚至舉一反三...故此, 假如有一個program能驅驅在網上列出, 然後自學成功, 沒有人需要去上堂, 我勸你亦都唔好去上這個program, 因為都好驚吓...(等於未懂數數量,何來計+,-, 更不用談x, 除...我唸唔會有家長只教小朋友唸熟乘數表, 就覺得個仔識計乘數, 如果係咁"他"亦錯過了數學最基礎亦重要的理念, 基礎不穩, 將來數學都唔會叻) (所以千祈唔好話我咁衰, 知道0既0野唔講出來, 我就係驚講0左出來, 家長們就只係跟0個幾點去做,其他的全部skip, 到頭來埋怨aba 唔work)

等於大家上st, 你都知, 個45分鐘, 好似次次都教差不多0野,因為小朋友未master 到,how can he goes further...RDI 也一樣, 其實雖然我都唔太明, 如果只是上了學堂, 然後自己就教阿仔, 其實會否有好多0野遺留0左? 咁漏0左 or skip 0左, 教出來又係咪好? (我自己都有"?")因為唔係講緊自學整旦糕咁兒戲, 假如冇...點解consultant要比$ 去德州讀書, 考牌, 仲要整個program為期最少18個月, (唔係個半月)... 唔通0個18個月學0既0野, 在短短個半月就能"速成"?而中間時間又沒有評估表跟住進度, 咁點知係咪可以去另一個stage? 因為在美國絕對冇這種形式出現...

其實自己有時都有"執藥"心態, 阿仔講0野差就谷佢講0野啦, 社交差就上下社交班, 但在美國上堂時, 老師說這樣做真的不好, 他說以一個"program"來講, 不能抽出我0地覺得重要的範疇來學, 其他枝節唔學 (誰知道可能這些枝節竟是構成樹的骨幹)? 就好像煮一道餸, 如果呢樣唔落, 0個樣可以skip, 最終煮出來是否色香味俱全?

不過自己都是香港人, 我絕對明白這心態,(導師與家長們彷彿巳有共識, understood, 冇人像我講及問這些廢話) 只不過, 就連我自己都覺得這樣的教學方法存在一些隱憂...

[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-9-16 10:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-16 13:43 |只看該作者
原本上晒成個PROGRAM 緊係好, 問題係, 唔係個個人有錢、有時間。 不少人一個月賺唔夠一萬, 點上成個PROGRAM? 反正冇錢上, 能夠得到一些啟蒙都好, 好過乜都唔知。

你話那姑娘:[....上社交班, 嘩...完全跟唔到, 我好似湊仔咁, 好辛苦...]。類似o既話, 身為阿媽O既我都講過, 我諗呢句話好多阿媽都講過,尤其阿媽湊SEN仔唔會輕鬆, 緊係好辛苦。就算唔講出來, 都係收埋O係心裏唔講。所以唔駛咁HURT。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-9-16 14:41 |只看該作者
我覺得上面位媽媽講左重點, ABA 要密集, 要導師一星期1x 小時. 收費可能同PST 相似, 香港地唔係好多人負擔得起. 香港同美國唔同, 美國福利國家可能會批10/20 小時免費ABA.

在香港, 我地普通人家最可以負擔到RDI 同努力試, 再加一d 個別訓練. 大家湊A仔都係新丁, 自己動手訓練, 邊個會"無窿".

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-9-16 17:36 |只看該作者

回覆 1# kelvin_hmlau 的文章

yeah...i understand...

發表於 11-9-16 22:43 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 11-9-17 10:53 |只看該作者

回覆 1# earlyeducation 的文章

hope that u get well soon...because i want to seek for your advice...

Because my son used to has aba home training, and he can sit well and follow instructions at home + during training…however, he is terrible after he changed a new school recently.  He always get out of the seat, grapping teachers’ things, shout suddenly in the class, just don’t know why…

So, I request my therapist to do the shadow in the school and trying to figure out the reason behind...after a few days, the therapist came up the conclusion, she said, because my son cannot generalize the place of school which he need to sit well, especially every time they have assembly in the indoor playground every morning, she said in my son’s mind, playground is for playing not sitting down and listen, is her assumption true?

However, I saw the therapist give him time out or ask him facing to the wall immediately when every time he gets out of seat, shouting or grapping teachers' things in the class…now, 1 week passed, he still doing the same(she said, my son doesn’t understand why he is being punished, even though she did explain to him, e.g therapist told him” stand up now because u get out of the seat…”(or may be he doesn’t understand the meaning of “get out of the seat”? )ah...i dont know if her explanation is true)...so the principal ask me to bring him back home and train him very well b/4 he goes back to school, oh...what should I do?

Also, I saw the therapist using a chart with smiley faces, when every time my son shouting or hitting others, she cross one smiley face in front of him…she explains to him if all the smiley faces are crossed out, u cannot go to playground after school.  (there was playground picture stick on the chart). She explained, show something visible and make him understand the consequence if he does bad things.

Today, the therapist asked me to urge the principal allow her to take the video of the school everyday starting from next week, she said, she ll review with my son everyday for what his bad behavior in the school, and try to make him understand why she punishes him...ah...does it work, i doubt?

Because the principal already felt impatient that we doing so many things in the classroom...but still cannot see the result...or I have to change the therapist? Kindly adv…I m eager to get some helps, thx a lot!

[ 本帖最後由 rollover 於 11-9-17 11:06 編輯 ]

發表於 11-9-17 12:56 |只看該作者
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