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教育王國 討論區 基督教香港信義會宏信書院 My kid's first day at LA
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My kid's first day at LA [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 11-8-29 23:30 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
9:15am,We arrived early, well first day, got to make an early start. Not many kids and parents here, and they all look anxious.

More kids and parents are here, all busy checking the name lists for their classes. Eager to meet their class teachers.
My girl is very lucky, she is going to meet some of her "old" kindergarten friends in the same classroom.

Here we go, I see my girl starting her 12 years school life today. I try to make sure she doesn't see the tears in my eyes.
Everybody looks anxious here.

Have I put the snack in her school bag?
Is the conditioned air too cold at school? Should have give her a jumper...
Is she mixing up with classmates well?
Should I... Can I go and have a peek?

Wow, so many parents here, standing behind the yellow line, reminds me of getting to work on MTR.
Here they come... Where is my little sweet heart...
The kids all look the same, smily faces, confident smiles. The anxiety is all gone on both sides of the yellow line.

Ok, I found my girl and she is busy telling me all the stories about her first day at school. Slow down angel, keep telling me those for the next 12 years. I am all here to listen.
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Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-30 10:29 |只看該作者

Go, go, go, kids! This is your new phase of life. Enjoy it! Mom and Dad will fully support you in your back.

原帖由 PLPCP 於 11-8-29 23:30 發表
9:15am,We arrived early, well first day, got to make an early start. Not many kids and parents here, and they all look anxious.

More kids and parents are here, all busy checking the name lis ...
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