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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 2.5yrs囡囡返學喊到又嘔....又拉屎
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2.5yrs囡囡返學喊到又嘔....又拉屎 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-16 15:28 |顯示全部帖子
Hey, don't worry. It just takes time. I put my son in PN in March, he was around 26 months that time. On the first day he 喊到嘔奶. And  that school doesn't allow parent's companion at all. Different school with different practice. Then he gradually accepted the fact that mommy will not be with him in school. You know what kids learn fast. So don't worry.
But I think no matter your daughter 嘔 or 拉屎拉尿, you shouldn't bring her home. (Of course you have to make sure she is not sick!). Guess you have spare clothes for her so just clean her and change clothes, then put her back in the classroom. But of course you should talk to her gently and in soft manner. No need to scold her. Tell her firmly she will be picked up when school ends.
She will be fine.
原帖由 raintingbow 於 11-8-16 12:39 發表
1st - 媽咪陪一粒鈡
2nd - 媽咪陪一粒鈡
3rd - 自己返一粒鈡(喊都聲沙沙放學)
4th - 自己返四粒鈡,一入學校就dum地一路喊一路週圍跑叫媽咪媽咪....
5th - 一換衫就喊,又扮要柯尿尿好多次,入到學校喊唔停,又嘔又拉屎. ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-17 18:41 |顯示全部帖子
Some babies will get sick when start school. According to my mother, xx years ago she said I have never seen doctor before schools started. Once started school, have to see doctor frequently in the first month....
I do know many babies get sick when newly go to school. So don't worry too much. Of course need to see doctor if get a fever.
Like others said, you have to trust the teachers. And don't think that you baby is not smart even she cries. It is just natural and it is personality matter somehow. Nothing do with whether she is smart or not.
Hey she will learn and she will grow. You shouldn't be too upset about this, otherwise she will feel the pressure. Take it easy!
原帖由 raintingbow 於 11-8-17 09:21 發表
今日發埋燒....返唔到喇....真係好煩,各位媽咪都經歷過呢個階段.....我見有d小朋友真係好叻....完全冇喊,,,,其實我最怕個女唔中意返學,怕左返學,真係好擔心呀 ...
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