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Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why???? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-27 02:21 |只看該作者

Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Piano is a kind of musical instrument, Right?
But I don't know why some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-27 20:23 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Which school?

就算無學樂器, 那又如何?

What's your situation?  You want to find one musical instrument for your kid applying P1 or your primary school push your kid to learn one musical instrument rather than piano?

A case, Alliance Primary School requests all student to learn one musical instrument, if you say piano, they will request you to have a proof likes ABRSM cert. or teacher's letter.  That's it.  You can choose playing musical instrument as a group during music class or singing.  It's not a problem.  Of course, if you are learning, for example, flute, you can get a free class during music class.  仲可以慳翻一堂錢.

現今天下間, 除了宣小及基灣咁 crazy 之外, 未知仲有邊間小學係咁,(當然未計某幾間超級直資小學) 真要見識見識 (可PM告知, 我真有興趣)  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-27 21:48 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-27 22:23 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

我有個 friend's daughter 今年協恩 F2, 小學都係協恩, 只係學 piano, 從來無因此而受到歧視, 咪一樣上返自己中學.  唔可以話唔計 piano, 學校收生睇好多野, 我係唔學其他野呀, 獨愛彈琴, 吹咩! 你有料, 去邊都唔使驚.

但我非常讚成, "獨樂樂, 不如與眾同樂;  與少樂樂, 不如與眾樂樂", 我小時有夾band, 所以知道其中的樂趣, 也鼓勵自己孩子去夾band, see!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-27 22:53 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

哈里波特 ,
o ! maybe 我講得唔清楚, 我朋友個女都係讀協恩F2, 佢話F1 入學家長會時. 校長話要報兩種課外活動一樣體育, 一樣音樂/樂器, 有個家長話個女一直學緊鋼琴, 係咪都雖要再報樂器班, 校長就話: 係,鋼琴唔計的.
咁佢有冇再報其他樂器班, 我就唔知啦.
因為佢叫我唔好比阿仔學鋼琴, 除非佢極有興趣.
我都相信學校叫你學, 你係都唔學. 佢都冇你辨法.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-27 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-28 01:27 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

係呀.  市面最少 over 50% 學校有自己的 band. 學樂器當然好, 但有d學校好似宣小咁, they expected all children could be completed G8 before P6 gratuated.  If you have only G4/5, 怕且表演及比賽的機會較少.  就係小女隊band, 有人吹到畢業都無去過比賽, 餐餐做後備.

所以, 問題唔係學校要唔要, 而係家長點想及小朋友是否喜歡. 勉強無幸福, 所以有人會睇小朋友愛運動 or music 才決定入邊間學校, 係對的.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-11-28 12:18 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

我有朋友個仔都係咁既情況, 話要學鋼琴外仲要學多樣學器, 但最終多小朋友都只係學鋼琴, 學校都無佢辦法. 我覺得如果小朋友真係鍾意又願意練習的話, 學多樣學器都無所謂, 如果唔係, 就真係搵d呀媽黎攪. 練一種學器度(練得好)都有排練, 何況練兩種? 有時我諗究竟果d校長自己有無試過學兩種學器再加一種運動? 又或者佢地d仔女都係咁既情況下, 係咪都會舉腳讚成? 又會handle 得幾好?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-28 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Apart from APS, I know that DBS & DGS don't count piano. But how can all children of APS complete G8 on instrument other than piano before P.6? What is the secret formula of APS? I also want my two sons completing G.8 piano before P.6. Ohter than piano, what is the least popular instrument?   

哈里波特 寫道:
但有d學校好似宣小咁, they expected all children could be completed G8 before P6 gratuated.  If you have only G4/5, 怕且表演及比賽的機會較少.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-28 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

所以差不多全港小學都吹牧童笛, 咁咪叫一樣"羅", plus piano, Oh GREAT!   ha...ha..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-28 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

小學校際年年管樂冠亞軍 either APS or 基灣, DBS & DGS 完全唔入流.  My daughter's trumpet teacher who is also teaching DGS, he said DGS not as good as my daughter's school, she is not APS or 基灣 too.

A solid case, my friend's daughter who is learning flute from P1 in APS, her path :
P2/3 - G2
P3/4 - G5
P4/5 - G8
My nephews also in APS,
Elder one (now P6) : start Oboe this August & planning G4 in April next year.
Younger one (now P4) : start violin P2 & take G4 exam in P4.  Planning G8 in P6.

Their training, when start 單對單 1 hr/week even G1.  Very demanding.  G4 voilin 都係入初弦 (junior band), 未有資格出賽或表演, 因猛人太多. practise at least 1 hr per day.  These 2 boys also need to practise piano, at least 1 hr per day.  So, how many 1 hr per day.  If you want to take this path, your son can do as well.  For piano, if you want to complete G8 before P6, you have to plan when P1.  G1-G5 1 hr/day & G6-G7 2 hr/day & G8 3 hr/day.  If you son can spend so much time, your son can BINGO too even he is only a normal child.

I tell you, G8 is not very difficult to obtain only if you are hard working.  But I don't think it is necessary.

What's the popular muscial instrument, my opinion - violin.  If you want to get G8 quicker, woodwind is comparitive easier to achieve.

CSL123 寫道:
Apart from APS, I know that DBS & DGS don't count piano. But how can all children of APS complete G8 on instrument other than piano before P.6? What is the secret formula of APS? I also want my two sons completing G.8 piano before P.6. Ohter than piano, what is the least popular instrument?   

哈里波特 寫道:
但有d學校好似宣小咁, they expected all children could be completed G8 before P6 gratuated.  If you have only G4/5, 怕且表演及比賽的機會較少.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-28 16:20 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

DBS admitted over 40 students from APS during the past two years. So what kind of instruments did these students learn in APS and did they really obtain G8 by P.6?

My P.2 son practises paino for 1.5 hr. per day and he has received his G.5 piano merit result. I may let him try G.8 piano by next Nov. But what is the least popular instrument? Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-28 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

This is one of the reason but not at all.  My friend's daughter with G8 flute is also going to DGS last year, but through lucky draw.  DBS likes APS also because their school result is good as well.  If you like, you can try 插班 to APS.

My opinion 冷門
String - Double bass.
Brass - Tuba
(I heard French corn is quite difficult to learn)
Woodwind - Oboe

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-28 17:53 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-28 19:13 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Thanks 哈里!

Other than DBSPD and St. Paul Co-ed, I 'm not willing to pay any school fee. So I wouldn't consider APS or any other good private schools.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-28 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Apart from flute, what else do count as musical instruments? Give some advise!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-29 01:30 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

咁多, 點列出黎呀.  可否問得準確一點, 看有無BK家長回應!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-29 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

Where can I find the Double Bass teacher, Tuba Teacher or Oboe Teacher?

I can't find these teachers from Tom Lee or 柏斯?

My opinion 冷門
String - Double bass.
Brass - Tuba
(I heard French corn is quite difficult to learn)
Woodwind - Oboe

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-11-29 21:40 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????

That's why we need BK.

Music office has a lot of courses including all those 冷門 musical instrument.

I don't know which school your kid is studying.  The best way to find a teacher --- in your school.  If your school does not have band, it would be less fun to play these kind of musical instrument.

Anyway, if you feel interest, I can share with you, please leave your mobile phone in my PM & I will call you if I'm free.  I can tell who's the teacher of my daughter school, but it doesn't mean they will teach outsider because they are really busy.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-29 22:37 |只看該作者

Re: Some primary schools 視鋼琴不當一種樂器 , why????


甚麼是Music office?

學trumpet 要幾多歲才可以學? 小六前完成可能嗎?
點知咁細個小孩合適邊種樂器呀? 好難選喎?    

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