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二手Baby Einstein 小小愛因斯坦 嬰幼兒認知啟蒙DVD $180/26隻DVD [複製鏈接]

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二手Baby Einstein 小小愛因斯坦 嬰幼兒認知啟蒙DVD $180/26隻DVD

Baby Einstein 小小愛因斯坦系列產品專門針對嬰幼兒設計,啟發寶寶們的好奇心和觀察力,體驗週遭世界的各種事物

每 隻 DVD都有不同的主題
1. Language Nursery (0 mth-4yrs)
2. Baby Mozart™ Music Festival (0mth-3yrs)小小莫札特:音樂嘉年華
3. Baby Beethoven™ Symphony of Fun (0mth-3yrs)小小貝多芬:繽紛交響樂
4. Baby Bach™ Musical Adventure (0mth-3yrs)小小巴哈:奇幻音樂旅程
5. Baby Santa's Music Box™ (0mth-3yrs)
6. Baby Monet™ Discovering the Seasons (6mths )小小莫奈:春夏秋冬
7. Baby MacDonald™ A Day on the Farm (9mths )
8. Baby Galileo™ Discovering the Sky (9 mths )小小伽利略:奇妙的天空
9. Baby Neptune™ Discovering Water (9 mths )
10. Baby da Vinci™ From Head to Toe (9 mths )小小達文西:認識身體
11. Baby Noah™ Animal Expedition (12 mths )小小挪亞:動物探險
12. Baby Newton™ Discovering Shapes (12 mths )小小牛頓:認識各種形狀
13. Baby Shakespeare™ World of Poetry (12 mths )小小莎士比亞:詩的世界
14. Baby Van Gogh™ World of Colors (12 mths )小小梵谷:色彩的世界
15. Neighborhood Animals (9 mths )
16. Numbers Nursery™ (12 mths )
17. World Animals (9 mths )
18. Baby Wordsworth™ First Words Around the House  (12mths )
19. Baby Einstein On The Go DVD .. Riding Sailing and Soaring(12mths )
20. Baby Einstein Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments (12 mths )
21. Baby Favorite's Places - First Word Around Town (12mths )
22. Baby's First Moves (6 mths )
23. My First Signs - See and Sign with Baby (6mths )
24. Discovering Shapes (12mths )
25. Lullaby Time - Soothing Sounds for Baby (3mths )
26. Baby’s First Sound (6mths )

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