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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 國際音小同王錦輝,你會揀邊間?
查看: 9106|回覆: 32


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-16 23:05 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-16 23:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 myemmie 於 10-10-16 23:05 發表

  • 個電腦傻咗,我未打完就post咗個topic!

    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    發表於 10-10-19 08:56 |顯示全部帖子
    http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D1

    睇升中果邊d人講間 wkf 麻麻地... ??

    Rank: 6Rank: 6

    發表於 10-10-19 11:24 |顯示全部帖子
    I love BU one much more!! The teaching method there is better in training children's thinking skill.

    Rank: 4

    發表於 10-10-19 11:30 |顯示全部帖子
    其實每間學校都有佢哋支持者, 各有長短. 視乎你想小朋友在什麼環境學習和看小朋友性恪而選擇學校.
    我有個朋友佢個仔智商130屬於較少少好動的孩子, 但朋友幫小朋友選擇了傳統谷成績的學校, 但最係小朋友都讀得唔開心, 測驗考試全部不合格再加上學校對他包容不夠多只看成績不看小朋友心理背境(包括 iq), 每天都不開心.
    最後小朋友五年級轉了普通學校, 讀書各樣都有進步和更開心.
    所以幫小朋友找學校要跟小朋友性格揾, 而唔係跟大人思想找的.

    發表於 10-10-19 14:31 |顯示全部帖子
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    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    發表於 10-10-19 15:14 |顯示全部帖子
    If I were you, I'll select ICQM as you can still join the lucky draw, if you accept WKF you have to give up the first round and lucky draw immediately.

    The other reason is I'm still waiting for the feedback from WKF, hope you can make the decision asap.

    發表於 10-10-19 15:37 |顯示全部帖子
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    Rank: 4

    發表於 10-10-19 16:00 |顯示全部帖子
    Although WKF is english primary school, but they encourage student to participate amny outside competition to arouse the awareness of their name of school. Sort of international feel... Lesson in class is more in project base too.

    ICQM is more emphaize in Chrisitan education to build up a student. And of course music is one of the most important subjects of their school. The number of music lesson is same as English lesson which are two major subjects in school too. Many of their subject aslo in English like math also teach in english.

    School fee are simliar with both over $3,000. WKFis $3,500 per month and ICQM ~$4,000 per month too. Expensive!!!

    發表於 10-10-19 16:15 |顯示全部帖子
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    Rank: 6Rank: 6

    發表於 10-10-19 17:06 |顯示全部帖子
    For me, WFK is a very good primary school. Teachers are supportive and caring. Teaching method there is similar to international school and yet still have good standard in chinese language. Student there are encourage to try all sorts of internal and external activities to broaden their mind. Most of all, student in WKF are happy and love their school very much.

    Though I do not know much about the secondary school, I strongly believe that my kids can fully develop herself both in academic and character in her six years of primary school life.

    Rank: 4

    發表於 10-10-19 22:44 |顯示全部帖子
    My impression on the two principals when I attended their seminars:

    1) 國際: Confident and gentle, relax and genuine, child centred as what they have presented in their seminar, consistent!

    2) 王錦輝: Quite stressful and anxious, pushing ( during the day of interview, I saw her very pushing and impolite towards teachers or even children, say e.g. suddenly ask children: "why didn't you say good morning to me?", quite insensitive to children's characteristics...they came to the new environment, of course they will take some time to adjust before they address your concern!! Quite odd indeed when I had such observation. Not consistent with what she had presented in her philosophy of education....

    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    發表於 10-10-19 23:48 |顯示全部帖子
    咁我又覺得校長講得冇錯....open day係在下午....如果小朋友講good morning, 我覺得一定要話番俾佢哋聽....good morning 係錯......"why did you say good morning....我只係interpret到校長問佢哋點解講good morning....明明已經係afternoon....

    如果校長係rude or impolite towards 小朋友....我就會覺得校長唔啱la....

    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    發表於 10-10-19 23:55 |顯示全部帖子
    sorry.....我想我oversight something....

    我睇錯咗open day......原來係during the day of interview......

    同人講good morning.....even唔識我覺得冇問題....我媽咪則係我囡囡的婆婆....每次都會remind我囡囡同人講good morning or even "thank you"(如果我囡囡唔記得講)...我覺得這是應有的禮貌.....我唔覺得好pushing囉....

    Rank: 4

    發表於 10-10-21 07:46 |顯示全部帖子
    對我黎講,音小既好處只係可以繼續參加大抽獎又唔影響任何野。但即使佢有d咁既好處,但我連表都冇交~~ 但WKF,就係我既第一選擇,即使要放棄抽獎我都覺得非常值得~~

    Rank: 2

    發表於 10-10-21 10:36 |顯示全部帖子
    音小情況不清楚, 有朋友的兒子讀音中, 覺得唔錯.

    WKF - 如果小朋友可以坐得好定, 好專注, 應該無問題. But, 如果小朋友比較活躍, 不太專心, 老師係唔識處理, 亦無耐性處理. 他們認為最乖既小朋友就係100%合作而不會影響他們授課那些.

    純粹善意忠告. 不喜勿鬧.

    原帖由 myemmie 於 10-10-16 23:28 發表


    [ 本帖最後由 pop-rice 於 10-10-21 12:29 編輯 ]

    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    發表於 10-10-21 15:16 |顯示全部帖子

    Rank: 3Rank: 3


    發表於 10-10-22 00:36 |顯示全部帖子
    我仔已get音小offer, WKF都係一間唔錯學校, 但我未有消息, 如果選近, 我會選音小.  

    因WKF我未有消息.  而且我想繼續大抽獎NET 41.

    Rank: 4

    發表於 10-10-22 10:08 |顯示全部帖子
    the attitude is more important than the content... for small kids. The way she (primary school principal) said was kind of "blaming" with very obvious "blaming facial expression" that the kids for not initiating the conversation was kind of a "fault"...but you know, it's only a five year old, in an extremely new environment, the way she presented her attitude is kind of inconsistent with the school philosophy she preached, right..

    When we were in other school interviews, we kind of observing the attitudes and behaviors of teachers and principal, how they treat people and kids....That's my point!!

    I am not sure about the details and experience of the school education as I am a new applicant. But from what I have observed in the interview process, you know something about this school, of course in a very "superficial" way, but not "irrelevant" or it may be part of the "reality", right??

    I am very sensitive to the "consistencies" of their behavior and what they have said... That's my major point!!

    原帖由 edwinho123 於 10-10-19 23:48 發表
    咁我又覺得校長講得冇錯....open day係在下午....如果小朋友講good morning, 我覺得一定要話番俾佢哋聽....good morning 係錯......"why did you say good morning....我只係interpret到校長問佢哋點解講good mornin ...

    Rank: 5Rank: 5


    發表於 10-10-22 10:50 |顯示全部帖子
    原帖由 ssdiana 於 10-10-22 10:08 發表
    the attitude is more important than the content... for small kids. The way she (primary school principal) said was kind of "blaming" with very obvious "blaming facial expression" that the kids for not ...

    sorry, which school you are talking of ?