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教育王國 討論區 海外留學 請問你地係在咩情況下決定到海外升學
樓主: fatcarol

請問你地係在咩情況下決定到海外升學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 10-10-15 21:23 |只看該作者
oh, that means no use.....

原帖由 cwp 於 10-10-15 16:04 發表
1) full boarding $8000 (per term)應該是私校,有居英權都要交全費的。公立學校不用交學費,只交宿費,但很少公校有宿位。

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

發表於 10-10-15 21:27 |只看該作者
who can gurantee which U she can get in after some years....then buy a house can only treat it as an investment & if some fees can be deducted from her school fees, that is called "bonus"....   

原帖由 CPU1995 於 10-10-15 19:58 發表
1. Though state schools do not require to pay school fee, the academic standard are much lower for state schools than public schools not mentioning the facilities. And there are only 32 state schools  ...

[ 本帖最後由 mummy911 於 10-10-16 22:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-16 21:57 |只看該作者


Thank All

我會好好想清楚 閣位的意見.


Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-10-17 16:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 CPU1995 於 10-10-14 08:52 發表
Thx in advance. I need information on public schools.

For state schools, they request my son to jump the class. I don't think it is appropriate for my son and they do not offer weekend boarding faci ...

I had a lunch meeting with my firend and his son studies in Colchester Royal Grammar School. The link is as follow:


Ofsted Report, March 2010: Boarding provision is 'Outstanding'.
The school has a small boarding section with 30 places which are available to sixth form students from the UK, British passport holders living overseas and students with an EU passport. There are no tuition fees. The facilities are available only for boys who must satisfy the academic entry requirements of the school which are detailed in the document 'Sixth Form Entry' before they will be considered for a place in boarding."

The boarding fee is GBP3,000 per term.

My friend did mentioned its not a public school. If you ask public schools, may be other parents can help.

(Public and independent schools in UK equivalent to private schools in HK, Grammar school more like government school in HK.)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-17 20:05 |只看該作者

I also have friend whose son has been admitted by Colchester Royal Grammar School. His school cert result is 9A1B. So I think it is impossible for my son to get in so elite grammar school.

For within 200 ranking public schools with school fees less than HK$200,000, it is very difficult to find. In addition, I know Colchester has admitted so many elite Hk pupils and they form a HK group in Colchester and in boarding house which may defer them from integrating with UK students. This may defeat the purpose of sending my son abroad.  

One state school also considered my son for Grade 11 entry but I would not allow my son to jump one form.

[ 本帖最後由 CPU1995 於 10-10-17 20:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-17 20:09 |只看該作者

回覆 24# ANChan59 的文章

thank you ANChan for your sharing.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-10-17 20:25 |只看該作者

回覆 25# CPU1995 的文章

If only jump one grade in senior high is fine, what's the problem?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-17 21:50 |只看該作者
恕我直言,我廿多年前去美國讀書時,真的沒有符合下列几項條件, 當時家境非常一般,簽 Visa嘅 minimum reqt 都係僅僅夠,一心只想跟當時嘅女友一齊到外國讀書。

在電腦追星也不是甚麼十惡不赦嘅行為問題,很多時下年青人甚至成年人都有,懂得分配時間便可,否則看劉華、張學友甚至黃子華嘅 show 都係罪過, 做父母嘅多些和子女溝通,係某些情况下認同子女嘅想法甚至偶像嘅優點,又有何不可。冇錯,林峯唱得唔錯,佢嘅歌幾好聽噃.....小豬嘅舞都有創意....

最近正計劃大女到美國留學,發覺有很多不錯的兩年制大學 (Community College) 連學費食宿都不超過 每年HK$150K, 之後再 transfer 去其他四年制嘅大學 如 UC Berkeley 完成 degree, 全程如果唔計攞 scholarship , 應該 $1M 左右。

每個父母對子女嘅期望都不一樣,正如有人千算萬算要仔女入乜U物 U, 我哋反而覺得培養佢有正確嘅價值觀,國際視野, 獨立思考更加重要,或者大家對出來揾唔揾到食或者 acadamic acheivement 看重了,但如果想想些醫生跟老父為錢對簿公堂嘅新聞,事件中嘅主人翁財產同學歷都有,又有何取捨呢?

每個前往海外讀書的學生都有不同的背景和原因, 你所問的都沒有既定答案, 全部因人而異 ...

1-錢唔係問題 (No)
2-阿女係自願 (Persuade her if she is not )
3-阿女係讀書材料 (Who knows)
4-阿女係能夠照顧自己 (That's part of experience)
5-阿女唔係逃避香港讀書辛苦or考試失敗 (certainly)
6-阿女係有目標地考到佢心中既學校而且比香港好 (why so important?)
7-做阿媽的我對佢有100%信心佢係能夠完成學業返哩 (Nothing is 100%)
8-唔好問返哩有咩出路, 按她的興趣去讀 ...
(Totally agree!)

原帖由 fatcarol 於 10-10-13 07:32 發表
請問你地係在咩情況下決定到海外升學 我個女15歲,讀英中 中四現行334新學制 修歷史地理音樂 請問將來會有咩出路呢?

我睇她現有的成績好難在港入讀香港嘅大學 因為成績麻麻 時常用电腦 追明星

如到海外升讀寄宿學校 ...

[ 本帖最後由 acdad 於 10-10-17 21:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-10-18 00:23 |只看該作者
仲有, 美國大學頭兩年選科自由度大,學生可以按個人興趣選擇不同學科、上課時間以及老師,這樣學生在有選擇下去上課,比較容易培養及認清自己嘅能力同興趣,這樣係咪比乜都未接觸就揀 make sense 同有趣得多呢!

我自己當年係香港都係會考攞光頭果批,讀甚麼Higher level 同 A- level 覺得純為考大學而背誦,D老師教學如讀書,學生只顧抄筆記,貼考題,教學皆十分辛苦,反而去美國讀大學時可以有心情揀下文學、心理學上,學習興趣截然不同。

另外,一般美國大學 campus 同居住環境都比香港好,出外留學嘅歷練,並不單止攞個 degree 返來揾食,對於一個人嘅成長會好有幫助。

修歷史地理音樂 大把前途,張藝謀叻唔叻吖,遲D西九咁多劇院要人管理, 最緊要佢鍾意讀,肯花心思,行行出狀元,就算識得煑兩味嘅阿蘇都可以揾幾百萬一年啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-18 12:44 |只看該作者
A tantalizing glimpse of future has rekindled fond memories of my old school days. Strolling thro a school life with confidence is sometimes better than a bungee jump pilgrimage overwhelmed by a thrill of painstaking exams and challenges which my son cannot otherwise handle with.

A child progressing from a rudimentary level is certainly self-confident and happier than one knuckled down by something beyond his ability. The envisaged fiasco in his first GCSE due to insufficient preparation time is certainly not a good learning experience and may cause resentment to his parent for such unsophisticated jump-form arrangement.

After all, I'm not an aggressive parent and my son is just an ordinary student.   

原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-10-17 20:25 發表
If only jump one grade in senior high is fine, what's the problem?

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

發表於 10-10-18 18:28 |只看該作者

回覆 30# CPU1995 的文章

I understand your view and your son is so lucky has a parent like you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 10-10-27 16:42 |只看該作者
Solution also.

原帖由 tongyimtong 於 10-10-13 20:39 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-27 21:35 |只看該作者

回覆 3# CPU1995 的文章

First gcse?
Do you mean there are student who takes gcse twice?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-27 22:47 |只看該作者
No. I just mean that my son's first attempt for his  GCSE exam in 2011 if he really jumps one form.

原帖由 mattsmum 於 10-10-27 21:35 發表
First gcse?
Do you mean there are student who takes gcse twice?

[ 本帖最後由 CPU1995 於 10-10-27 22:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-3 00:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 CPU1995 於 10-10-15 19:58 發表
1. Though state schools do not require to pay school fee, the academic standard are much lower for state schools than public schools not mentioning the facilities. And there are only 32 state schools  ...

Totally Agreed.....   This is the UK Government rule.
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