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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 BB返學頭一兩個月係咪會成日病架?
樓主: MusicTV

BB返學頭一兩個月係咪會成日病架? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-21 14:37 |顯示全部帖子
Out-patient insurance is very expensive and the doctors may not be the one that you want.   I will highly recommend you to buy hospitalisation insurance more unless you don't mind letting your child staying in the Government hospital in serious cases.  I think one of the smartest decision I have made for my kid is buying the later : )

原帖由 venus_mama08 於 10-6-21 14:28 發表
do we need to buy out-patient insurance for them?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-22 09:42 |顯示全部帖子
Mainly 是同學仔傳染 because too many children stayed together for a long time.  Fall sick will be very common in PN and K1, after that, most children will have develop their immune system better and will sick less frequently. So prepared for this when your kid begins schooling.

小曳人, my doctor said for those 氣管敏感 children, if she/he coughts or has running nose, 60% will result in 氣管敏感發作......My kid is one of them, but she refuses to 聞氣, as a result, she needs to intake 氣管敏感 medicine when her 氣管敏感發作 .  The doctor said 聞氣 is not a big deal and is much much better than intaking the medicine.....聞氣的藥沒有吃的藥份量那麼重.So, no need to worry.......

原帖由 kcheng1328 於 10-6-22 00:38 發表

是同學仔傳染???    學校消毒有問題???

or ????   

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-22 11:19 |顯示全部帖子
Based on my previous experience, I note some private hospitals have reserved some beds for the doctors with well connection with it.  So, if you want to stay in private hospital, you must see the doctor with well connection with that hospital.

原帖由 tantanmama 於 10-6-22 10:07 發表

唉, 要留心私家都唔一定有位, 我個女4月時入咗兩次醫院, 一次係肺炎, 一次係發燒~41度. 兩次都入唔到私家. 原來成個九龍嘅私家醫院兒科病房都成日full. 結果兩次都入咗廣華, 連醫生同護士都認得我個女, 幫佢起咗個 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-22 12:44 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, this is why you have to go to the Emergency Unit of those private hospital in case of serious illness in 半夜. We did so and sucessfully admited to the private hospital though it has claimed itself full to the outside doctors.

原帖由 tantanmama 於 10-6-22 12:07 發表

咁啱次次入院都係半夜(發高燒>40度), 私家門診closed.....

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-23 09:42 |顯示全部帖子
That's not a bad idea if your family is financially sound to have you quiting the job.  

原帖由 MusicTV 於 10-6-22 23:03 發表
[They want me to standby at home just in case he is ill and I can take care of him. quote]原帖由 bbnailnail 於 10-6-21 01:13 發表
Why [/quot ...
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