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BoxHill K1 2010 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-19 16:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Anyone will go for BoxHill at Metro Town for K1 in Aug 2010?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-19 21:43 |只看該作者
hv u submitted application?  we'll interview on 26/4.

原帖由 跳跳B 於 10-4-19 16:49 發表
Anyone will go for BoxHill at Metro Town for K1 in Aug 2010?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-19 23:01 |只看該作者

回覆 1# onchai 的文章

how much is the school fee for K1 ? And any comments about this school ?

Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-19 23:02 |只看該作者
Got the offer already. Would like to hear more comments.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-19 23:07 |只看該作者
Tuition fee is 4600/month.  Heard that the one at Ma On Shan is very good.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-19 23:43 |只看該作者

回覆 1# 跳跳B 的文章

so are you planning to let your BB study K1 at boxhill ? I'm planning too but still 15/16 as not much comments about this kinder.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-4-20 09:54 |只看該作者
Did you already pay the registration fee?  Do yo have other offers? I'm also 15/16.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-22 13:40 |只看該作者
box hill 真係好好, 我個小朋友係馬安山果間讀 N 班, 每日返學都勁開心, 而且依家佢英文對答都已經好流利, 加上老師個個都好有愛心, 真係一間好好同有心既幼稚園........不過一諗到上小學問題, 我最后都要好唔捨得甘放棄 box hill, 因為始終都想小朋友讀返傳統小學, 事關讀 box hill 既通常都係考入返讀國際學校

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-22 13:49 |只看該作者
Hi Karen,

Did you make the decision?  I am still struggling.  My twins like the KG and teachers very much, however, we got an offer from Alliance also, we are 50:50 now on whether to switch to local school or not!

Besides, Boxhill K1 has increased tuition fee to $4,150 per mths, together with misc., almost $4,500 per mth, really a heavy burden to us...

How can you overcome the difficulities in giving up its excellant English environment?

原帖由 Karen2009 於 10-4-22 13:40 發表
box hill 真係好好, 我個小朋友係馬安山果間讀 N 班, 每日返學都勁開心, 而且依家佢英文對答都已經好流利, 加上老師個個都好有愛心, 真係一間好好同有心既幼稚園........不過一諗到上小學問題, 我最后都要好唔捨得甘 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-22 21:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 SiuKo 於 10-4-22 13:49 發表
Hi Karen,

Did you make the decision?  I am still struggling.  My twins like the KG and teachers very much, however, we got an offer from Alliance also, we are 50:50 now on whether to switch to local  ...

講真我真係好多謝 BOX HILL 既老師, 因為佢地真係教得好好, 放棄真係好唔捨得, 但我始終都係想小朋友讀傳統小學, 中學及大學, 因為我覺得中文對小朋友未來既發展好重要,  所以最后都係決定放棄 BOX HILL, 事關我唔打算俾佢升讀國際學校
至於英文方面, 其實可以係出面揾外藉老師補, 一個星期 2 堂, 如果負担到咪單對單囉, 如果唔係, 上小組都 OK 架, 只要 KEEP 住俾小朋友接觸英文唔好停更可以了....不過當然無日日用英文甘好啦, 但針無 2 頭利嫲.

如果你想小朋友出外國讀書甘緊係讀國際學校啦, 起碼D課程係跟外國一樣, 雖然佢地個教育方法真係好好但始終都有好多問題要考慮...不過最主要係要考慮你小朋友既性格同埋你想個你小朋友將既發展係點,只要諗通這點, 你更會有答案架啦

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-23 08:54 |只看該作者
Hi Karen,

Actually, we are not targeting international school, but DSS, like Pui Kui, Wong Kam Fai, CKY etc.  As I know, they are all using English as their first teaching language and PTU as 2nd, I doubt that if studying in Box Hill is more appropriate or not!!

What to you think?

原帖由 Karen2009 於 10-4-22 21:48 發表

講真我真係好多謝 BOX HILL 既老師, 因為佢地真係教得好好, 放棄真係好唔捨得, 但我始終都係想小朋友讀傳統小學, 中學及大學, 因為我覺得中文對小朋友未來既發展好重要,  所以最后都係決定放棄 BOX HILL, 事關我唔 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-23 11:21 |只看該作者
Hi Are you Nikki and Chloe's ma? I am Chunchun's ma.

As far as I know, there is no misc fee in Boxhill except the uniform charges.  please clarify me if i am wrong.

I also like Boxhill very much and now in a dilemma of choosing Boxhill or 浸幼.

原帖由 SiuKo 於 10-4-22 13:49 發表
Hi Karen,

Did you make the decision?  I am still struggling.  My twins like the KG and teachers very much, however, we got an offer from Alliance also, we are 50:50 now on whether to switch to local  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-23 11:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 SiuKo 於 10-4-23 08:54 發表
Hi Karen,

Actually, we are not targeting international school, but DSS, like Pui Kui, Wong Kam Fai, CKY etc.  As I know, they are all using English as their first teaching language and PTU as 2nd, I  ...

如果你既 TARGET 你這些學校甘當然都係讀返 BOX HILL 絕對 OK 啦,  因為英文一定好好多, 不過你都要考慮以下情況

1) 黃錦輝 - 佢只會收15% 沙田區既小朋友 ( 即係收得果 10 幾20 個), 除非你個小朋友每科既成績都唔差, 同埋 INTERVIEW 既時候要有出色既表現啦...如果唔係都好難考下

2) 培僑 - 雖然係用英文係對中文要求亦都好高所以你要放多D時間係中文方面既培訓

如果萬一唔好彩,你心目中理想學校唔收,要等大抽獎而又入到一間傳統學校, 你既小朋友會唔會係其他科追得比較辛苦呢? 這點都要考慮一下

其實我小朋友個性格係要管束既, 活動教學唔係太啱佢, 所以我先想佢讀傳統學校, 希望由細細個開始操練佢既紀律, 中文, 數學等等, 希望到佢入小學時希望唔會追得太辛苦

當然英文好重要, 好多父母都希望有一個全英語環境俾小朋友學習, 無奈小朋友將來既競爭唔止只係英文, 所以我會留返D錢俾佢學其他野, 希望佢可以全面D

不過如果係經濟上無乜壓力而絕對負擔到甘緊係想讀乜學乜都 NO PROBLEM 啦

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-23 22:31 |只看該作者
Hi ChunChan ma,

It's me. It's time to make the decision lar...  I am still 15/16.  There is no misc. expense for N class, but will be around $300 for K1 to K3 (as read from the website), so, I think it cost almost $4,500 per mth.

If switch to local KG, tuition fee for English class will be almost $1,500 per mth, assuming 200 per hour and 2 hrs per week, if also go to take PTH class, then tuition fee will be much higher.

Seems studing in Box Hill is not expensive as we think!  But Chinese is also my concern!!  Do you think we are competent to teach KG kids Chinese??  Why do we worry about this??? I sometimes asked myself?

How about you?!  Have to make a choice coz 30th is the deadline!

原帖由 kinyee125 於 10-4-23 11:21 發表
Hi Are you Nikki and Chloe's ma? I am Chunchun's ma.

As far as I know, there is no misc fee in Boxhill except the uniform charges.  please clarify me if i am wrong.

I also like Boxhill very much and ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-23 22:43 |只看該作者
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your sharing.  Actually, why I want them to study DSS is because I afraid I cannot handle the heavy workload in nowadays local school.  I am a working mum, not much time can spend with my kids.  On one hand, I am lazy to take care of their "dictations", "tests" and "projects", on the other hand, I scared that I will lose my temper when handling their school works, which as a result, turn to have an unhappy relationship with my kids.

I do dare if we were not accepted by any DSS, and have to return to local school!  I still got no solution if this happened!  That's why I am still 15/16!

It's really not easy to raise a child in todays HK!!

Ah, one more thing to ask, does Ma On Shan count in Shatin district for the case of applying WKF?

原帖由 Karen2009 於 10-4-23 11:41 發表

如果你既 TARGET 你這些學校甘當然都係讀返 BOX HILL 絕對 OK 啦,  因為英文一定好好多, 不過你都要考慮以下情況

1) 黃錦輝 - 佢只會收15% 沙田區既小朋友 ( 即係收得果 10 幾20 個), 除非你個小朋友每科既成績都 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-23 23:06 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-24 00:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 SiuKo 於 10-4-23 22:43 發表
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your sharing.  Actually, why I want them to study DSS is because I afraid I cannot handle the heavy workload in nowadays local school.  I am a working mum, not much time can spen ...

傳統既小學校都真係好多功課同測驗, 其實係決定讀邊間幼稚園時, 我都係 15/16 但好彩我身邊有好多朋友都同我分享佢地既經驗, 所以係多方面考慮之后, 我先決定放棄 BOX HILL 而選傳統幼稚園, 我始終想我小朋友由幼稚園已經要開始習慣做功課,測驗, 因為當細細個習慣佐返學係要甘既時候, 上小學應該可以應付而唔會追得太辛苦

ANYWAY, 每個父母佢地對小朋友既期望都唔同, 如果你想小朋友接受活動校學, 甘 BOX HILL 絕對係你柸茶

馬安山好似都係沙田區, 所以都係 15% 機會

不過我估收 BOX HILL 既學生機會會大 D 卦, 因為大家都係活動校學而且 BOX HILL 出尼既學生,英文一定無問題再加上你肯多D時間幫小朋友補下中文,應該會優勝 D 既..

其實 BOX HILL 既學生唔係個個都選上國際學校, 有D讀完 K3 都係讀返 LOCAL 小學, 你不妨問下學校D小朋友通常考到邊間 LOCAL 小學, 甘你可以參考下再決定囉

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-24 00:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 skmibb 於 10-4-23 23:06 發表
反觀,本地學校一星期得一堂英普,學 ...

出面好多幼稚園日日都有英文堂果喎...只不過唔係上足 3 個鐘甘解, 其實讀傳統幼稚園唔係等於小接觸英文的, 因為依家好多幼稚園都有 NET 架喇

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-24 00:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 skmibb 於 10-4-23 23:06 發表
反觀,本地學校一星期得一堂英普,學 ...

My girl is studying N1 at FoTan boxhill, just received the 'song book' today, I found the chinese words of 'PTH' songs are quited complicated, such as '螞蟻搬家' '懶惰蟲', it will be great if my girl can learn them through singing!

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-24 02:09 |只看該作者
Really thanks a lot of your sharing!  :  It's so hard to find someone to share my thinking lar!

原帖由 Karen2009 於 10-4-24 00:02 發表

傳統既小學校都真係好多功課同測驗, 其實係決定讀邊間幼稚園時, 我都係 15/16 但好彩我身邊有好多朋友都同我分享佢地既經驗, 所以係多方面考慮之后, 我先決定放棄 BOX HILL 而選傳統幼稚園, 我始終想我小朋友由幼 ...
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