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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 25 mths old boy, speech delay 6 mths! is it really n ...

[聽/語障] 25 mths old boy, speech delay 6 mths! is it really need the special training? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-8 10:07 |只看該作者
Actually some of my clients at the age of 2 years old can sit well at table task for nearly 45 min to 1 hour. But of course we have to vary the tasks and don't bore our children.

But I really understand at home such a free environment, children may not be easily monitored. Better try to reinforce his/her good behavior by giving him/her some food.

Table task for younger children can focus on play skills
1) try to use some blocks (積木) and make different shapes. Say pile up 3 blocks and make your child follow you and also pile up same blocks. Better try to use different colors and make them follow same color patterns. remember to give them some food as reinforcement.

2)  try to get them relate mini dolls and toys (e.g. cars, furnitures). You can try to put the dolls on cars and push to and fro between you two. If they can relate dolls or then push the car towards you, give them some food. (This is really important because usually children with language delay do not know how to play in common ways. We really have to practice 'play skills'. Trust me, once they know how to 'play' properly, it's way easier to teach them speak!)

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-8 10:14 |只看該作者
Refering to your question, '有一日佢會"pang pang" 聲講唔停, 是真的嗎?
You're right. Most of my language delayed cases are like this also (except those with intelligence problem or with autistism). I always refer children language development as 'ladder climbing'. Once they start speaking, they climb directly up efficiently. But don't be too excited because they would also enter a stage of stabilization. This means after "pang pang" 聲 improvement, most of them would need time stabilizing. Therefore, I always teach the parents to hardly push children and do more practice during their 'upward' growth. And during stabilization, we have to re-practice things we teach.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-8 10:24 |只看該作者
Refering to the question, 幾耐ST先可以好似普通小朋友咁

I cannot tell with specific time period because I have not seen your child. But we really have to confirm whether your child has other confounding problems hinder his/her development. (sorry, I don't want to scare you.)

If they are just simple delayed cases (without other problems such as intelligence problems nor autism 自閑), PLUS when mothers learn good parenting skills, some of my cases improve within 3 months. (but of course some of my cases need way longer periods)

I would advise you to keep everyday at least 30 minute play with your child. From time to time you will see great difference/improvement.

Feel free to ask question =).

Work hard!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 14:06 |只看該作者
million thanks for your reply and advise!!!
it's great help to me!

原帖由 SpeechTherapist 於 10-3-8 10:24 發表
Refering to the question, 幾耐ST先可以好似普通小朋友咁

I cannot tell with specific time period because I have not seen your child. But we really have to confirm whether your child has other confoundi ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-8 22:37 |只看該作者
Sorry one more question!
我地現在全部用廣東話同呀仔講野, 只係姐姐有時英有時中, 因為佢唔能夠全英/全中. 不過姐姐會在月中走喇, 新的姐姐只會講中文.

我地一向都有比英文DVD佢睇(not more than 30 mins everyday), 因為要kill time. 我想問可唔可以比佢睇定唔再比佢睇?


原帖由 SpeechTherapist 於 10-3-8 10:24 發表
Refering to the question, 幾耐ST先可以好似普通小朋友咁

I cannot tell with specific time period because I have not seen your child. But we really have to confirm whether your child has other confoundi ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-3-11 12:07 |只看該作者
Do feel free to asking question. I love sharing with parents.

Actually I have writted an article about this DVD/TV watching. (let me know if you want the link of the articles).

I understand you have to rely on DVD watching for killing time. Less than 30 min is ok. If possible, show only Chinese/Cantonese DVD because your child is still too young. Even your Cantonese speaking maid arrives, please spend most of your time interacting with your child. It's so important for the child to hear/listen to your tones (Cantonese tones). Some of my cases got tonal problems or speech articulation errors after interacting with 'Cantonese-speaking' maids for some time.  

Here you go with an abstract of recommendations. (may not be totally applicable to your case. Take it as reference)


1)      為小孩訂出看電視的時間表:
若完全不讓小孩看,媽媽可能沒有時間作家務,根本不切實際。但看還看,小孩應該學會時間觀念,遵守父母定下的時間表。明白道理的小孩可以在「獎勵制度」下看電視,如能完成某項工作可賺到15 分鐘電視時間。

2)      一起看
家長應陪伴子女一同觀看,如情況許可,家長可與子女 role play 電視/DVD的內容,讓小孩可以親身感受劇中的內容,有助語言 (包括口語及非口語)的發展。

3)      親子遊戲
看還看,家長應每天抽最少30分鐘 (當然可以更多)與兒童一起玩耍‧要記著,親切遊戲是真正的親子,假手於人 (家傭) 不算是親子!

4)      多閱讀
從少便要小孩養成閱讀習慣。我有一些語言發展遲緩的學生年紀輕輕,約兩歲已可以坐定定看整本圖書 (當然只是圖文並茂簡單的書籍)。

5)      小心選擇

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-11 22:24 |只看該作者
million thanks!
i want to read the article, please send the link to me.

we have attended the first training on Monday, our speech therapist surprised that my son has a great improvement since he saw him 2 weeks ago.  Because my husband and I force him to talk and play some table task as you taught us.  We will continue to do so and do the assignment (table task) everyday around 30 mins and hope that he can speak ASAP.

Re watching TV/DVD, we do not have Cantonese DVD and we still play the Eng. DVD to him (less then 30 mins) everyday.  In the afternoon, my mum will watch news (Cantonese) and my son will sit next to her to watch.  I think it is okay as he can listen more Cantonese, am i right.  And sometimes, my mum will give him to watch Catonese Cartoon... i don't know it is good or not????

my son loves to read books, he likes to point out the object and the words and request me to read it out.  In fact, he can sit for 15 mins to ask me to read the book to him, repeat repeat and repeat, but all in Eng. when i read in Chinese, he will go away.  What do you think?  

Thanks for your sharing and great help!
原帖由 SpeechTherapist 於 10-3-11 12:07 發表
Do feel free to asking question. I love sharing with parents.

Actually I have writted an article about this DVD/TV watching. (let me know if you want the link of the articles).

I understand you h ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-16 00:37 |只看該作者
we just attended the behaviour therapy tonight, the therapist said my son is quite 心急, 自我, 有的固執. need to observe him more before diagnosis he has 固執行為.

i search the website tonigth and found that speech dealy + 固執行為 can be autism, is that right?

but i recalled the 兒科醫生from the health centre said that he just has speech delay but not autism otherwise she will refer me to do the assessment in Gov. evaluation centre.

my speech therapist are also said that he didn't think he is autism but need to observe longer.

how can I help my son to improve his behaviour? in fact, his performance tonight at the centre is totally different from home such as i asked him to clean up, he will do it but tonight, he didn't do it and cry a lot.  the therapy asked him to give me a ball, he didn't do it. but he will do it at home .... what do you think? pls give me your professional advise, i am too hurry, thanks!

原帖由 SpeechTherapist 於 10-3-4 15:06 發表
I can tell all of my speech delayed cases have 行為問題, I suggest mothers to keep your children at least 5-15 minutes table tasks everyday. Once they started to maintain their staying over the seats, ...

發表於 10-3-18 10:21 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-1 00:31 |只看該作者
Don't worry, I suggest you to wait for few more months, there are too many ads and sometimes "diseases" are created by those therapists
Better trust those in the government

發表於 10-7-8 13:33 |只看該作者
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