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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 港生英語能力持續「插水」語文教育政策為「罪魁禍首」 ...
樓主: Kanba

港生英語能力持續「插水」語文教育政策為「罪魁禍首」 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-4 13:59 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 75# oooray 的文章

Very funny/upset comment and to the point. All we can do is avoid the system to spoil our kid but on the other hand only the present system will likely direct our kid to the local U (unless the local U's change their policy fast enough as they wish to because they actually knows the problem)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-4 14:32 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 77# Kanba 的文章

In my view, two different aspect. The ultimate system and the process to this objective. For early pri. section, most of the DSS/private school are doing quite good (encourage reading, discussion, project preparation/presentation etc.). Then for the upper pri., all schools (DSS, gov, sub) start to push the student to the very "effective learning" for high marks and allocation result. This leds to top 20% student still has the motivation but the remaining will be ignored (no matter willing or not(parent/school)). If you were the kid, will they still has the interest to learn when every time they score very low marks and acused by the parent/school?

Discuss later, in a hurry.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-8 20:58 |顯示全部帖子

continue 76# father_ho 的文章

Sorry for so late to continue,

The ultimate goal is the student to learn under pleasure (not pressure). The system now is under comparsion with your kids classmate, same age group student etc by the force exerted by school, parent both. The ED actually knows well and try to change it but with the against pressure by those parent (still believe in no pain no gain) and the sticky teachers (mostly from traditional teaching mode). ED surrendered and one generation will still to be missed out.

Some may always say how to know the progress of the student, actually the parent should know the best and not to impose unrealistic goal for the kids. Entering the so call EMI school or even U's doesn't mean anything. As I said before the bottom 40% of the U's graduate will find very difficult to survive since they will not eager to the low end job but their performance actually are just so so.

The process to the above objective in HK is very difficult since lots of parties interest need to be take care and will take tens of years to do so. Must later than those of the education reform  in China about 10 years later (please remind this date and see if my projection is true or not).

The only conclusion is try your best to get away from this system and let your kids to feel the interest of learning but not the result (marks itself).

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