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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 有冇英基幼稚園comment?
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有冇英基幼稚園comment? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-1 00:19 |顯示全部帖子
Hi oooray,

My girl is now in YMCA PreK and we are waiting for the K1 result from ESF TY.  We target to get into ESF primary or RC and thus we applied ESF TY so as to secure a chance for the ESF and RC interview.

However, some of my friends told me that the English standard for ESF TY is poor and the playground langugage used by the kid there is basically Cantonese.  Is that the case?  And my friends also told me that even though the ESF kinder kids would have a chance for interview, the reject rate is not low as well.  And that's why my friends suggest me to stay with YMCA to further strengthen my girl's English to well equip for the ESF English acceptance interview.

I understand that this might be be an easy question to answer.  Can I share your views?

BTW, may I also share your views why you would like to have your kid to pursue an international way of study in HK, given that the emphasis/expectation  in Chinese must be increasing in the coming years?

Many thanks!!

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