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教育王國 討論區 教材閱讀 如何幫助孩子抵抗電子遊戲機的誘惑?
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如何幫助孩子抵抗電子遊戲機的誘惑? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-9-13 23:23 |顯示全部帖子
Not sure yet if I'll succeed in luring my 6 yo son willingly away from computer games and computer play, here's what I do and hope it works in the long run.

(1) Will definitely not buy any games
(2) Tell him why it's bad for him
(3) Get him heavily involved in reading and sports and other activities, hence he has not time for games nor think about games; best if he can be good in at least one activity, say swimming, so he thrives in swimming and not games
(4) Share the same study room with him ie both our desks are in the same room; alternatively, put the computer in the living room.

I note also it is not possible to stop games/ computer play completely, but one day, when he suggests, with full proposal, how he will manage his time and game play, eg half hour once a week and only after all work is completed etc, then, I think I'll relax the rules and buy him a game so he can learn to manage and control his time and desire. But guess that will be some time away and in the meanwhile, may consider letting him play games only when he visits his friends' place.
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