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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Tutor Time refuse to refund deposit
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Tutor Time refuse to refund deposit

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-17 17:50 |顯示全部帖子
I school fee but my child stays home.  Fine! But What has school done for the school fee I paid.  It is total unreasonable that I still need to pay for July 2009 as no school duing the period.  Tutor Time should refund the deposit I paid.  

But they say no refund of deposit.

So, be careful before your children enroll Tutor Time.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-17 22:34 |顯示全部帖子
well, you're not the only one in this situation. You only paid deposit ? Most parents in HK have to pay for the tuition, and no, we are not getting the fees refunded. That is part of the sacrifice with this H1N1 situation.

Why should Tutor time return your deposit  for july? it hasn't been determined that there is no classes in July.

Summer courses in many int'l schools are NOT under the jurisdiction of EDB..... it's not considered "normal" classes... so summer classes are like extracurricular classes. So most likely, your class will go on in July, whether you want your child to go or not is your decision.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-18 12:51 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 2# Pianokc 的文章

I am suffering too.  However, be reasonable, all the teachers are still getting the salary.  If the school refund you back, where can the money come from?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-18 15:19 |顯示全部帖子
雖然有H1N1, 但係每一間學校都總要交租, 出糧比啲教師架嘛...
如果個個家長都要退錢... 咁仲得了...

況且, 我記得想當年SARS時, 我仲讀緊U... 交晒一個Sem.既學費, (嗰度都幾萬蚊~), 咪又係無得退...
唔該理智啲, 合理啲啦~   

唔可以因為咁而暢衰tutor time... (我個仔都係嗰度學生都係咁話~)

發表於 09-6-18 19:05 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-18 19:48 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 wai_wai_121 於 09-6-18 15:19 發表
雖然有H1N1, 但係每一間學校都總要交租, 出糧比啲教師架嘛...
如果個個家長都要退錢... 咁仲得了...

況且, 我記得想當年SARS時, 我仲讀緊U... 交晒一個Sem.既學費, (嗰度都幾萬蚊~), 咪 ...
2005年9月1日出生的Ryan重2.95kg, 係飲全人奶到21個月大的。而家已經有29磅5安士重喇!
9月1日 2.95Kg / 9月 10日 3.12Kg / 9月 15日 3.3Kg / 9月 17日 3.46Kg / 9月 24日 3.75Kg / 10月7日 4.44Kg / 10月20日 4.99Kg /11月18日 6.50Kg / 12月03日 6.62Kg / 1月17日 7.31Kg / 9月12日 9.50Kg / 10月28日 10.00Kg / 1月2日 11.00Kg / 4月20日 12.00Kg

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-19 14:52 |顯示全部帖子
Fully supported. Such smear is not acceptable.

原帖由 wai_wai_121 於 09-6-18 15:19 發表
雖然有H1N1, 但係每一間學校都總要交租, 出糧比啲教師架嘛...
如果個個家長都要退錢... 咁仲得了...

況且, 我記得想當年SARS時, 我仲讀緊U... 交晒一個Sem.既學費, (嗰度都幾萬蚊~), 咪 ...