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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 有個資優兒係唔係好?
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有個資優兒係唔係好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-7-18 22:17 |顯示全部帖子
Share my experience - i suspect my daughter is gifted child, she is 6 now. below is her development:

1. she speaks late when she was 3, when just 3.5 year old, she speaks sentences then.

2. 3.5 -4 year old, she can read a lot of english simple sentences just like" a boy in red cap is sitting under the tree". but no one teach her, she just listen her elder sister tapes.

3. 5 - 6 years old, already read books with a lot of english or chinese. english books like magic tree grade 5 or above. chinese books like "mouse reporter".

4. Now she is 6, already able to read more of her p.4 sister books.

But behevior is moody and not able to control by herself, she don't scare teachers, always angry.

I think she is very sensitive...


原帖由 yokolee 於 09-6-16 17:49 發表
it's because I have attended some seminar and read some books before. And they explained that usually gifted children will have emotional/behaviourial problem. They usually have a higher grade of inte ...
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