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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 閃咭學習有暗患?
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-19 15:38 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-19 21:28 |顯示全部帖子
之前, 我都同你一樣, 15/16架.  我係阿女2歲之前, 都有諗過用flash card 架.  之後, 都有留意BK, 見到好多人用左flash card, 好似有好高的成效.

不過, 阿女根本唔睬我, 閃唔夠幾日, 佢又悶時, 我又悶.  總覺得, flash card怪怪的.  以前d人都不用閃, 都學到嘢, 點解我要閃.... 很多問號.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-7 12:15 |顯示全部帖子


台灣宜家流行七田真教學法, 都係閃紅點卡.

原帖由 cup-noodle 於 08-12-19 15:38 發表
有蒙特梭利幼兒教育家話用閃咭學習,會令孩子患上「高腦波症候群」,兒童會有情緒及專注力問題,病徵通常會在數年後才出現,有無家長有這類經驗呀?仲話台灣已經唔再用閃咭學習!我現在十五十六,都唔知比唔比BB用閃咭學習好。 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-8 13:36 |顯示全部帖子

原帖由 淇淇寶寶 於 09-1-7 12:15 發表
台灣宜家流行七田真教學法, 都係閃紅點卡.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-1-9 14:35 |顯示全部帖子
I think it depends how you use the cards.

From a research point of view, young children will develop 專注力問題 if they see a lot of flashing (閃來閃去).  This is the same reason why researchers do not recommend babies watching TV, as the TV screen in a baby's brain is a lot of 閃來閃去, even though it is just simple cartoon with a wonderful story time.

I think Montessori is an excellent teaching method, but if you are not flashing the cards a lot, nor forcing them to recognize a lot of things in a short period of time, I don't see why we cannot make good use of the cards.

I simply read the cards to my children, show them what's there, as if I am reading a book to them.  They can hold the cards and enjoy them too.  I never take the flash card approach, so the process can go really slow.  e.g. 5 cards for 5 minutes per day.  I try to do it everyday.  It works well for me, from ages 1 to 5.

After saying all these, my opinion is: Develop the love of reading is the most important 1st step in literacy, no matter you choose to use flash cards or not.  

Once they love reading, everything is possible after a few years, from learning new words, teaching morals, and all other subject areas.

That's my 2 cents.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-1-9 23:44 |顯示全部帖子

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-1-21 15:05 |顯示全部帖子
我冇咩特別經驗要分享, 只係在bb 5-6個月大時開始用閃咭, 由於佢當時較年幼又肯坐定定, 咪閃比佢睇. 但隨住佢越來越大(而家14個月), 我已經唔係閃, 而係佢有興趣圖卡就比佢睇耐d, 摸下. 雖然我唔知咁樣係"好"定係"唔好", 但個人認為觀察bb的興趣和需要, 遠比跟住書本或理論的教學重要. bb鍾意咪睇耐d, 唔鍾意就真係"閃"咗去, 總之唔好令佢覺得悶.

仲有, 我發現bb有時鍾意我將d咭放响sofa上(一張張排開). 大家不妨試下.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-2-12 05:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 cup-noodle 於 08-12-19 15:38 發表
有蒙特梭利幼兒教育家話用閃咭學習,會令孩子患上「高腦波症候群」,兒童會有情緒及專注力問題,病徵通常會在數年後才出現,有無家長有這類經驗呀?仲話台灣已經唔再用閃咭學習!我現在十五十六,都唔知比唔比BB用閃咭學習好。 ...

唔知有關嘅報導,可以喺邊度睇到/ 知多d呢?

Rank: 4

發表於 09-2-21 14:21 |顯示全部帖子
"有蒙特梭利幼兒教育家話...."  係唔係太子個個教育家呀?  我都聽過, 因為我上佢堂時我阿仔已經3-4 year-old, 我發現她說好多的3-4year-old 以下的事也不太正確, 好偏激, 不過人家要做生意, 我費時出聲

我阿仔現在5歲, 半歲開始用flash card , 沒有情緒及專注力問題, 還很有創意, 有同理心, 中文同英文都是全班最好, 其實, 時間是最好的明證, 有問題, 就唔會用到現在, 它的歷史大過妳同我

其實Montesorri 都很好, 兩者沒有如太子的"教育家"所說的有扺觸性。

不過我是一個全職媽媽, 這一點值得一些在職媽媽買了狄士尼美語而不斷讓孩子watch 佢地的dvd留意, 真係唔係咁好, 我見過因些而令孩子大到四﹑五歲要接受語言治療, 不過, 如果有系統的讓孩子利用那套教材, 其實它是很好很有效的, 不過Engaging 一同學習是最重要, 另外, 懂得cross reference 也很重要, 玩具加書加dvd加poster有很多cross reference 的, 在dvd 見到一些scene, 如果在poster 也有, 要pause 左部dvd, 然後抱bb到poster 到指一指相同的畫面, bb立刻會打一個突, wow, 好利害呀!  之後, bb 會學得怏好多

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-2-21 14:26 |顯示全部帖子

發表於 09-2-24 01:22 |顯示全部帖子
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Rank: 6Rank: 6


發表於 09-2-25 17:02 |顯示全部帖子
我睇過glenn doman/七田真, 先學montesorri.. 坦白講, 我覺得flash card太唔人性化, 我自己閃唔落手, 都唔知自己做緊乜! 反而如果睇咗圖書/見過實物後, 再教個字, 阿仔就好易記得, 之後再俾字咭都認到喇!

我覺得Daisy係有d"自己啱哂~人地嗰d好落後", 不過又唔覺得係因為做生意, 所以hard sell~ 香港比外國其實地方慢係事實! Montesorri 開到有大學係一種肯定, 但係~ 係咪對於其他理論就係錯嘅呢? 我唔知.. anyways, flash card is not my cup of tea, 我只會同阿仔玩字咭, 但唔會flash!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-2 23:26 |顯示全部帖子
I started flashing my son when he was about 6 mths. First started with English cards, and then with Chinese cards. I found it a very effective method for him to learn words. He is now 25 mths and can read almost 300 English words and over 100 Chinese words. That is very important for developing his interest in reading.

Having said that, I also agree with mandy2003 that "cross-reference" is the key to learning. Afterall, babies and children learn things through repeating the same thing over and over again. Whether you do the "flashing" action is less important in my point of view. I also let my son play with the cards as he like --- he likes putting them all on the floor and walk on them while speaking them out loudly. He finds it as game only, not anything about learning.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-3-22 18:57 |顯示全部帖子
我知BK 有很多蒙媽, 上過堂,蒙特梭利幼兒教育家是怎樣說閃卡的, 可以分享一下嗎....

原帖由 cup-noodle 於 08-12-19 15:38 發表
有蒙特梭利幼兒教育家話用閃咭學習,會令孩子患上「高腦波症候群」,兒童會有情緒及專注力問題,病徵通常會在數年後才出現,有無家長有這類經驗呀?仲話台灣已經唔再用閃咭學習!我現在十五十六,都唔知比唔比BB用閃咭學習好。 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-3-23 23:23 |顯示全部帖子
wah kerkermui, it seems like i have read everything you read too! i read glenn doman/七田真 first, then i'm reading more about montessori. but i really do believe that the right brain method (glenn doman/七田真) and montessori can work concurrently. both break down information into individual pieces so babies/toddlers can absorb easily. but right brain/flash card method is more passive learning, where as montessori is more active learning. but the flashcard method, if used as guided by glenn doman/七田真 and not just buy the materials and flash, they should allow the parents to create a fun and loving atmosphere for the children to learn! the montessori method, on the other hand, trains children to be independent and to explore things on their own.

but anyways, it all depends how much time mommy has... =P the important thing is that the baby is having fun!

原帖由 kerkermui 於 09-2-25 17:02 發表
我睇過glenn doman/七田真, 先學montesorri.. 坦白講, 我覺得flash card太唔人性化, 我自己閃唔落手, 都唔知自己做緊乜! 反而如果睇咗圖書/見過實物後, 再教個字, 阿仔就好易記得, 之後再俾字咭都認到喇!

我覺得Da ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-3-24 00:22 |顯示全部帖子
我都聽過話flash card唔好。但我認為兩者都是好的,兩者可以並存。

原帖由 mandy2003 於 09-2-21 14:21 發表
"有蒙特梭利幼兒教育家話...."  係唔係太子個個教育家呀?  我都聽過, 因為我上佢堂時我阿仔已經3-4 year-old, 我發現她說好多的3-4year-old 以下的事也不太正確, 好偏激, 不過人家要做生意, 我費時出聲

我阿仔現在5 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-3 01:17 |顯示全部帖子
Doman does NOT just ask us to flash cards. He emphasises on physical activities even more. Doman kids at the Philladelphia centre runs a quarter of a mile a day, do log rolls, sommersaults, brachiate etc etc on a daily basis. The most important Doman book is NOT How to Teach Your Child to Read but Teach Your Child to Physical Superbness.

Physical activities develop the brain, much more so than flashing cards. Flashing cards without the physical element CAN lead to all sorts of problems, incl lack of concentration etc. I have seen that in many kids. Of course, each person's brain is different. Some are NOT affected by flashing withOUT the physical side. These kids are lucky.

But as a mother, if one is to start flashing cards, "buy the insurance" and ensure you do the physical activities as recommended by Doman. O/w you may regret at a later stage when the child has some issues.

In fact, if you read Glen Doman's books carefully, you'd find that his "prescription" for kids are a combination of physical activities, word cards, music and foreign languages. They come as a complete basket, not for us to take some and leave some out.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-4-6 00:34 |顯示全部帖子
有台灣幼教專家講過 "過度使用"閃卡學習有暗患
但識字僅代表對語文運用有幫助, 而非識字就是一切
家長進行homeschool時應仔細衡量並 可以參考課程發展處
有需要的話除多參與研討會去了解之外, 最好對有興趣的教學方法都去買/借本書來看, 事實上, 那些兒童中心主任或導師/教材顧問不是每個都有真正的幼兒教育資格. (單單拿著蒙氏導師資格是不能註冊為教師, 不獨香港如是, 澳紐亦是)
況且蒙 氏導師資格也有是否正宗及是否國際認可之別,  真正的國際認可課程, 香港無得讀. 去揀教育中心也要小心看看導師資格.
同樣地GD的人類潛能發展會也不是個個都懂教育的, 但在研究方面是肯定在行.
閃卡的教材顧問更不用說, 他們只會用神童的標準來量度孩子的智能. 然後說幾歲前做不到甚麼就是落後了, 而解決的方法就是買他們的教材.
不過, 日本的七田教育中心, 好像大部分的導師真是真的老師, 如非正式師範畢業, 好像只能做助教.(只是好像)

話說回來, 我個仔有閃過卡, 但那不是全部, 現在在一間有蒙特梭利影子的幼兒園讀2歲班, 校長有蒙氏証書, (雖不是那兩間國際認可的, 但該機構是蒙氏後人有份direct), 主任都是教育master, 他們都沒認為我個仔有任何暗患or 學習隱憂. 而且十分精靈醒目.

我個人認為, 如果把閃卡用在量化孩子的識字量, 那是絶對有問題的. 太多人並不知道, 閃卡在GD或在SHICHIDA都只是一小部分, 而且只是每日三數分鐘in total而不是日夜不停的閃.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 09-4-13 15:06 |顯示全部帖子
我從來都睇唔出閃來閃來學習的用意同成效, 也都覺得太子"蒙記教肯學家" 對某d 野係存有偏激的態度.  總是覺得方間各大小機構為了生意, 會想一點點卓頭, 會找某些方法標榜成效, 令父母深信不異,  而個個走去上佢地既堂, 用d 咩card , 咩法去令自己既小朋友比人叻.  其實, 有無諗個當中係唔係真係work 同合小朋友呢?!

用 flash card or video 也不是我杯茶, 因好無聊.
字卡/圖係會用, 但唔會同個仔玩閃來閃去.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-13 20:38 |顯示全部帖子
某一年齡的識字量, 是否 = 閱讀的興趣呢? 閱讀不單為增加知識, 也為培養品味, 我唔知 flash cards 成效如何, 雖然我兩個小朋友都有用, 但肯定唔可以作為唯一培養閱讀興趣及能力的方法. 而且小朋友的生活亦不止讀書嘛. 視覺聽覺亦唔係唯一感官.

至於咩咩腦咩波咩病....我認為唔係無可能, 如果真係極端到只 flash cards, 其他活動一概欠奉....