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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 點解想入DBSPD/DGS ?
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點解想入DBSPD/DGS ? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-17 15:59 |顯示全部帖子
Mostly agree with Littlecat.  DBSPD's syllabus is supposed to be 1 to 2 years ahead of many other schools. The reason why people find it acceptable is because most people will take additional classes outside school.

As for the tests, they are tough, but you will definitely pass if you can keep up with what's taught at school.  If you want 90-100% then your kid must be very careful and spot all the trick questions.  Attending extra lessons outside school may help in some cases.

All in all, my son loves going to school, so it can't be that bad.  Hope this helps.

原帖由 COP 於 08-12-17 11:44 發表
Hi Littlecat

我對dbspd的了解不多, 但對於學校的資源及課程理念都欣賞. 不過,好奇想問一問, 我聽人說過: 這裡功課不多, 平日教的都不算太深, 但考試卻很深, 故此, 很需要家長自己下功夫, 自己教孩子更多知識.

請 ...

[ 本帖最後由 ttpp 於 08-12-18 08:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-12-18 09:15 |顯示全部帖子

You are welcome. Just remember that no school is perfect, even within a good school there are good and less good teachers. civic's son is lucky to have one of the good ones.  And there are always those people who complain no matter how good things are, so you have to make your own judgment.

We are very lucky to be accepted by a school that we think is good enough, and that my son enjoys studying in, with many friends from his kindergarten(s). We feel that it is important for our son to make good friends, and with the good school spirit of DBS, we hope these friendships can be very long lasting (way beyond his school life).

Good luck with your decision.

Cheers, ttpp

原帖由 COP 於 08-12-17 23:56 發表
Many thanks civic and ttpp,

你地很清晰地分享出小朋友們學習的情況. 我想很多時很多評語都是一傳十, 十傳百, 傳的過程中出現不少偏差. 所以可能起初是中性的描述,最後變成負面的評價! 可惜, 可惜 :cryi ...
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