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有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級& [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 04-7-13 10:02 |只看該作者

有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級馒惠到14/7為止,但現在還是心大心細!

现在只需HK$6300就可買到Wide Eye,還送埋Disney's Magic Engllish,好似好吸引,但又怕買了用唔着,老公又話贵,到底值唔值?各位買了这套教材的媽咪可唔可以講我知呢?

啊!还有我BB現在18個月大,看緊World Family3萬幾套教材,是否需要再買呢 ?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-13 15:07 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級馒惠

As I know, the English of "Wide Eye" is English style while Disney is US style. I have asked the consultant the above question. But her answer is not very convincing. But I think the "Wide Eye" is quite expensive. Your baby is small. I suggest you to consider the "Wide Eye" when your baby can fully utilized the DWE first. It is because the materials in the DWE are quite sufficient.

Besides, you can use your money to buy other material, e.g. chinese, maths, etc. No need to pinpoint in the products from Disney.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-13 16:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級馒惠


I advise you not to waste money on  buying Wide-Eye.  

The reasons :

(1) Wide-Eye = Many activity books , that can be easily bought from book shop.
(2) 香港 Magic English is 100% = 大陸版 Magic English, 不過多咗Flash Cards + cd
(3) 我買咗之後從來無用過, 呀!  只係用過佢張打橫的poster, 貼係sofa 後面, 幾好用。
(4) bk 無咩媽咪贊過佢好
(5) English is very fast and difficult.
(6) You can buy Wide-Eye from other source with cheaper price.
(7) If you don't mind 2nd hand, I really want to sell this rubbish out.
(8) If your baby is using DWE, if you don't think it is still not enough, English-Time / GC products is a good choice.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-7-13 16:35 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級馒惠

馬媽媽 & Lily 2003:

    多谢您們给我的寶貴意見! 我好開心呀!

     我本來真是有股衝動去買(暪住老公買),但現在聽完您們的意見後,我决定唔買了!舒服晒!因為终於made up my mind! Thank you for your advice       

      老實講,即使我買了Disney 套full set 教材给BB,我都是不太懂去運用,都是胡里胡塗地用。 因為實在太多教材,我也没有太多時間去研究。 如果再買多套,我可能更加會亂七八漕,又或者都是放埋一面,都係唔好啦!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-14 17:42 |只看該作者

Re: 有冇媽咪買左迪士尼 - Wide Eye教材?好唔好?可唔可以俾的意見我?因為升級馒惠

Dear ABC Ma Ma,

You can ask the consultant to learn how to use that materials or you can read the parents' guide accompanied with the sing along and play along. Or you can read the advice at the related topic of DWE in BK from the other member.

Hope the above can help you.
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