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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 請問有冇人已收DGJS interview信 ?
樓主: redfacewai

請問有冇人已收DGJS interview信 ? [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-10-6 13:32 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-6 14:08 |只看該作者
Do they interview with parent ?

發表於 08-10-6 16:11 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-7 13:52 |只看該作者
Will not interview with parent!

琴日 6/10 早上in咗, 想同各位未in的家長分享一下 :
9:30   到達 & 登記 (in嘅時間係9:45, 各位不用太
          早到,否則工作人員叫你遲啲再嚟), 然後企喺度等
9:45  上二樓一間房, 交成績表、住址證明...
          然後喺房等, 約8-10個小朋友(未計家長),
          房內有很多中、英文故事書比小朋友睇, 囡囡
          等到好唔耐煩, 成日問幾時走,
10:25 去校長房門外等, 果度望到泳池同籃球場, 囡囡
10:40 終於等倒囡囡in, 係2個女仔一齊in
10:50 in 完

以下係囡囡話番比我知個過程 :
校長叫我同另外個姐姐搓包剪X, 搓贏答先, 我地搓咗5盤都係和, 禁校長叫我地合埋眼搓, 我輸咗, 校長叫我揀本書然後坐後少少睇, 我揀咗一本叫”library”嘅英文書 (我問佢啲書係唔係有英文同中文,佢話唔知),

跟住到佢答, 全程用中文問 :

邊個同你一齊嚟? 爸爸、媽媽做咩嘢? (囡囡話爸爸整電腦、媽媽教姐姐煑飯---笑死我哋!)
問果啲都係日常生活嘅嘢, 不過唔知囡囡有冇講漏 !
跟住校長拖住囡囡出嚟, 各位家長記住提囡囡講bye bye!
校長都好有笑容, 工作人員及老師較嚴肅, 但好有禮禮 !

祝各位BKparent 好運! 囝囝囡囡都入到心儀嘅學校 !

原帖由 Coletteli 於 08-10-6 14:08 發表
Do they interview with parent ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 23:35 |只看該作者
Dear Skateboardp,

Thank you sooooo much for your sharing. I think SPCC is really a good choice.  Hope my daughter has the luck to join this great family.

Good luck to you too. We can share the result later.

原帖由 skateboardp 於 08-10-5 18:12 發表

hi civic,

i have loved this school ever since i was a kid... my parents were catholic and they sent me to study at wah yan... but i had a best friend who went to SPCC...  we grew up together and i  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 23:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 candy_kent 於 08-10-6 11:45 發表

照你咁講你同spcc真係情以結得好深厚,  我相信你囡囡都有好大機會入到既, 起碼佢由得co-ed校長in得既, 個機會點都比由老師in而入到既大, co-ed d家長係咁講既, 所以比d信心佢啦, 既然所有學校你已經 ...

thanks candy_kent! 我哋好相信天上嘅父親最清楚女兒最適合邊間學校... 靜待結果中... 默默地禱告...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 23:47 |只看該作者
原帖由 civic 於 08-10-7 23:35 發表
Dear Skateboardp,

Thank you sooooo much for your sharing. I think SPCC is really a good choice.  Hope my daughter has the luck to join this great family.

Good luck to you too. We can share the resul ...

hi civic,

i pray that both of us will have good news to share :)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-7 23:59 |只看該作者
Hi Skateboardp,

I really hope that your child can be accepted by SPCC since you are falling in love with this school indeed.  In fact, your message really moves me.  If my boy is got accepted (hard to believe), I really struggle whether I should put him in.  I talked to a few SPCC graduates, some are 20+, some are almost 40+, they all said that they felt so much pressure in their school life because all the SPCC folks were so rich and so smart.  I wonder if it would make my son loses confidence as people around him are so so smart and well-off.   My friend who graduated there insist not to apply or send his boys there.  Seems very extreme...  

原帖由 skateboardp 於 08-10-5 18:12 發表

hi civic,

i have loved this school ever since i was a kid... my parents were catholic and they sent me to study at wah yan... but i had a best friend who went to SPCC...  we grew up together and i  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 02:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 rtam 於 08-10-7 23:59 發表
Hi Skateboardp,

I really hope that your child can be accepted by SPCC since you are falling in love with this school indeed.  In fact, your message really moves me.  If my boy is got accepted (hard t ...

hi rtam,

i totally understand the comments from your friends... aren't we in a world that money and knowledge ultimately determines how successful one is? it seems inevitable... and it would be naive not to acknowledge that this is indeed what the real world is like...

however it does not mean that this is what our values of life should be... there is so much more in the meaning of life than just being smart and rich... and this is exactly what we as parents and the school need to work together to educate the next generation... we all know that not everyone can be smart and rich... it's just not possible... there will always be an uneven distribution of wealth, and not everyone can become albert einstein! however everyone can be good and kind, as long as one chooses to... don't you agree?

which is more important to you? or should i say, what comes first? do you want your son to grow up becoming a rich and smart guy? or do you want him to become a kind gentleman with a caring heart?

i guess the answer is both :) (yeah don't get me wrong... i am not saying that they are mutually exclusive :) in fact they mustn't be!) but when it comes to which is more important, to me at least, it will always be having a loving and caring heart... As a father, my number one priority would be to raise my daughter to become a good, kind and loving person... (and as a Christian father, i have an even higher priorty: to lead my daughter to God, which is why i would pick SPCC over others) I need to teach my daughter that and I also need a school that teaches that... i sincerely hope that you do not become discouraged by your friends' comments... SPCC's motto is Faith, Hope, Love... it is not Fame, Wealth, Intelligence... i truly believe the school teaches kids what its motto stands for... at least I could see that in most of the SPCC folks that I have met in my life... it's a real pity that your friends did not enjoy their school years like my friends did...

the other thing is, things that we care about more... things that we hold on tight to... are things that give us pressure in life... Have you seen Star Wars? I am a huge fan of Star Wars and I think the life of Anakin teaches us a very good lesson... he was a real good man... talented and smart... but there were too much in his life that he held on to too tight... he could not learn to let go and became a very miserable man... and ended up becoming a monster that we all know as Darth Vader...

Kids watch us... they imitate us... a lot of what we do, determines what they will become... so it starts with us... we are their role models... let our lives be a good testimonies... and plant those good values into their little minds...

God bless you and your son!

(i guess we should take SPCC discussion back to the appropriate post... this is a DGS post... sorry to all parents :p )

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-8 09:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 rtam 於 08-10-7 23:59 發表
Hi Skateboardp,

I really hope that your child can be accepted by SPCC since you are falling in love with this school indeed.  In fact, your message really moves me.  If my boy is got accepted (hard t ...

不過,我自己都遇唔少新舊spcc學生,自己個小朋友都讀緊,又真係唔覺有人話壓力大叫人唔好入spcc,我覺得每個家長反而都好proud of being spcc一份子。而且亦唔覺話全都係有錢人覺得好懸殊,做同學都唔涉及金錢瓜葛,唔需要刻意計有冇錢係米?
問心講,響香港教育制度下,邊間學校冇壓力?何況係top school?好視乎自己的心態,有時壓力都係自己給自己的吧!唔好計較及比較小朋友同大人都應該會開心d。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 11:24 |只看該作者

There are different people in all schools, not just SPCC. It really depends on how you educate your children how to work out with different classmate instead of get away from them. They should learn how to judge and make decision. That applies to the real society ! How can you get away ? My son is studying in another famous school, there are a lot of rich and smart people but they are still very very nice. Some how, they may perform even nice because they don't want people to put "color glasses" onto their children because they are rich ! I also saw some kids who are not rich or smart, but never want to share. What I teach my son is he has his option to choose whoever you want to be friend. As long as he feel comfortable, that's fine. He is doing very well and stay happily everyday.

So, don't worry too much.
原帖由 rtam 於 08-10-7 23:59 發表
Hi Skateboardp,

I really hope that your child can be accepted by SPCC since you are falling in love with this school indeed.  In fact, your message really moves me.  If my boy is got accepted (hard t ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 13:07 |只看該作者
Thanks for all your sharing.  I should I better feedback in SPCC post.  

原帖由 civic 於 08-10-8 11:24 發表

There are different people in all schools, not just SPCC. It really depends on how you educate your children how to work out with different classmate instead of get away from them. They should  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-8 18:32 |只看該作者

多謝你詳細架資料,9:45 am interview要等1個鐘咁滯,我11點幾interview,都唔知要等幾耐咯

原帖由 VivianKeung 於 08-10-7 13:52 發表
Will not interview with parent!

琴日 6/10 早上in咗, 想同各位未in的家長分享一下 :
9:30   到達 & 登記 (in嘅時間係9:45, 各位不用太
          早到,否則工作人員叫你遲啲再嚟), 然後企喺度等
9:45  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-8 22:07 |只看該作者


Dear all,
In my opinion, take it easy. interview is like a game which may not be a truth. Frankly speaking, just going inside for interview by two girls withing 10 minutes is unbelieveable. Each girl only takes five minutes to answer for about 4 causal questions only. How can it convince me they are really assessing the girl's capabilities and abilities? I wonder if it is really a show.
However, I still believe that DGS is a good school.

發表於 08-10-8 22:41 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-8 22:52 |只看該作者
原帖由 juniorpam 於 08-10-8 22:07 發表
Dear all,
In my opinion, take it easy. interview is like a game which may not be a truth. Frankly speaking, just going inside for interview by two girls withing 10 minutes is unbelieveable. E ...


Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-8 23:18 |只看該作者


Is it really meaning that the social background, family background, parents career etc. share the greater assessment weight than the kids' abilities. Maybe, let me say. The process is fair and I agree with you that selection is made before the interview. But, the main point is that it is the kids studying in the school, not their family members and their performance in the interview should be the core element in entering the school like SPCC. The kids' effort should be noted and respected because they have to be prepared themselves for a long time. Of course, I know the time schedule is tight. Giving them more time to express themselves may be better.


原帖由 tiggger 於 08-10-8 22:41 發表
I can't agree with you more.  The interview is nothing more than a gesture to let the whole process be seen to be fair.  I dare to say that the selection is already made before the interview begins! F ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-8 23:25 |只看該作者
To a certain extent, it is true.  In the real workplace, a hiring decision can be made before the interview is arranged.  Interview is used to re-confirm if the interviewer's perception is correct or not.  Though I'm not hr specialist, I involved into some hiring process in my last job.  Somehow the decision is very ridiculous and extraordinary, e.g. a manager prefer to hire a male who has no related experience because all the staff in the department are all female...

However, the performance of the interview also counts and makes difference if everything is equal to the two applicants.

原帖由 tiggger 於 08-10-8 22:41 發表
I can't agree with you more.  The interview is nothing more than a gesture to let the whole process be seen to be fair.  I dare to say that the selection is already made before the interview begins! F ...

[ 本帖最後由 vhunghk 於 08-10-9 00:02 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-9 11:08 |只看該作者
我雖然無幫個囡報dgs,但我相信佢地唔會take interview as a gesture.我有親戚係舊生,家庭背景、幼稚園同各樣都絶好,都入唔到,又有同事乜關係都無個囡都入到。小朋友面試時表現really count.最重要係入學後發現小朋友真係唔掂,學校自然會勸退。我地請人都係入來面試10mins已經決定請唔請,其實10mins已經可以睇到好多野,所以各位要對自己小朋友有信心,祝各位順利入到心儀學校。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-9 18:25 |只看該作者
does anyone 's interview day is in November??
Mine is on Novermber lar,so late,i think it is totally no hope!!
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