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去美國留學一問 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-7-20 10:51 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-23 07:05 |只看該作者
it will take ages to make it work that way.
1. your sister has to become a citizen. if she gets married with a citizen, that takes her 3 years to apply for her N400. if she can pass it at the first time. from the begining of the process till she can get her US passport. Approx 4-4.5 years. but by any other reason to get the greencard, it takes her 5 years to take the citizenship exam.
then she has to apply you as the beneficent. that takes 10-12 years depends on where you born. if you born in hk, it is sooner about 10 years.. but if you born in china, it takes longer as china's queue is longer.
in total for you to come to US, it will be 14-16.5 years later..
if your daughter is under 21 years old, she will come with you to US, I guess , by that time, she will be studying in High school or university. but if she is over 21 years old, she can't follow you to go to US, you need to file her by yourself when you arrive in US.

for my suggestion, you better apply a F1 student visa for your daughter and pay by yourself. or wait for 16 years.. (if she is below 3 years old this year), go with you and get into university.
to study in University, it is not free unless she got scholarship. also, first year of green card, she has to pay overseas student school fee.
Just bear in mind, for more info, go to our USA mami club. all of us are willing to help you.
原文章由 catw88 於 08-7-19 09:51 PM 發表

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-22 18:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-24 20:29 |只看該作者

it is me who pm you about nurse career in SF.

I also want to seek your advice about sending kid to US for study. My case is

mother and sister become US citizen in 2006 already. I don't have green card still (as i was over 21 when my mother and sister go SF 7 years ago. our application to US was submitted in 2006 with my mother's name.

As it may need very long time to get the green card. My mother said she can be "guardian" of my daughter (4 years old and born in HK) and arrange my daughter to study in public elementary school.

Is this ture?

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-23 07:05 發表
it will take ages to make it work that way.
1. your sister has to become a citizen. if she gets married with a citizen, that takes her 3 years to apply for her N400. if she can pass it at the first ti ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-26 08:09 |只看該作者
if your daughter can have the legal residency, your mother certainly can be her guardian. However, how your daughter can go to US with a legal residency? no body except you, can apply a status for her.
and you don't have a status either. so she can not go to US to study. Your daughter does not have a valid visa to enter US.

for more information, you can go to USA mami forum. I got an immigation forum to answer all Hong kong BK families immigration problem. login there. you can read all the case studies there.


原文章由 andykwan 於 08-7-24 07:29 AM 發表

it is me who pm you about nurse career in SF.

I also want to seek your advice about sending kid to US for study. My case is

mother and sister become US citizen in 2006 already. I don't ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-28 12:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 catw88 於 08-7-20 10:51 發表

要有citizenship 先可以申請其他人移民
就算你妹妹現在就已經系citizen, 要距再申請你女兒過去﹐因為不是直系親屬﹐ 會好耐﹐ 好似姐妹申請﹐ 要等好幾年(幾年我就吾知﹐不過吾會系3﹐4 年既事)

另外就算真系到距申請到﹐ 如果你女兒既日常開支系你負擔﹐ 而你既收入來源並不是在美國打工/賺錢﹐ 你都吾會拿得到距既學費優"慰"。因為距會收少D學費既原因系因為你交左tax, 你都吾交tax, 就單憑一個身份都吾可以有平學費。。。。。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 00:45 |只看該作者
樓主個妹只可以申請樓主做移民, 以兄弟姊妹團聚第五類申請。到樓主申請成功, 就可以連同丈夫同埋年齡細於21歲0既子女一齊移民, 咁就會有身份。學費係平好多, 我就係阿叔申請我老豆, 我跟埋去, 讀書費用比起海外學生平好多, 只需1/5左右, 仲可以申請埋補貼, 免埋學費, 仲有額外生活費。(不過要學生父母冇錢至得)
不過要樓主個妹而家開始申請樓主, 到可以批到過去美國, 大大話話要10年。
當年我阿叔80年入紙申請我地一家, 到真係去到美國, 已經係90年8月0既事......
所以除非你個小朋友好細, 而家申請定, 到佢大左過去讀大學都仲得0既。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 02:07 |只看該作者

[ 本文章最後由 catw88 於 08-7-29 02:11 編輯 ]

<a href="http://lilypie.com"><img src="http://m1.lilypie.com/gMRfp8.png" alt="Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 02:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 siufung 於 08-7-29 00:45 發表
樓主個妹只可以申請樓主做移民, 以兄弟姊妹團聚第五類申請。到樓主申請成功, 就可以連同丈夫同埋年齡細於21歲0既子女一齊移民, 咁就會有身份。學費係平好多, 我就係阿叔申請我老豆, 我跟埋去, 讀書費用比起海外學生 ...

<a href="http://lilypie.com"><img src="http://m1.lilypie.com/gMRfp8.png" alt="Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-29 09:40 |只看該作者

原文章由 catw88 於 08-7-29 02:10 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 08-7-30 04:20 |只看該作者
從來冇取消過, 只係要等10年左右, 但申請人一定要係公民, 但greencard holder 冇資格入兄弟姊妹紙apply 兄弟姊妹嚟美國
原文章由 88muimui 於 08-7-28 08:40 PM 發表

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-8 06:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 catw88 於 08-7-29 02:10 發表

你妹妹要系citizen 先可以申請架窩
如果你只有綠卡﹐ 你要等距申請到 citizenship 先可以申請你過去

如果系你妹妹申請你﹐ 甘你到時候一定要過去﹐ 規定你吾可以離開美國太久﹐ 每次吾好多過半年﹐ 如果吾系距有權取消你的綠卡﹐ 當然每個官都吾同﹐ 好彩既距都會放你入境。
但問題系如果你小朋友留系美國但你吾跟住距地﹐ 甘你既收入來源依然系系香港架窩﹐ 甘樣你系無資格拿學費津貼架。除非﹐ 你報足州政府既tax, 甘但系如果你吾用外地收入既免稅額﹐ 報足比州政府﹐ 其實你都吾見到會省到錢。。。。。

但如果你到時候確定留系美國做工﹐ 甘D仔女就可以享受D低學費等既福利

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-8 11:35 |只看該作者
Hello 大豬既老婆,

想請教下現在 d private high school 連 boarding 一年大概需要幾多錢。 Thanks.

原文章由 大豬既老婆 於 08-8-8 06:39 發表

你妹妹要系citizen 先可以申請架窩
如果你只有綠卡﹐ 你要等距申請到 citizenship 先可以申請你過去

如果系你妹妹申請你﹐ 甘你到時候一定要過去﹐ 規定你吾可以離開美國太久﹐ 每次吾好多過半年﹐ 如果吾系距有權取消你的 ...

[ 本文章最後由 88muimui 於 08-8-8 11:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-8-9 01:16 |只看該作者
連埋boarding 我吾知道阿
但private high school, 學費都起碼2萬USD 一年﹐ 肯定未計書薄費﹐ 呢樣個樣。
有D出名D﹐ 天主教教學費3萬都吾奇。。。。。
high school boarding 我吾清楚﹐ 不過就當生活費應該要差吾多2萬 (當然好depends on 住咩地方)

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-9 21:27 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-30 04:20 發表
從來冇取消過, 只係要等10年左右, 但申請人一定要係公民, 但greencard holder 冇資格入兄弟姊妹紙apply 兄弟姊妹嚟美國

My elder sister is US citizen.  She applied my parents and other sisters and brother to US 4 years ago.  My parents got green card 2 years ago and they should go to US twice per year.  My sister said that our (sisters and brother) green card will be given around 10 years (that means 6 years later).

After I and my son (5 years old now) get green card, how long shall we get citizenship?  After my son get citizenship, can he enjoy cheaper school fee even I and my hubby not work in US?

Many thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-9 22:53 |只看該作者
the day you landed, you, your son and your husband got green card already. for relative applied I-130, you need 5 years to get your citizenship. for your son, he will wait until 18 years old to become citizen.
you must live in US complete for 3 years CONTINUOUS, and never left US more than 5 months 29 days each time. also, you got your green card for more than 5 years to eligible for apply N400-citizenship.

as your son will be about 11-12 years by the time he landed, he will have free education because here in US, government provides 12 years free education (public school) for all residents. your son is one of those. no matter your husband's income from hk or in US. Unless you are looking for catholic school, you can not apply for any finanical aid at all.
For Unversity, your son must study where you live, and where you pay your tax to get the financial aid(but if you pay overseas tax, you need to assign your son to some relative as a dependent to receive benefit, also depend on the income, local student tutor fee -- average is 1/2 of overseas student's tutor fee

if you want to ask how much is it, you must able to tell the state, the city, living area where the kid lives and study. every state privacy school (primary or high school), university charge differently and can be huge different.

for example just in staten island, New York.
ST. mary and St. joseph hill (2 catholic school), location only 15 mins apart, in 2 different area. St.mary charge USD$400 and St. Joseph hill charge more than USD$650. plus all the subcharge for 1 month. (that is kindergarten tutor fee).
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-8-9 08:27 AM 發表

My elder sister is US citizen.  She applied my parents and other sisters and brother to US 4 years ago.  My parents got green card 2 years ago and they should go to US twice per year.  My sister sai ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-8-9 10:04 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-10 01:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-8-9 22:53 發表
the day you landed, you, your son and your husband got green card already. for relative applied I-130, you need 5 years to get your citizenship. for your son, he will wait until 18 years old to become ...

hi Nillie_Mami,

Thank you for your detailed reply.

"12 years free education (public school) for all residents" - Will it include high school and college eduation?

What is the overseas tax rate?  If I pay overseas tax to US government, shall I still pay tax to Hong Kong government.

"relative as a dependent to receive benefit" - can I assign my elder sister as a dependent?

"local student tutor fee -- average is 1/2 of overseas student's tutor fee" - How much is the overseas student's tutor fee roughly?

My sister live in GA, is there any good universities in GA?

Brilliant thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-10 05:41 |只看該作者
"12 years free education (public school) for all residents" - Will it include high school and college eduation?
from kindergarten to Grade 12, it is free for all residents in US who is from 5 years old till about 17 years old. everyone pays their own college fee. you can ask for finanical aid if you are eligible.
What is the overseas tax rate?  If I pay overseas tax to US government, shall I still pay tax to Hong Kong government.
At 2007-2008, it is USD 84,000 per year, over than that you need to pay tax in your state. you need to ask HK government if you need to pay the tax in hk or not. I have no information for that, sorry.
"relative as a dependent to receive benefit" - can I assign my elder sister as a dependent?
you can assign your son to be the dependent under your sister if you want to. but if her family income is very high, your son still not eligible to receive any benefit from financial aid
"local student tutor fee -- average is 1/2 of overseas student's tutor fee" - How much is the overseas student's tutor fee roughly?
My sister live in GA, is there any good universities in GA?
1. I can not tell, all major subjects are different. I can only tell you, in this moment, tutor fee for an overseas student is almost a double of the local student. Certainly, for your son to go to university, it will be at least 13 years later, no one can tell, as policy changes everyday
2. you better ask your sister for more information since she lives there. if you studied in University, you will know, depends on what subjects. then you go to certain university. In all overseas countries, it does completely different from HK. as HKU is the best for everything.
Here in US.. 冇呢支歌仔唱, every university does good with something. and there will be another 13 years. too early to think about it.

原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-8-9 12:34 PM 發表

hi Nillie_Mami,

Thank you for your detailed reply.

"12 years free education (public school) for all residents" - Will it include high school and college eduation?

What is the overseas tax rate?   ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-12 22:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-8-10 05:41 發表
"12 years free education (public school) for all residents" - Will it include high school and college eduation?
from kindergarten to Grade 12, it is free for all residents in US who is from 5 years ol ...

"At 2007-2008, it is USD 84,000 per year" - Is it the annual income?  Individual or family income?

Can I assign my father or mother (both of them are retired) as a dependent?

Thank you for your detailed reply and clarification.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-8-14 08:15 |只看該作者
That will be a little bit difficult to have your parents under yyour name as dependent, unless you can show the government that you pay more than half of their expense every month.
That USD$ 84,000 per year per person if they are greencard holder or citizen. Even you don't have that much per year, you suppose to file it each year, as it is your responsibility to be a resident in US even you don't live here.
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 08-8-12 09:17 AM 發表

"At 2007-2008, it is USD 84,000 per year" - Is it the annual income?  Individual or family income?

Can I assign my father or mother (both of them are retired) as a dependent?

Thank you for your de ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-8-14 21:18 |只看該作者
原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-8-14 08:15 發表
That will be a little bit difficult to have your parents under yyour name as dependent, unless you can show the government that you pay more than half of their expense every month.
That USD$ 84,000 p ...

Thousand thanks.
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