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教育王國 討論區 課外活動 邀請 12/7 學 "胡成珠算" 基礎班朋友 ?? 分享下.... ...
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邀請 12/7 學 "胡成珠算" 基礎班朋友 ?? 分享下.... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-4 11:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印


我囡囡 5yrs.  

係簡介會中, 胡生分享教珠心算/培養小朋友理念, 我同老公都好認同.  
不過, 我有點擔心女兒是否跟得上/習慣上課模式, 我地平時都係比佢自由度好大, 而佢讀幼稚園係活動式功課唔多一點壓力都無, 但諗入一層佢都大 , 09年要上小學, 真係要坐定定專心學習, 希望借今次機會比佢有個新開始啦.

好感恩, 老公都好支持, 琴晚, 佢自已諗左個遊戲比囡囡玩係補數概念, 我都好放心, 有老公幫下手, 大家可以合作, 唔使我一個人咁頭痛, 是關我對數字好差.....

[ 本文章最後由 tramtram 於 08-7-4 11:17 編輯 ]
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-30 13:17 |只看該作者
Keep up, we are in the same class, and I just got detention last week.   Among all activities, it is the most serious one.  I got high pressure with this class in the beginning as most of activities of my boy is just for fun.  Howeve, really a good learning for both parents and kids.  I don't mind whether my kid can do calcuation 10 seconds faster than the others.  However, it is a good process to let parents to learn how to motivate and enourage him to insist the practice without being lazy (actually, parents need to learn to insist ourselves).  During the practice, really got frustration as kids at this stage still cannot pay attention with persistency.  The practice helps me to finetune the way to manage him.  Sometimes I will bring his favourite candies with me.  When he started to give up, I ask him to finish at least 1/2 of exercise, then let him pick one.........Now, it seems he is quite get used to 20 mins practice with full attention without jumping around.  He found some satisfaction when he could try more difficult calculation such as  'Po So' after a lot of practice.  He is P1 next yr too.  I hope this training can help him to equip with better learning attitude, more attentive in the future study, and make him understand the result and satisfaction is because of his hardworking and persistency, not just cleverness.

Keep up

原文章由 tramtram 於 08-7-4 11:14 發表


我囡囡 5yrs.  

係簡介會中, 胡生分享教珠心算/培養小朋友理念, 我同老公都好認同.  
不過, 我有點擔心女兒是否跟得上/習慣上課模式, 我地平時都係比佢自由度好大, 而佢讀幼稚園係活動式功課唔多一 ...
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