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ESF vs Local Primary Schools [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-4-18 01:03 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
入ESF小学校是否犠牲了小朋友1年在幼稚園的快楽生活?  如就讀香港一般小学、小朋友的入学年齢為5-6、入ESF就是4-5、即是没有K-3這年、対否?  ESF小学也好、設定始終是formal education、同幼稚園的完全不同。 各位家長、可否給点意見? 我的女児是12月尾出世的、所以入ESF的話、就只有4歳8個月。 是否太細?
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-18 07:15 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mighty 於 08-4-18 01:03 發表
入ESF小学校是否犠牲了小朋友1年在幼稚園的快楽生活?  如就讀香港一般小学、小朋友的入学年齢為5-6、入ESF就是4-5、即是没有K-3這年、対否?  ESF小学也好、設定始終是formal education、同幼稚園的完全不同。 各位家長、可 ...

Why is it 犠牲???

In my opinion, Y1 in ESF offers "more" than in local kinder K3.  Apart from main subjects, they have drama, dance, music, art, science, games, have field trips, sport day, fun fair, performance, x'mas show... students in some schools even have swimming classes, P.E on grassfields...
so much happier than in kinder!!

If your kid born in Dec, she may study Y1 one year later, but decided by the school.  I know some Dec kids join Y1 one year later than they should be after being assessed during interviews.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-4-18 08:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-4-18 07:18 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Mighty 的文章


-> I don't think so as most kids (I can't say all) really enjoy their P1 life with ESF primary schools.  

我的女児是12月尾出世的、所以入ESF的話、就只有4歳8個月。 是否太細?

-> I would say it depends on the development of individual kids.
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 11:43 |只看該作者
放心!我個女以前讀幼稚園k2有功課做.沒有讀k3,就讀了P.1,佢不知開心到不得了, 因P.1除了沒有功課,教的嘢可能重淺過K3, P.1只是READ 吓BOOK,睇吓VIEDO.  主要都係打好英文基礎,不似LOCAL SCHOOL咁BUSY.

原文章由 Mighty 於 08-4-18 01:03 發表
入ESF小学校是否犠牲了小朋友1年在幼稚園的快楽生活?  如就讀香港一般小学、小朋友的入学年齢為5-6、入ESF就是4-5、即是没有K-3這年、対否?  ESF小学也好、設定始終是formal education、同幼稚園的完全不同。 各位家長、可 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 12:25 |只看該作者
入ESF小学校是否犠牲了小朋友1年在幼稚園的快楽生活?  如就讀香港一般小学、小朋友的入学年齢為5-6、入ESF就是4-5、即是没有K-3這年、対否?  ESF小学也好、設定始終是formal education、同幼稚園的完全不同。 各位家長、可 ...

ESF P1 is happy school life.
The kids are having even better times at local kindergarten.
But at the same time, they are also learning more than local kindergarten.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 12:25 |只看該作者
入ESF小学校是否犠牲了小朋友1年在幼稚園的快楽生活?  如就讀香港一般小学、小朋友的入学年齢為5-6、入ESF就是4-5、即是没有K-3這年、対否?  ESF小学也好、設定始終是formal education、同幼稚園的完全不同。 各位家長、可 ...

ESF P1 is happy school life.
The kids are having even better times than at local kindergarten.
But at the same time, they are also learning more than local kindergarten.

[ 本文章最後由 almom 於 08-4-18 13:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-18 13:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 almom 於 08-4-18 12:25 發表

ESF P1 is happy school life.
The kids are having even better times at local kindergarten.
But at the same time, they are also learning more than local kindergarten.

Yes, I also think so.  I agree with mabelku's saying that homework in ESF is much less than in local K3, which is mainly reading books at home everyday, with some Maths or Science work once every week to do over weekend.  In fact, they have done a lot of work at school, such as write stories, do Maths calculations, Science experiments, presentations etc.  through which they have learnt a lot.

Re mabelku's "教的嘢可能重淺過K3" - I think their English is definitely a lot harder, Maths will focus more on understanding concepts, and they learn many different areas of Maths, using quite different approach from local, e.g. my kid learns 2D and 3D objects, fractions, clock, money value, measurement etc. apart from numerical calculations.  I don't think it is really easier, but rather different focus and approach.  For science,  I think that they learn more than local K3 in terms of width and depth.  The only subject easier than local school is definitely Chinese, as we expected.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 08-4-18 13:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-4-18 13:42 |只看該作者
聴起来、就好像壊処不多呢!! 但有一外籍老師、在港任教多年、告訴我説小孩子的眼部発展、在7歳前還未成熟的。 如要他集中精神常看黒版(以小学教育為例)、眼部容易疲労、可能正是這様、香港有這多近視的小朋友、各位又有如何看法?  其実WYmom説的正是我的矛盾、SHATIN ESF説我女児OK可入讀今年P1、RC就説等下一年比較好。 所以我便有点不知所措。  2間同様都是我尊重的学校。  両校的老師同我解釈時也非常誠懇的。  我是新加入這FORUM的、之前看到其他標題的家長的回覆、很多時都答不対題、有時還人生攻撃、極其無聊、但今日高興看到、各位的回覆都是有建設性。  感謝、感謝。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-4-18 13:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 Mighty 於 08-4-18 13:42 發表
聴起来、就好像壊処不多呢!! 但有一外籍老師、在港任教多年、告訴我説小孩子的眼部発展、在7歳前還未成熟的。 如要他集中精神常看黒版(以小学教育為例)、眼部容易疲労、可能正是這様、香港有這多近視的小朋友、各位又有 ...


Both schools are good.  Does SJS allow your kid to join one year later?  You can discuss with the school frankly and make decision for your kid.   Every kid is different.

BTW, ESF don't use blackboard.  They use interactive writeboard and other tools for teaching.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 14:29 |只看該作者
WYmom, I am once again with you.

The general misunderstanding is that "IS is easier". But WHAT have parents been comparing?
Many local school children can recite the multiplication table at K3 (at least my cousin's son can), but do they really understand what it is all about? IS do things step by step without the rush. The children are learning what they should be learning at their age. Multiplication is probably not something most children would learn until P3-P4. But all children would know how to multiply eventually.
Beside academic knowledge (eg Math, language, etc), the skills that IS children have learnt are really not what most local school children could have acquired. IS kids (primary) do most of their work at school. They need to do those by themselves. According to a friend with a child in a local elite school, it is almost an "understanding" and an "expectation" that parents would be doing most of work "helping" the children to complete their projects. Even writing works would be or have to be first "polished" by the parents or tutors.
Ok, if we are to compete who can do harder multiplications or even spell harder English words, most likely local schools would win. Yes, for children at the same age, the kids at local schools are spelling much more difficult and much longer English words, especially at age below 8.
However, should be we setting our "goal" at somewhere further down the path of our children's life? Should we look at what ultimately we want our children to be? We are not working hard to pass the year end test; we are not working hard to get A's at HKCEE. We are looking at Ivy League schools; we are trying to see what our children would want to be career-wise one day.
Why even bother to push them into reciting multiplication table at 6? There is no need to hurry. What I see is that, by the time the children are around 2 years before they are to enter university, they are really very competent young people. They have all the research skills, learning skills, presentation skills, etc they need to survive their university education. They are not nerds but young people that love Bon Jovi and like to go hiking. They are willing to speak up in class to express their views (sometimes their views might be silly) and are not afraid to point out the mistakes their teachers made.
Children would have learnt or acquired a lot of different skills by the time they complete primary school. And after a few more years at secondary school, these skills are even more polished and they are fully equipped to go on to tertiary education.
Of course, there would always be examples of less successful cases. There are probably an equal number of dropouts from IS that would never make it to university. But again, which school does not have students that are not as competent or students that are simply lazy or students that do not have their own goal. But generally, I think IS education can provide more than academic education.
Last, I wish to say that these are my views. I hope I have not offended anyone.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-4-18 14:51 |只看該作者
It is difficult for us to say which (ie SJS and RC) school is right. My view is that, both are probably not wrong.
Each child is different and they can have different behaviour on different days. The teachers were probably advising you according to what they thought was best for your child, by judging the performance and behaviour your child had on a particular day.
Unless even you yourself feel that your child is not ready for primary school (attention problems, etc), or there are reasons that you really want your child to be in RC, why not simply take the offer from SJS.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-4-18 15:39 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 almom 於 08-4-18 14:29 發表
Almom, I like your msg very much.  I do not agree that "IS is easier" either.  While it may be true for some subjects that demand memorization and rote learning like maths and natural sciences, other subjects that require inquiry & analysis, such as English, the arts and humanities, are much "harder" in IS.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-4-18 16:14 |只看該作者
ALmom, I could not agree with you more.  小朋友的情緒非常難予測、刻刻不同。 従東欧回来、先IN的是RC她還在時差的影響中面試、而且她没有甚麼面試経験或訓練、我只告訴她是像小型PARTY,玩玩談談的。 1星期後、再去SJS、她心中有点準備了、面試表現較RC時好是可理解的。  其実2所学校都接受她下一年再来、但如您所説"why not simply take SJS's offer?"、我最終選択了SJS 。  

Rank: 2

發表於 08-4-18 17:23 |只看該作者
hi mighty,

My son who was born end of Dec 2003 will also go SJS in the coming August.  We are longing for his primary school life!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-4-18 20:29 |只看該作者
Hi xmaseve, good to hear that my daughter is not the youngest there 到時多多関照!! 作了決定入SJS後、我們也期待着女児的小学校生活呢。

Rank: 2

發表於 08-5-10 07:26 |只看該作者
Hi Mighty,

I've sent you a PM.

原文章由 Mighty 於 08-4-18 20:29 發表
Hi xmaseve, good to hear that my daughter is not the youngest there 到時多多関照!! 作了決定入SJS後、我們也期待着女児的小学校生活呢。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-15 16:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 almom 於 08-4-18 14:51 發表
It is difficult for us to say which (ie SJS and RC) school is right. My view is that, both are probably not wrong.
Each child is different and they can have different behaviour on different da ...

I'm green in planning the education for my 7-month kid.  Would you please advise what "SJS" and "RC" are ??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-5-15 17:48 |只看該作者
SJS stands for Shatin Junior School
RC stands for Renaissance College

for details pls visit
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