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教育王國 討論區 聖羅撒幼稚園 入讀聖羅撒,想請教問題
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入讀聖羅撒,想請教問題 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-16 16:08 |只看該作者
如果你揀返你畢業間母校, 比個女做自行分配學位, 都有分加播. 你知唔知? 如果你個係大女, 就算冇洗禮, 都有20分. 搏得過架.

講起彌撒, 我個女好笑, 係mass入面真係好乖, 乖過係屋企, 雖然好悶, 佢真係識得靜靜地, 因為佢知道佢乖,天主/耶穌基督會錫佢多d. hahahaha真係傻豬.......同埋我地個堂區, 可以比小朋友 keep 印仔. 個季keep到幾多個, 就可以有証書同小禮物. 咁佢就好唔抗拒咁去囉 (可能都未識反抗啦呢個年齡).....仲有, 每場mass完左, 修女就會企係度, 比小朋友拎糖仔.......你話係咪好happy!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

醒目開學勳章 貢獻勳章

發表於 08-10-16 16:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 rosactf9999 於 16-10-2008 16:08 發表
如果你揀返你畢業間母校, 比個女做自行分配學位, 都有分加播. 你知唔知? 如果你個係大女, 就算冇洗禮, 都有20分. 搏得過架.

講起彌撒, 我個女好笑, 係mass入面真係好乖, 乖過係屋企, 雖然好悶, 佢真係識得靜靜地,  ...

妳個堂區又幾好喎, 儲印可訓練小朋友恆心, 鼓勵佢地望彌撒.

我返太子道聖德勒撒, 妳呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-16 17:00 |只看該作者

我聽朋友講, 有d堂區, 有手冊, 個個主日, 就要神父簽手冊, 好攪笑.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 00:14 |只看該作者
hi rosa,

then are u live in 將軍澳??
if yes, then does ur girl take school bus? and when need to leave home?

cos i live in Tsuen Wan, and taking more than 1 hr in travelling is really a point for me to consider.....

about my catholic school, i studied in Maryknoll Fathers' School (not Maryknoll Convent) from P.1 to F.7 !
When my mother apply this school for me, it really the best school in Sham Shu Po, but when i am in Sec, then 上智, 銘賢 seems better than my school....
i don't know what the situation is now la...
but my mother, my secondary classmates also said seems not so worth to travel a long time for not a "1st class" school ... ....
but at least it is a 英中, and i also think it is good... (at least when i am in primary school)
cos u know, even the best primary school in Tsuen Wan, still only around 6x% can go to 英中!! wah... then my school still not bad, cos 直屬中學 at least 85% can back to sec school ... but taking long time travel is still the point i consider... cos when i also need more than 45 mins to school everyday....
um... what do other mama's think? and any update for the latest situation for my school or other school? let's have some sharing ^_^
原帖由 rosactf9999 於 08-10-16 17:00 發表

我聽朋友講, 有d堂區, 有手冊, 個個主日, 就要神父簽手冊, 好攪笑.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 09:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-17 00:14 發表
hi rosa,

then are u live in 將軍澳??
if yes, then does ur girl take school bus? and when need to leave home?

cos i live in Tsuen Wan, and taking more than 1 hr in travelling is really a point for  ...

如果你住荃灣點解唔搭校車既? 應該搭校車都好快架, 我囡囡12:40pm就返到去汀九, 你可以問下校車果度,  我都係住荃灣架, 因為無乜好學校所以先揀出面果d學校, 始終我覺得出面多d學校揀, 對囡囡都好d嘛

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 10:39 |只看該作者
hi eaton,

of cos i will decide to take school bus, but i first think school bus need mroe than 1 hr, ...
u live in 汀九, then can i ask when u need to leave home?
原帖由 Eaton 於 08-10-17 09:57 發表

如果你住荃灣點解唔搭校車既? 應該搭校車都好快架, 我囡囡12:40pm就返到去汀九, 你可以問下校車果度,  我都係住荃灣架, 因為無乜好學校所以先揀出面果d學校, 始終我覺得出面多d學校揀, 對囡囡都好d嘛 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 10:45 |只看該作者
We live in Tsing Yi. We also plan to allocate our baby girl @ SRL for her pre-school and further primary school studies starting from next year. We therfore will be attending the application day on whether 1/11 or 8/11. Hope to see you there.

With respect to the church matter, you can join 慕道班 at 天 主 教 葛 達 二 聖 堂 and 聖母領報堂 as these 2 churchs are located in Tsuen Wan. Please click the following hyperlinks for detail.


原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-17 00:14 發表
hi rosa,

then are u live in 將軍澳??
if yes, then does ur girl take school bus? and when need to leave home?

cos i live in Tsuen Wan, and taking more than 1 hr in travelling is really a point for  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 14:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-17 10:39 發表
hi eaton,

of cos i will decide to take school bus, but i first think school bus need mroe than 1 hr, ...
u live in 汀九, then can i ask when u need to leave home?

我返學果程無搭架, 我自己車佢返學, 係放學果程先搭不過都係搭40mins, 所以我唔覺太耐囉

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 17:32 |只看該作者
hi, zzidane,

nice to meet u and hope can see u in Nov ^_^
about the church, yup, i go to 葛 達 二 聖 堂 on Sunday morning (but not everyweek... =P) and sometimes see the notice there, thx for providing me the info. ^_^
原帖由 zzidane 於 08-10-17 10:45 發表
We live in Tsing Yi. We also plan to allocate our baby girl @ SRL for her pre-school and further primary school studies starting from next year. We therfore will be attending the application day on wh ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 17:36 |只看該作者
hi eaton,

oic...ur girl is so lucky that ur take her to school directly... no need to get up so early ^_^
i also think 40 min is acceptable ar
how much is the school bus fee per mth?
原帖由 Eaton 於 08-10-17 14:12 發表

我返學果程無搭架, 我自己車佢返學, 係放學果程先搭不過都係搭40mins, 所以我唔覺太耐囉

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-18 10:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-17 17:36 發表
hi eaton,

oic...ur girl is so lucky that ur take her to school directly... no need to get up so early ^_^
i also think 40 min is acceptable ar
how much is the school bus fee per mth?


$630/per month if u need u can tell me @pm


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-19 14:45 |只看該作者
Dear June,

我係住將軍澳. 我個女每日8點2上校車, 有時校車會早到, 不過會等. 9點前會到學校, 車程大約40分鐘. 我個人覺得好合理. 因為我計過, 如果我自己帶, 唔止呢個時間, 要再長d. 再計, 車費都差唔多, 不如自己舒服d.

每日大約7點2左右起身, 刷牙洗面食早餐, 係夠時間. 有時乖, 快快手手, 仲夠時間比佢玩一陣先出門口. 幾好!!!! 時間你自己就囉. 冇問題既! 只係習慣. 我地條線校車好, 頭站上頭站落, 我地係中間, 所以亦冇問題.

坦白講, 辛唔辛苦, 都係睇下個家長點睇. 心唔心痛. 同埋計條數, 睇下利多d定係弊多d.

至於居住地區問題. 其實都冇乜選擇. 我以前住大埔, 係尖沙咀返學, 日日都坐個幾鐘頭車, 都係冇乜選擇. 當時, 交通都唔係太完善, 所以都係習慣. 後來派中學派得唔好, 先轉左去沙田讀, 咁就舒服好多.

我同意你講法, 如果真係入唔到band1學校, 可以既話都好好入英中. 因為我覺得英文始終係世界法定語言, 出到好, 英文好d點都有著數. 再講, 無論係邊度讀大學, d課程課本都係以英文為主. 到時先下苦功, 都已經冇乜大幫助.

如果你住荃灣區, 我都唔太清楚果邊有咩好學校, 不過如果你係maryknoll convent (小學) 畢業, 你個女都已經有20分. 我覺得都要試. 機會應該都唔細.  如果 "自行分配學位" 唔得先算. 如果佢收你, 先再考慮會唔會讀囉.

conclusion, 我個人認為, 時間唔係最重要, 最重要係校風. 如果學校風氣係讀書, 或者學生係乖, 遠少少都值得. 如果到小學或中學, 佢地有能力自己坐mtr, 由荃灣去深水埗/石硤尾, 時間都唔係太差. 都係捱幾年. 點都好過, 為左近屋企, 而放棄一間好學校, 或者話讀一間自己唔太中意既學校.

原帖由 junejunewong 於 08-10-17 00:14 發表
hi rosa,

then are u live in 將軍澳??
if yes, then does ur girl take school bus? and when need to leave home?

cos i live in Tsuen Wan, and taking more than 1 hr in travelling is really a point for  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 15:31 |只看該作者
We live in Tsing Yi and we will go to SRL on Nov 1 too. Hope our girls can both admitted in the coming year and become friends

原帖由 zzidane 於 08-10-17 10:45 發表
We live in Tsing Yi. We also plan to allocate our baby girl @ SRL for her pre-school and further primary school studies starting from next year. We therfore will be attending the application day on wh ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 21:48 |只看該作者
I hope so. Perhaps we may hire same school bus...anyway, good luck Tsing Yi friend.


原帖由 lobor 於 08-10-20 15:31 發表
We live in Tsing Yi and we will go to SRL on Nov 1 too. Hope our girls can both admitted in the coming year and become friends

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 13:31 |只看該作者
請問是否好小男孩子讀的,K1 有多少男仔呀?因我囝囝想讀,但我怕冇咩男仔,THANKS

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-23 13:47 |只看該作者

今年報k1, 想了解吓這校情況, 請問srl的功課多吾多?

小朋友是愉快學習嗎? 還有, k2&k3多吾多默書? 是否每學期評估, 沒有考試的. sorry. 很多問題   , 請各mami解答吓. thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-24 09:43 |只看該作者
hi, 你好.

點解你11月先入學? 插班? 咩班?

你放心啦. 呢間學校小朋友好乖 (唔知係咪女仔多呢), 可能係老師教得好啦. 小朋友關係都好好, 佢地返學好開心.

原帖由 lobor 於 08-10-20 15:31 發表
We live in Tsing Yi and we will go to SRL on Nov 1 too. Hope our girls can both admitted in the coming year and become friends

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-24 13:35 |只看該作者
We just go to apply for the K1 class next year, not this year, hee hee

Really hope to get enrolled to this school ...

原帖由 rosactf9999 於 08-10-24 09:43 發表
hi, 你好.

點解你11月先入學? 插班? 咩班?

你放心啦. 呢間學校小朋友好乖 (唔知係咪女仔多呢), 可能係老師教得好啦. 小朋友關係都好好, 佢地返學好開心.


Rank: 1

發表於 08-10-28 11:37 |只看該作者
Hi Rosactf9999,

I also live in TKO and is going to apply K1 for my daughter for next September.  Is your daughter taking school bus offered by the school?  Or she is taking the 保母車?  I saw some comments from BK parents complaining about the school bus offered by the school.

Waiting for your reply. Thanks

原帖由 rosactf9999 於 08-10-19 14:45 發表
Dear June,

我係住將軍澳. 我個女每日8點2上校車, 有時校車會早到, 不過會等. 9點前會到學校, 車程大約40分鐘. 我個人覺得好合理. 因為我計過, 如果我自己帶, 唔止呢個時間, 要再長d. 再計, 車費都差唔多, 不如自己 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-5 19:53 |只看該作者


我囡囡在下月6號進行面試, 我很喜歡srl的校風, 個人認為從小培養小朋友的品德、人格是很重要, 所以我怕自己唔係天主教家庭會很難考入, 不知道現就讀srl的同學們是否大多數是天主教教徒呢?
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