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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 Interview or Not
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Interview or Not

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-8 16:19 |顯示全部帖子
I applied for Good Hope this morning.  Unfortunately the
intereview date is scheduled on 6/10.  However, my
whole family will have an overseas trip on these days and the staff said the date was fixed and could not change

Finally, I decided to give up the interview.  If you were
me, what will you do?  Go to the interview or forfeit the
costs of the trip for nearly $10,000   

One more thing, my daughter is very expecting for the
trip.  I do not want to let her down.

Please advise.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-8 16:56 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 SandyWu 於 07-9-8 16:19 硐表
I applied for Good Hope this morning.  Unfortunately the
intereview date is scheduled on 6/10.  However, my
whole family will have an overseas trip on these days and the staff said the date was fixed ...

個人意見, 如果你決定幫囡囡報私校/直資, 好多學校都係10月頭開始面試, 名校如女拔都係, 實在唔應該安排係呢段時間旅行囉......!! [我有話直說, 得罪莫怪]

你去得報GH, 即係都有興趣讀啦, 咁你husband又點睇?

舊年囡囡interview當日, 係姑仔結婚既大喜日子, 我地都決定去interview, 無去到觀禮, 下午先再join番&夜晚去飲宴. 事前同姑仔傾過, 幸好佢亦明白唔介意......

都係0個句, 自己諗清楚, 只要唔好後悔就得!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-8 19:59 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 SandyWu 於 07-9-8 16:19 硐表
I applied for Good Hope this morning.  Unfortunately the
intereview date is scheduled on 6/10.  However, my
whole family will have an overseas trip on these days and the staff said the date was fixed ...

旅行年年都可以去, 但為小朋友挑選一間好嘅學校則一生人,正常嚟講 應該唔會多過一次, 若果真係為咗旅行吃喝玩樂而放棄,咁第日點可以教小朋友去面對更大嘅temptation.
