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樓主: 2009cutiebaby

york vs sc [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-12-16 13:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 dais 於 11-12-16 02:59 發表
My son is 2009 BB and is now in SC PN. I have no relationship with any SC teachers/principal and I am not Kelly Chan. My son got in through public interview.

To be fair, I do not think SC 神神秘秘咁  ...

引用閣下個句"to be fair", 如果學校都講只向當時有小朋友讀的家長及有報K1班而不收的"細仔/女"家長招生, 咁點算係公開招生呢 ?

"公開招生"4個字的意思, 唔係咁難明掛? (尤其是名牌學校的家長, 唔係咁都唔明咩叫"公開招生"掛)

引用陳志雲的金句, "假的真不了".

[ 本帖最後由 0603 於 11-12-16 06:29 編輯 ]

發表於 11-12-16 13:58 |只看該作者

回復 1# 0603 的帖子

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發表於 11-12-16 14:10 |只看該作者

回復 36# vanilbun 的帖子

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發表於 11-12-16 14:17 |只看該作者

回復 20# CKBCHU 的帖子

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發表於 11-12-16 14:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 dais 於 11-12-16 02:59 發表
My son is 2009 BB and is now in SC PN. I have no relationship with any SC teachers/principal and I am not Kelly Chan. My son got in through public interview.

To be fair, I do not think SC 神神秘秘咁  ...

咁得意, 我打去學校問, 佢地都回答沒有公開招生, 你是幾時去公開interview?

可否講下比大家知, 學校幾時及點樣公開招生? 你幾時取form? 在那裡取form? 在那裡interview? Interview時有其他學生一齊, 還是只有你在場interview? 係人事關係才有得interview?

職員都唔知有公開招生, 而你知道有, 嘩你好叻呀!!!

請解釋清楚, 唔好等大家誤會SC. (不過唔好作野呀 !!!)

引用閣下個句"to be fair", 如果學校都講只向當時有小朋友讀的家長及有報K1班而不收的"細仔/"家長招生, 咁點算係公開招生呢 ?

公開招生"4個字的意思, 唔係咁難明掛? (尤其是身為名牌學校的家長, 唔係咁都唔明咩叫"公開招生")

引用陳志雲的金句, "假的真不了".

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-16 19:25 |只看該作者

回復 1# 0603 的帖子

I am also an outsider that got offer, my son 0509 BB now in SC PN. I remember I checked SC website around June and it says that they will have new PN class. If you are a regular EK visitor, there was a topic saying that SC PN is open for application. I called the school after reading this post and they said to send copy of the child's birth certificate and self addressed envelope so that they can send me the application form. We got the form, sent it back to school and was notify for interview on July 16th at the Essex Crescent Campus. There were also post on EK about the interview as it was held on two days. We choose English interview and there were not a lot of kids at my session. We got our offer letter end July.
So it was not a secret at all....only the announcement was made very late and at that time most of the parents would already have offers for their kids and may not be aware of it.

[ 本帖最後由 dada1113 於 11-12-16 21:01 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 10:05 |只看該作者
dada1113 發表於 11-12-16 19:25
I am also an outsider that got offer, my son 0509 BB now in SC PN. I remember I checked SC website a ...

"I called the school after reading this post and they said to send copy of the child's birth certificate and self addressed envelope so that they can send me the application form......"

i.e. u made a "cold call" to school?? no detail application information was show on their web??

Actually, I called to school three times before, they clearly told me that they merely announce internally.

Someone tell us the "Truth" or "Fairy Tale"?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-19 11:45 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 dada1113 於 11-12-19 11:57 編輯

回復 0603 的帖子

It is very strange....are there any other parents in similar situation as 0603 ??
Please advice when you called and which campus you called??

Please see below the post I read, I called the Norfolk Rd campus and asked the lady about the PN class and she was very helpful. I am just an ordinary parent that would like to share my experience. No need to make up stories.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-19 11:59 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 dada1113 於 11-12-19 12:11 編輯
dada1113 發表於 11-12-19 11:45
回復 0603 的帖子

It is very strange....are there any other parents in similar situation as 0603 ??


The post was made by newmommy....#14

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 13:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 0603 於 11-12-19 14:53 編輯

唔該quote reference前, 也請看清楚先啦.

請看一下閣下提供的討論連結post#13.....”要自己主動去apply!!!”.....咁叫公開招生咩? x1

當時的網頁係咁寫的.....看一下閣下提供的討論連結post#22.....咁叫公開招生咩? x2

另外當時的學生家長, 都係咁講的.....看一下閣下提供的討論連結post#31.....咁叫公開招生咩? x3

如果咁都算係公開招生, sorry!!! 我錯了.

如果閣下對”公開招生”有另一個解釋, 願聞其詳.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 14:20 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 0603 於 11-12-19 14:53 編輯

閣下真係要學一下咩叫"自打嘴巴", 在你提供的連結Post #76, 有以下的真實情況......7月13日

個職員係咁質疑我,話6月廿幾號都未招生,我點會o個時候寄比佢,但我明明記得我寄之前已經睇左佢website,話會開N班ga,當然佢係冇o係佢地ge website"公開"招生啦,但佢係咁否定話我點會廿幾號寄比佢地,我話"係,我知你地未招生,但我知你地會開,所以自己寄信黎拎form",咁佢就叫我留電話覆....ai.....點解佢要覺得我講大話咁ge?"

咁都叫公開招生? 唔好再死x撐飯蓋啦....唔該.....!!!! x4

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 14:27 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 0603 於 11-12-19 14:53 編輯

from your quoted ref. link post#78......13/July

"我仲慘呀.... 我都係六月尾寄信去。但我寄左去海濱個地址,我自己理解係新校招生緊係寄新校地址。到我知道有人收到申請表,自己未收到,咪打去問。佢話「下﹖係要寄黎九龍塘架bor,仲有,你點知我地新校個地址。sorry,所有表派晒,我地無得再俾你。你九月申請k1啦。」

第一,新學校有新校長主任,我無理由寄去舊校。而且,其實一直以黎佢無正式招過生,大家都係抱自薦心態,寄乜野去law 申請表,寄去邊都係估估下。第二,佢成大個地址寫係自己個網站度,反問番我你係邊度搵到個地址,佢地d staff 真有趣。

收唔到表就萛,本身都係試下,預左唔得。不過,佢地行政確實有少少混亂。而且,本身學費都幾貴,俾得58000一年,無理由admin 係咁。"

咁都叫公開招生? 唔好再死x撐飯蓋啦....唔該.....!!!! x5

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 15:05 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 0603 於 11-12-19 15:22 編輯

有招生是不爭的事實, 因為如果沒有招生, 而家點會有學生返緊學呢?
但招生的形式是否公開, 公平, 公正, 才是問題的所在!!!

仲有post#22 講, 網頁係寫PN及K1, 也是在紅磡完成課程(直到而家都係咁寫). 點解今年的PN班完成PN課程後, 又可以到九龍塘上K1 班呢?
問左學校, 佢地話係應家長要求, 需要協調一下. 即係點呢? 有人講下, 有明星讀, 就咩都可以, 朝令夕改?
明年的PN班又不可以在九龍塘上K1??? 明年PN班沒有明星或大人物讀咩???

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-19 17:46 |只看該作者
0603 發表於 11-12-19 14:27
from your quoted ref. link post#78......13/July

"我仲慘呀.... 我都係六月尾寄信去。但我寄左去海濱 ...

6月尾寄去新校舍搵裝收工人幫你收嗎? 果時果度都仲係地盤.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-19 18:05 |只看該作者
ronniedad 發表於 11-12-14 22:44
哈哈, 題外話, 一收到風佢話收PN我仲走去入埋地盤度睇添, 跟手再問佢地詳情已經話收哂生了. 我聽完都O左咀. ...

請問一下這位家長, 當時入去地盤, 問報名招生詳情是幾時?
到底係大家miss 左, 定係報名的家長都係以自薦的形式, 要自己主動去問, 之後才告訴你索取報名表的方法.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-12-19 22:49 |只看該作者
0603, 咪咁勞氣,事情已經好清楚啦...剛開新校,行政出問題,累到有興趣有需要的家長missed左係好可惜。
不過小朋友現在先剛剛開始讀書,中意St Cat可以出年再考。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-20 10:51 |只看該作者
回復 dada1113 的帖子

而家仲係唔係 very stange ar??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-20 11:12 |只看該作者
0603 發表於 11-12-19 18:05
請問一下這位家長, 當時入去地盤, 問報名招生詳情是幾時?
到底係大家 ...

SOR, 我只是去睇下新校的環境後再致電問詳情而已.................但所得到的答覆是已收哂生, 你嘗試寫信求位WAITING吧. 至於時間就真係唔係記得太清楚了, 大約都係見POST後7月上旬咁上下吧.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-20 11:23 |只看該作者
回復 ronniedad 的帖子

多謝你的關心, 我不會報SC的.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-12-20 11:25 |只看該作者
回復 0603 的帖子

0603, yes it is still very strange to me that you and I both called and got totally different replies!!

I understand your point that the school did not truely make the application public, I have no relationship at all with the school....my elder daughter was on K1 waiting list back in 2007 because she was a "small NOV BB" (she is now P1).
I only applied PN at Canan Kowloon Tong for my younger son and was just reading / collecting more information ready for K1 and come across the post that I referenced. I can only say that I made the call at the right time to the right person by luck. Like everything else in life...luck plays an important part.

It is very true that the current PN parents did voice out to the school that they would like to be promoted to Kowloon Tong campus for K1 instead of staying in HH campus. Maybe as we are the "white mouse" for their PN, the school gave us a better offer and allow us to choose which campus we would like to go for K1.

I am sorry I did not read all the posts that followed as I already got feedback from school. I shall be more careful next time when referencing other posts to avoid confusion, misunderstanding and explosions >_<!!
haha...only kidding

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