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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 DGJS Results????????
樓主: martie

DGJS Results???????? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-4 11:45 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????


如果孩子沒有一方面是特別天才﹐對什麼科目興趣都差不多﹐ OVERALL 又不錯的話﹐就去考DGJS



Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-5 18:31 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Dear Vernique 2005,

Tks for the detailed analysis.  Frankly, I really don't know whether my daughter will be happy in DGJS! Actually this is also my concern. That's why I am wondering whether I'm making a right choice in giving up Choi Kai Yau to choose DGJS.

You are right that many DGJS girls attended a lot of "supplement" classes and I know that those studying in CKY do not.... And of course, they will be happier studying in CKY (I guess) as they can have a lot of time to play and play and play and no need to do some many exercises. I always dream that my daughter like the classes she attended and she is not forced to attend them (except piano!). I think that would make a difference, whether you are forced to attend the classes or you are interested in them.

However, frankly, as far as I know, DGJS is not that type of school that "advances" the level of study (e.g. P1 studying P2 materials). It's only the parents choice to enrol them into different types of classes to make them more brilliant.  

For the level of university students who come from DGS/DBS, I have to admit that their English are very very good. I know a DB boy, he only finished F5 but his English is very good.


Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-5 18:40 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Dear Primary2006,

Tks for your advice. Frankly I still haven't made up my mind (though all the people I know told me that you don't need to think (not CKY but DGS)).

For the issues you raised (show off parents and problem on marriage). I think I don't have problems with that. I can appreciate that many people are richer than me and that they are smarter than me and my daughter. I really appreciate the fact that my daughter can be the classmate of such rich and brilliant people. Am I too Ah Q? But that's really what I think.

For the marriage issue, I think that depends on the plan god has planned for you and on the character of the child. Very honestly, I am not very worried about that, not to mention that my daughter is only less than 6. One thing that worry me a bit is lesbian issue.




發表於 06-1-5 21:35 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-5 21:57 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????


Totally agree with Wootaitai. You never know the truth if you haven't tried it and you may regret if you give up DGJS. I am also a lucky one as my daughter is accepted by DGJS and we are not rich. Trust yourself and your daughter.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-5 23:09 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????


Have you ever asked your daughter which school she prefers?  If you have several good schools in hand, you may well bring your girl to her potential schools once more and ask for her opinion.

Sometimes, a child's expectation has a significant impact on his/her working attitude as well. When I was young, I really loved my school just because there's a swimming pool inside my school....

Well... I was very happy---even though I used the pool for less than 3 times a term.. hahha  

One last comment is that I think parents care about others' financial status too much... Even if you are not the richest one, don't worry.  I don't think this can affect a child's self-esteem as long as proper values are introduced to the child.

My boy friend went to St. Stephen's (Stanley) as the "poorest" student when he was young.  He still has a very memorable time there.  So dont' worry too much about it.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-6 09:32 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Yumom

I had the same problem as you on how to select the best suitable school for my beloved daughter few weeks before. After that, I had designed a table and asked my husband and daughter to put their own marks. To my surprise, three of us have the same ranking on three schools. Then, without any more doubts or queries, we have the same final decision!

Please refer to the following link and hope that you will have the final happy decision too!  


Yumom 寫道:
Dear Primary2006,

Tks for your advice. Frankly I still haven't made up my mind (though all the people I know told me that you don't need to think (not CKY but DGS)).

For the issues you raised (show off parents and problem on marriage). I think I don't have problems with that. I can appreciate that many people are richer than me and that they are smarter than me and my daughter. I really appreciate the fact that my daughter can be the classmate of such rich and brilliant people. Am I too Ah Q? But that's really what I think.

For the marriage issue, I think that depends on the plan god has planned for you and on the character of the child. Very honestly, I am not very worried about that, not to mention that my daughter is only less than 6. One thing that worry me a bit is lesbian issue.




Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-7 23:43 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Dear all (Primary2006, Vernique2005, Wootaitai, alvinivy),

I feel so warm in receiving so many responses. You know it's really a tought decision to make (worsen by the fact that my daughter cried and said she didn't like to go to DGJS as it was boring and she would like to go to CKY because the latter was fun (she inferred from the interview!)

I would just say that she would be happier in CKY as it adopts activity based approach ... I will choose DGJS after considering all the pros and cons.  Tks Tks Tks.



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-8 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????


Tell your daughter that studying in DGJS can be fun too.

2 of my son's day nursery classmates were admitted and are now in P1.  1 of them knows nearly everybody in the other classes because she goes to play hide and seek etc with schoolmates (mostly those in P2 and above) before school and during recess.  She really plays hard and works hard.  The other one loves to read and is 1 of top 5 in her own class.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-8 01:08 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

My daugher has got offers from SFA, Kln Tong PS, Sacred Heart (Caine Rd) and DGJS. I also have similar hesitation as to which school would be most suitable to my kid.   When I asked her which one she would prefer most, she said she liked SFA most because she found the test by SFA was interesting. However, in reality, most would agree with me that parents, as well as their kids, could not have thorough understanding and knowledge of each of the schools they applied for.
The preferred decision is therefore a rough match between your kid's aptitude, the school's strengths and the parents' expectations.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-8 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results?

Hi Yumom,

Thanks for your information, it's really help.  But one thing I want to clarify is that you meant only 2 not admitted in your daughter's class only or in total classes.  

Sorry that I have missed out the question that you raised up before.  I think what you chose DGJS finally is correct.  Just like what I applied CCKG for my daughter before.  I never thought that my daughter will admit to this kinder, according to many people say, only the parents are doctor, you will have chance to get in, cos they take 90% doctor's kids.  At the end, the result is not that.  One of my friend, they both are the doctors, but their daughter did not admit.  Also, most of the parents in my daughter's class are not doctor and they are all very friendly.  Even though they are rich.

One of my friend's daughter is studying in P1 in DGJS this year, she enjoyed very much in school, no pressure for her,  but you have to agreed that the girls are smart in there, so does your daughter.  Otherwise, she cannot get in.  Another friend's daughter is in P6 now, she said the teachers are not harsh.  Even some subjects the students got 60 something marks, the teacher will be required to see the parents or confirmed that you are the worst.  So don't listen to the rumour that under 90 marks, you are the one need to notice.

Anyway, I am very happy to hear your good news.  Your daughter is one of my daughter's big sister, right?  Also from CCKG.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-8 22:35 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

It looks untrue. DGJS uplifts the level of English by at least 2 levels (e.g. P4 studying P2 materials), based on my observation at their worksheets and tests.

Yumom 寫道:
However, frankly, as far as I know, DGJS is not that type of school that "advances" the level of study (e.g. P1 studying P2 materials). It's only the parents choice to enrol them into different types of classes to make them more brilliant.  

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-9 00:10 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

For the English standard, don't worry.  As the reading atmosphere in the school is strong and most of the girls there like to read, the English level among the pupils are high enough to meet the school's requirement. I haven't do any comparison with other school's materials but my daughter is progressing well on her own pace without much pressure and without extra tuition.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-9 12:22 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Yumom,

Don't worry so much and believe the capacity of your daughter. I always believe that God have arranged everything.  Just follow your heart. You will get the answer.
For my case, my daughter  is the one who talk to Mrs. Dai during the interview and get  a place in DGJS. As her mother, I will try my best to  help and support her to adapt her school life.  

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-9 12:37 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Yumom

One more additional information for your reference!

I have asked some P1 parents recently. They all said that their daughters didn't need to spend too much time in finishing their homeworks! All of them enjoy their school-life very much.

So, don't worry, be happy!  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-1-9 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Yumom,

My kid got accepted too.  If your kid was picked amongst so many other smart applicants, I am sure that we need to trust that she would be able to meet the standard required by the school.  Besides, I do believe that the teachers are good too.  Except for the transport arrangement which is a relatively minor issue, I have no worry at all.  

Hope to see u and your kid in the coming September.


Chole :

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-11 14:57 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Yumom 寫道:
Dear all (Primary2006, Vernique2005, Wootaitai, alvinivy),

I feel so warm in receiving so many responses. You know it's really a tought decision to make (worsen by the fact that my daughter cried and said she didn't like to go to DGJS as it was boring and she would like to go to CKY because the latter was fun (she inferred from the interview!)

I would just say that she would be happier in CKY as it adopts activity based approach ... I will choose DGJS after considering all the pros and cons.  Tks Tks Tks.



Dear Yumom:

I've always thought that the "brand name schools" in hK wouldn't admit any "undeserved" candidate, and your daughter's response to the school once again confirmed my idea~!

With a courteous and caring parent like you and your smart daughter who was capable of judging the school during the period that she was supposed to be interviewed, it's difficult not to accept her~! haha!
I really love your child's reaction! What a character!

If you read the other comments from parents whose children were also admitted, you'll see that many other girls did the same thing during the interview--they showed others that they were actually evaluating and observing the surrounding on their own, and they weren't just memorizing rules and answers for interview. (The girl who commented that the SFA paper was more interesting is another excellent example. She's not just writing the exam; she's also judging whether the school will challenge her or not! This is brilliant!)

So, even though most people argue that the school mistress is incapable of choosing the right students fairly, I'd say that it's ironically the opposite--she's good at choosing the most assertive group, but is incapable of capturing the attention and admiration of these little candidates!

Anyway, if you have chosen a school, I guess the most important thing to do now is to take away your daughter's negative feelings towards it.  You want to show her the activities that girls in DGJS do?  There are so many activities in the school, and must have one/two that your child will enjoy.  Tell her that girls in her future schools are very good at the things she likes, and that the school is not just about hw, then she'll feel better.

Or, you may also tell her that the school will bring her to a lot of places, and she'll still have a lot of fun there!

I remember that another worry you have is your child's English level.  Judging from the levels of various school in HK, I would say that the P1 level in DGJS is really around P3 in others. If you have time, try to encourage your daughter to ask questions or explain concepts in English more, then she should be fine.  

If you have any questions regarding English learning, or if you wish to know what your child needs to learn for her P1 preparation, just feel free to post another message. I'll try my best to help you.
Wish your lovely child all the bests!


Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-11 17:04 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Vernique,

Could you please  give us your idea what our children need to  learn for her P1 preparation  regarding English Learning?? Please advise.


Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-11 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Hi Vernique

I would like to know how to prepare for my child's P1 too. Please share with us!  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-12 01:32 |只看該作者

Re: DGJS Results????????

Congratulation!! Those may be a little bit late.

My kid is in K2 now. Can you tell me which kinder your kid is in? Was the interview hard and do they interview the parents too?

I think you may had a long preparation work for this good result. Do you mind to share how you raise your kid?

A sincere mama
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