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教育王國 討論區 保良局陳守仁小學 2006年9月TSL小一家長請進
樓主: kawaihappy

2006年9月TSL小一家長請進 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-7-23 22:47 |只看該作者

Thanks for your sharing.

Was there a long queue when you got there?

Really don't want to queue up for an hour to get in!  

原帖由 manlili 於 09-7-23 22:08 發表
在景生攤位,有數不盡的story book,我女的激買系列 magic tree house 都是100元4本,相信最後會更平,同樣是故事書在別的要買多20元一本,差小小做了羊古,至於excesice,都不是很特別,如樂思的平少少,在網上訂都差不多,希 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-24 16:01 |只看該作者
My son likes the Magic tree house series very much. We even printed out the passport and so every time he finished reading a book and answered 3 questions, he can get a stamp. Now, he reads  the books automatically.
For the other parents reference, you can also buy it in "The Commercial" Bookshop at $100 for 4 (not the newly published one).
A cheaper way is that you can buy those published by Mainland China publisher (with both English and Chinese version) and it costs only RMB12. And even cheaper is that if you buy in internet:
book.dangdang.com, 1 series with 34 or 37 books only cost <RMB200.
And the cheapest one is to borrow in the public library that I'm doing now!

Just wonder if other parents have any good suggestion of Chinese books and English books for the kids?

原帖由 principal 於 09-7-23 22:47 發表

Thanks for your sharing.

Was there a long queue when you got there?

Really don't want to queue up for an hour to get in!  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-24 16:34 |只看該作者

Did you visit or do you have any plan to visit the Book Fair this year?

原帖由 heidikl 於 09-7-24 16:01 發表
My son likes the Magic tree house series very much. We even printed out the passport and so every time he finished reading a book and answered 3 questions, he can get a stamp. Now, he reads  the books ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-24 18:49 |只看該作者
I was struggling whether to go or not before. But I'm pretty busy for work and I need to leave HK on Sat. for business trip and will be back next Wed., so I didn't plan to go this year.
Actually every year I thought of going to the book fair, but everytime I saw so many people, I gave up and so I have never been to the book fair so far.
On the other hand, I enjoy to visit the Book City in China.

原帖由 principal 於 09-7-24 16:34 發表

Did you visit or do you have any plan to visit the Book Fair this year?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-24 19:30 |只看該作者

In that case, you better visit the "unlimited" Book Fairs in the "Book Cities" in Mainland China!  

Have a good trip.

原帖由 heidikl 於 09-7-24 18:49 發表

I was struggling whether to go or not before. But I'm pretty busy for work and I need to leave HK on Sat. for business trip and will be back next Wed., so I didn't plan to go this year.
Actually every ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-27 01:22 |只看該作者
I'm now in India and found that the English books here are relatively cheaper. Harry Potter and those Roald Dahl cost HK$35 - $80 after converted to HK dollars. Interesting to hear from the shop keeper that the price depends on the thickness of the books  instead of the list price printed on the back. He said that India got special imported price even though all those books are imported from US/UK.
That could be a good business to import the books from India and resale to other countries.

原帖由 principal 於 09-7-24 19:30 發表

In that case, you better visit the "unlimited" Book Fairs in the "Book Cities" in Mainland China!  

Have a good trip.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-27 09:06 |只看該作者

This may be a very good side business for you!!

However, are you sure those books are really printed in U.K./U.S. and then being imported into India?
I understand that some of those books are just printed locally in India and the paper is slightly thinner and perhaps this is one reason why the prices are slightly cheaper.
But if you have paid attention to the quality of the paper when you look at it, I think you can tell the difference rather easily.

While you are in India, be careful of the various spices that can cause you diarrhoea if you are not accustomed to that!!  
Hope you are okay!

原帖由 heidikl 於 09-7-27 01:22 發表

I'm now in India and found that the English books here are relatively cheaper. Harry Potter and those Roald Dahl cost HK$35 - $80 after converted to HK dollars. Interesting to hear from the shop keepe ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-7-27 11:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 12:12 |只看該作者
heidikl & principal,

I bought a lot of chapter books on $100 for 6
Chinese books 35%off, some even 40%off.
Good price this year.  B* recommended a set of 橋梁書 to my duaghter.  She started to read them.

Not many choices in Hall 3 this year, so next year we will simply go to Hall 1 but not Hall 3 anymore.

RE.: buy books from India
My husband bought some books from India to kids two years ago, very good price!  Some indian fairy tales (english version)about one inch thick only cost $30 something HKDs.  However, order books from China is still the most cheapest way.

[ 本帖最後由 TINGMUM 於 09-7-30 12:16 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 13:12 |只看該作者

Your advice came too late!

The Book Fair is already over!  

Let’s look for even better “goodies” next year.

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-7-30 12:12 發表
heidikl & principal,

I bought a lot of chapter books on $100 for 6
Chinese books 35%off, some even 40%off.
Good price this year.  B* recommended a set of 橋梁書 to my duaghter.   ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 13:19 |只看該作者

Any new recommendation on the "bridging books" that you can share with us again?

Thanks in advance.      

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-7-30 12:12 發表

B* recommended a set of 橋梁書 to my duaghter.   ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-30 21:46 |只看該作者
Regret to see that "disparity" is still very severe in India. One side of the road, you can see very nice shopping mall, like Elements. On the other side, you can see hundreds of huts building along the hill (like more than 30 years ago HK). I really hope that my son can have a chance to see that and understand that. A very strong message is that "only knowledge can change the people life".
One suggestion to the school, can the school organize the India trip on top of the France/UK summer trip, especially so many students may have the family in India? We can live in their houses (I did visited my colleague apartment! That's interesting experience!)
On the other hand, I bought 3 encyclopedia (hard cover) at ~HK$70 and Roald Dahl books at ~HK$40. Feel a sense of satisfaction and my son starts to read the encyclopedia (the pictures) now.

the living standard in
原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-7-30 12:12 發表
heidikl & principal,

I bought a lot of chapter books on $100 for 6
Chinese books 35%off, some even 40%off.
Good price this year.  B* recommended a set of 橋梁書 to my duaghter.   ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 22:15 |只看該作者

I think the "bridging books" Tingmum referred to are the TW Chinese books which I usually recommend to friends with kids in P1 - P6.  Several v interesting series.  But as you know, TW books are usually quite expensive.  So either you buy from TW or when local  bookshops give a good discount.  Or borrow from public library which stock up quite quickly nowadays.

But I can't type Chinese at home, can only post some links on interesting books next Monday.

As for Engl books, my BK shopping friends and I found several bookshops in Book Fair offering 40% discount on some very good Engl books suitable for our kids.  Will let you know the names of the bookshops so you can look out for them in future Book Fairs and around HK.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-7-30 22:21 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 22:55 |只看該作者

1)        Yes, the disparity is really wide, especially when you go to city like Mumbai (Bombay), you may be shocked if you go there for the first time.   
To some extent, the traditional caste system has played a significant role there.  
Even though the disparity in HK is also becoming wider and wider in recent years, the disparity is still “less obvious” when you compare the scene on the streets.

2)       It's very true to say that "knowledge/education can change one's destiny".

3)        It’s really a good idea to bring our children to other parts of the world sometimes to let them see other people who are less fortunate and have a feel of what that really means.   
Don’t take everything for granted!   
Many things do not come so easily.

原帖由 heidikl 於 09-7-30 21:46 發表

Regret to see that "disparity" is still very severe in India. One side of the road, you can see very nice shopping mall, like Elements. On the other side, you can see hundreds of huts building along t ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-7-31 08:19 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-30 23:02 |只看該作者


No rush – take you time.

If possible, I intend to borrow these books from public library.

It’s good that you always do some screening for us so we start to become lazier and lazier and just ask you for some lists at regular intervals!!  

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-7-30 22:15 發表


I think the "bridging books" Tingmum referred to are the TW Chinese books which I usually recommend to friends with kids in P1 - P6.  Several v interesting series.  But as you know, TW boo ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-31 17:10 |只看該作者
Would highly appreciate you could share with us the good English and Chinese books for our kids and also the good priced bookshop.
BTW, I also got a recommended book list of P.1-6 from DBSPS. Please pm me your email address if you need so (a big file). fyi - I'm very surprised that the English books she recommended is very difficult, e.g. P.2 to read Harry Potter!

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-7-30 22:15 發表

I think the "bridging books" Tingmum referred to are the TW Chinese books which I usually recommend to friends with kids in P1 - P6.  Several v interesting series.  But as you know, TW boo ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-7-31 17:56 |只看該作者

回覆 1# heidikl 的文章

TSL Parents,
Are you aware that the kids have an summer assignment of the following (I guess it's optional):

Our School is ranked #2 :
名次 學校 分數
1 英華小學 650380
2 保良局陳守仁小學 443787
3 德信學校 441381

# 3 school is only 2406 points less than us. We need to keep up. My son contributes 932 points and we plan to finish all this week exercises by this weekend and aim for another 500 points. So, you can make the change and contribute!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-13 16:29 |只看該作者
Dear all,

Are you aware that there is a new message from the school just posted on the school website?

The theme for the upcoming school year is

“Love to Learn.  Learn to Love”.

Quite a positive theme.  

If your children do not know this yet, you may inform them.

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-8-13 16:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-18 00:17 |只看該作者
Hi, Principal,

The theme is very impressive!  I am very expecting the new school year of my daughter in TSL!

原帖由 principal 於 09-8-13 16:29 發表
Dear all,

Are you aware that there is a new message from the school just posted on the school website?

The theme for the upcoming school year is

“Love to Learn.  Learn to Love”.

Quite a posit ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-27 12:54 |只看該作者
Dear Big brothers & sisters in TSL,

Just wonder if you got the latest ECA / School Team / Interest Class timetable of the new school term?

I am considering the pickup logistics of my girls.

Million Thanks!

原帖由 Little_Princess 於 09-8-18 00:17 發表
Hi, Principal,

The theme is very impressive!  I am very expecting the new school year of my daughter in TSL!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 11:05 |只看該作者

I guess you have to wait for a few days more till the new school term starts.

原帖由 Little_Princess 於 09-8-27 12:54 發表

Dear Big brothers & sisters in TSL,

Just wonder if you got the latest ECA / School Team / Interest Class timetable of the new school term?

I am considering the pickup logistics of my girls.

Millio ...
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