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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 ISF 和 SIS 大家会怎么考虑?
樓主: lyyshore

ISF 和 SIS 大家会怎么考虑?   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-17 16:21 |只看該作者
964000 發表於 16-2-17 15:42
I think I have applied the same schools as you, may I know what is your back up plan? Attending 2 ki ...

No way! Play and rest is an important ingredient to a childs' development! We hold european passport, we can always go back if things don't go accordingly. In addition, we already have a place in Woodland, which she likes a lot. ISF is a almost a through train school, it saves some hassle, but if they don't offer us a place, it's fine, we choose them and they choose us.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-17 16:28 |只看該作者
回覆 Riesling 的帖子

Exactly, my three kids (local HK people) without any priority got all accepted in the past few years.
PY1 for academic year 2016-17 will have one more class, i.e. 20 seats more.   

In the past, for 5 PY1 classes of 100 seats, if 80 seats were reserved for Singaporeans, 20 seats would be left for open competition.

Assuming there are same number of Singaporeans in AY2016-17, i.e. 80 seats, there will be totally 40 seats left for open competition for PY1 in AY2016-17, i.e. 100% increase in seat / chance.

Waiting list offers will be released from March to August.   So, good luck to every one!

[by the way, aside from many good aspects I love about SIS, I in particular like the way that most rich parents would keep themselves humble / low key..... showing off is a rare phenomenon and seems generally rejected (if not despised) in SIS culture.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 16-2-17 18:44 |只看該作者

引用:回覆+Riesling+的帖子 Exactly,+my+three+

原帖由 ikerberg 於 16-02-17 發表
回覆 Riesling 的帖子

Exactly, my three kids (local HK people) without any priority got all accepted ...
I like this culture, it's similar culture to ICS too. My Friend from another renown IS said she needs to buy a few hermes bag to get herself  "equipped"


annie40  I know a friend does something similar. She should not need to do it actually.  發表於 16-2-17 22:30

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-17 22:19 |只看該作者
I think if someone would need to equip herself with a few hermes bag to feel more comfortable, that's probably not the problem of the school.
sometimes i think that parent's mentality and values have greater influence on the kids than their peers in school.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-2-17 22:40 |只看該作者
認識高中的ISF家長,全部友善humble, 還落力地互相為孩子們搵intern, 當中不乏跟名醫,名人學習。其實很想問大家,究竟有多少寶貴個案是證明ISF家長很高竇,還是外面人老是猜想他們十分「高竇」而已!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-18 00:05 |只看該作者

回覆:ISF 和 SIS 大家会怎么考虑?

Come on。。。。 lets move on to other area while i dont think conclusion can be drawn on the 'parent' discussion。 I originally have typed more on SIS approach of non-academic, but the post was disappeared。SIS encouraged children to be independent ,i am not sure in other school but when you know how do their swiming teacher train them up , you may thinkits a bit tough。 They are requested to wash , change, and dry their hair in 5 min 。 trainer count down in front of the changing room, its fun to see kids was pulling up their pant when they ran to the hair dryer。Besides, SIS curriculum covers moral educational and a course called mindup since preparatory years,which teaches kids how to clear their mind through silent sitting facilitated by teachers。 i heard that children can be able to understand their gd and bad behaviour associated to the brain function。Not to write too long which may be annoying, i just pick two points to share in here。

Rank: 2

發表於 16-2-18 00:13 |只看該作者
回覆 annie40 的帖子

1 - 以我的10年經驗,我衹遇過2位我覺得是有一點點看不起人的家長。 但這是個人修養的問題,與孩子上什麽學校無關。 與有沒有錢更無關。
2 - 這裏有很多不是ISF家長的人衹靠自己想象和道聽途說就以專家口吻說ISF這里不好哪裏不好。這對學校不公平。對有心想入這校的家長更不公平。 個人覺得,這些偏見大多帶點酸葡萄的味兒,而且資料大多是不正確的。
3 - ISF其實是有自己的問題的, 但不是 外人或衹讀過一兩年的人可以看出來的。不過公平點,那間學校沒有問題呢?

我對ISF有很多的喜歡, 也有很多的不喜歡。 但説話還是要公道,這是個人修養哦。

p.s.順帶 一提, 有錢人的孩子不一定是無禮貌被寵壞的,有錢又是國内來的也不一定是態度差無修養的。至少我認識的很多是十年苦讀,拿獎學金放洋的貧學生,現在生活得好一點就被人說成是暴發戶,實在替他們不值。另外,有錢無錢也沒有定義的。我月入五萬,十萬,二十萬,一百萬,到那個水位才算有錢呢?  我家庭有一千萬,一億,十億身家,到那個水平才叫有錢呢? 這些大家心平如鏡時,誰不懂呢? 心不平,氣不和地說酸話傷人,真正不開心的是自己不是別人哦。

Rank: 4

發表於 16-2-18 12:41 |只看該作者

回覆:ISF 和 SIS 大家会怎么考虑?

Noticed that an particular ISF parent here had bad experience. They just do not like the school and need to hunt for the right school.

Just wonder if the boy has actually been given an offer by the preschool to the Academy? Or actually being rejected?

Just thought it is a very bold decision to make.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 16-2-18 12:46 |只看該作者

引用:回覆+annie40+的帖子 1+-+以我的10年經驗

原帖由 leetai838 於 16-02-18 發表
回覆 annie40 的帖子

1 - 以我的10年經驗,我衹遇過2位我覺得是有一點點看不起人的家長。 但這是個人修養 ...

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-2-18 14:10 |只看該作者
.順帶 一提, 有錢人的孩子不一定是無禮貌被寵壞的,有錢又是國内來的也不一定是態度差無修養的。至少我認識的很多是十年苦讀,拿獎學金放洋的貧學生,現在生活得好一點就被人說成是暴發戶,實在替他們不值。
****     *****
可能香港家长唔钟意听, 自己认识的IS 国内家长, 全部是很和气, 有修养. 对朋友亦长情.

香港朋友批评国内家长不懂穿衣, 孩子又穿多衣, 穿错衣物等, 其实鬼老穿着更求其, 都没有被指指点点.  是我们的观点角度有偏差吗? 生活品味是很个人的事吧!

Rank: 2

發表於 16-2-18 18:39 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 leetai838 於 16-2-18 18:42 編輯

回覆 964000 的帖子

a man's meat is another man's poison.  
有很多家長話ISF太嚴, 但同時又有很多人話太聳.
有很多家長話ISF太多功課, 但同時又有很多話太少.
沒有人講大話, 但每個人把尺都唔同.   學校沒有好壞, 只有適合與否. 大家懂的.
學生拿5,6 個A,  30幾分 是學校的功勞.  但 拿10A  45 分 是家長和學生自己的功勞呀!  
大家選校時,除了語言, 請還多問問 teacher turnover, sutdent drop-off rates, management structure 等等.  
雖然中學生提早 出國已成 風, 但 80% drop off 跟 20% drop off 必有背後原因哦.   這些 rates 也可以 跟 similar schools 比較.

順帶一提 :  在這裡有很多家長選學校是基於 該校的學生 說英文"聼"起來很流利.  請想想,英國也有很多小朋友英文不合格的,但他們明明是  native English speakers 哦.   爲什麽呢?      請反過來想, 一個洋人想學好中文 (聼講寫讀) 見到個赤膊大叔講流利廣東話還加添助語詞, 便覺得他中文很好,找他做中文老師.   相同的荒謬.

我無心開罪任何人, 但學校對小朋友的將來有莫大的影響,  家長為英文來選校 實在令人心疼.  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-2-18 19:16 |只看該作者
回覆 leetai838 的帖子

Judging from the small number of ISF graduates till now, its secondary dropout rate is really high. ISF and CKY were established around the same time but CKY already had graduates of 60 or 70 while ISF still around 20...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-18 20:05 |只看該作者

回覆:ISF 和 SIS 大家会怎么考虑?

我覺得每次討論一些國際學校,都會講那間學校的有錢家長喜show off, 那間學校的家長很低調 ……

其實我覺得揸名車名貴手代袋不能代表show off, 揸日本車和衣著樸素也不一定是humble。人地揸乜車著乜係人地自由,咁人地屋企真係架架名車,唔通為咗顯得自己humble就專登買架日本車去送返學?其揸架 Lamborghini送返學只是個人喜好,又唔代表佢睇唔起人,最重要係待人接物態度。如果我地要以外表去label人地,其實也是看不起人的一種。


annie40  very sensible.  發表於 16-2-19 10:56

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-18 22:07 |只看該作者

引用:回覆+leetai838+的帖子 Judging+from+the+

原帖由 caa 於 16-02-18 發表
回覆 leetai838 的帖子

Judging from the small number of ISF graduates till now, its secondary dropou ...
Are you serious? Only 20? Do you know at which level they usually drop out? Thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-18 22:08 |只看該作者


原帖由 紅紅 於 16-02-18 發表
我覺得每次討論一些國際學校,都會講那間學校的有錢家長喜show off, 那間學校的家長很低調 ……

其實我覺 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-2-18 22:40 |只看該作者
112200 發表於 16-2-18 22:07
Are you serious? Only 20? Do you know at which level they usually drop out? Thanks
28 to be exact for number of 2015 graduates. Check out this thread:
2015 IB results

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 16-2-18 23:24 |只看該作者
caa 發表於 16-2-18 22:40
28 to be exact for number of 2015 graduates. Check out this thread:
2015 IB results
Only 71% of students obtained bilingual diploma seems to be on the low side given ISF's emphasis on both Chinese and English.  Any particular reasons?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-2-18 23:29 |只看該作者
poonseelai 發表於 16-2-18 23:24
Only 71% of students obtained bilingual diploma seems to be on the low side given ISF's emphasis on  ...
According to ISF's publication available on website 10 out of 28 took English B in 2015.


poonseelai  does it mean not all bilingual diploma students took both Chinese and Eng A?  發表於 16-2-18 23:44
poonseelai  But 10/28 = 35%?  發表於 16-2-18 23:42
poonseelai  thanks  發表於 16-2-18 23:40

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 16-2-18 23:58 |只看該作者
"does it mean not all bilingual diploma students took both Chinese and Eng A?"

I think so based on the figures. 35% took English B which means 65% took English A. 65% is less than bilingual percentage 71%, which means there must be some bilingual are not both English and Chinese A.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-2-19 00:44 |只看該作者


原帖由 caa 於 16-02-18 發表
"does it mean not all bilingual diploma students took both Chinese and Eng A?"

I think so based on  ...
Hi, do you if it is student's choice onEnglish A or B ?or school's choice? My impression, its default Eng A in SIS , therefore i thought it applys on all international school


caa  No idea I just looked at public info on their website.  發表於 16-2-19 09:05
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