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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 小學課程愈來愈深, 會考愈來愈容易:Your Opinions? ...
樓主: stevema

小學課程愈來愈深, 會考愈來愈容易:Your Opinions? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-28 09:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 lwl2007 於 07-11-27 15:34 發表
Sometimes I find it difficult to give guidance to my son for his learning. Firstly, I have not kept updating my science knowledge for over ten years. When my son ask me some questions about Integrated ...

Dear lwl2007,

May be I can share experience on teaching my kid. At one time I was asked by my son on PTH and I know nothing on this lang., I can just refer him to the relevant source and let him find the answer by himself. Another time is he ask me about the Math., I know how to approach it  but I keep on asking him to find what their textbook's approach. What I am saying is you should let them solve their problem rather than giving the answer directly.

For the tutor part, if your kid already used to solve the problem by themself, there is no need for it. Tutoring class will give you the best and efficient answer but never telll you why should it be like that. Of course you can 'memorize' it and score very high marks (don't forget the exam. auth. now are thinking of what the student 'probably' know and set the questions toward it), should this treat as coorperation between the tutor class and the exam. auth.? If you ask me did I hire private tutor before, the answer is yes. The purpose of it is not teaching my kids to score high mark nor to teach them the homework, only one reason is to let them strengthen some very specific area such as english, PTH oral presentation, panio etc.

It's very hard for parent to ignore the exam. marks (local one) under the current education system but think about if he kids are just concentrating on the exam. related area(s), will they still has the interest/time for exploring what should they know for future survival. One very silly example is I remember the interview case on the past F.7 top graduate that most of them will select HKUST coperate finance because of high salary upon graduation. Should you feel comfortable on their act? If their answer is they got interest on the areas may be a bit better (I strongly against kids/teenager to touch on investment), the perfect one may be they want to study the behaviour of economic system in the current macro environment. What I am saying is HK student are so short sighted and just want immediate return, may be it is their parent's intention.

Sorry for so long speech!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-28 11:35 |只看該作者

Thanks for your reply !

Dear father_ho,

You are right ! When I meet some University Graduates in my company. I found that some of them have a bad attitude towards their work, they are reluctance to work hard and really contribute effort to their work ! I am not challenging their IQ but their attitude, when they find some difficulties, some of them just waiting for someone to help them ! Some of them are irresponsible, just leaving the problem to other and ressign within a short-time ! They always try to leave office eariler with some excuse when they feel the job is boring and always count on how much they earn instead of how much they learn !

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-28 22:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 youma 於 07-10-28 23:59 發表
其實小學只是中文比以前(20-30年前)教得較有系統, 並非是深了. 反而英文和數學就淺了許多!

係呀!  而家小學d嘢我細個都學過。 而好多嘢就係我細個有學而佢地係奧數先有。  英文都唔覺得佢地深咗!  佢地有我地都有。  中文就冇物特別印象。  

我讀嘅係新界鄉村學校,相信d嘢唔會深。 不過就記得初中學d嘢好多時係重覆小學d嘢再加d新嘢同深d嘅問題。




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-29 08:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 mayling234 於 07-11-28 22:46 發表

係呀!  而家小學d嘢我細個都學過。 而好多嘢就係我細個有學而佢地係奧數先有。  英文都唔覺得佢地深咗!  佢地有我地都有。  中文就冇物特別印象。  

我讀嘅係新界鄉村學校,相信d嘢唔會深。 不過就記得初中學d嘢好 ...

我覺得係因為宜家d家長比以前家長質素提升左,無論係學識或家庭背景都係, 所以自然過份保護左細路, 而且社會對孩子嘅保護亦多左, 變左下一代嘅文化水平層面闊左(因為家長嘅安排, 多左人大學畢業), 但責任感少左,(讀書唔係自己爭取, 讀得唔好, 父母自然送上補習老師一個) 面對能奕境力差左(家長會幫你解決所有問題, 包括老師, 同學之間嘅相處問題).所有野都唔洗做, 讀好書就得啦, 呢d咪係新一代囉

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-29 11:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 el1008 於 07-11-29 08:56 發表

我覺得係因為宜家d家長比以前家長質素提升左,無論係學識或家庭背景都係, 所以自然過份保護左細路, 而且社會對孩子嘅保護亦多左, 變左下一代嘅文化水平層面闊左(因為家長嘅安排, 多左人大學畢業), 但責任感少左,(讀 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 07-11-30 00:04 |只看該作者

Chickens and Rabbits

Dear uncleedward,

Apparently, your method seems easy.  But, it is actually lack of giving a proper mathematical treatment or insight into mathematical problems.  In other words, dealing with the problems of chickens and rabbits is okay.  If students are asked to solve problems with tricycles, bicycles or lorries, big trucks, your "chickens and rabbits" method can't help.  Conversely, students can get learn anything from the problem.  I just want to say "Learning mathematics is not simply to calculate the correct answer in short time, but to learn, understand and appreciate the process of getting the answers."

Rank: 2

發表於 07-11-30 00:06 |只看該作者

shc2007 ! Great !

You are so great !

發表於 07-11-30 12:52 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 shc2007 的文章

Dear lwl2007

I thought my method already embodies the methodology behind simultaneous equations. I shall be more than grateful if you can be more specific why my method is mathematically inappropriate. And please enlighten me how we can solve the problem without resorting to equations at all.

[ 本文章最後由 uncleedward 於 07-11-30 12:54 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-1 00:56 |只看該作者
Dear uncleedward,
It is not so much about equations, but the way of solving problems.  You used a particular case trying to ignore the importance of equations.  Of course, you can solve the problem and get the answer, but it doesn't imply students can tackle similar problems in the situation with complicated combinations.

In short, your suggested method can be considered to be clever, but not wise.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-1 01:53 |只看該作者
RIGHT ????? Understand ????:-| :-| :-| :-|

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-1 03:52 |只看該作者
today I discover that there is a passage in my son's (P3) Chinese book I learnt in secondary school, probably F3, if I remember correct.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-3 01:14 |只看該作者
YES ! ALAL ! 小學課程愈來愈深,

發表於 07-12-3 10:06 |只看該作者
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發表於 07-12-4 00:32 |只看該作者

Dear shc2007 & lwl2007

In the old days, 雞兔同籠、工程問題、水管問題、流程問題、父子年歲問題、兩數和差問題were typical questions one encountered at P5 or P6. All of them can be solved without using equations. It is nothing to do whether one is clever or wise. Name any such questions and I would not mind showing you the arithmetical way to solve it.

Please be specific and stop using empty words to avoid the questions.

[ 本文章最後由 uncleedward 於 07-12-4 00:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-12-4 16:18 |只看該作者
Dear uncleedward,

You are exactly correct.  The method you suggested is only suitable for P5 and P6.  Unfortunaetly, students have to learn another way in S1 and up.  Thus, you want your kids to prepare for P5 and P6 only, or a general approach for the future.  Your focus is still limited to Primary study.  Anyway, I want to stop the correspondence with you as we are of different wavelengths.

"Dear shc2007 & lwl2007

In the old days, 雞兔同籠、工程問題、水管問題、流程問題、父子年歲問題、兩數和差問題were typical questions one encountered at P5 or P6. All of them can be solved without using equations. It is nothing to do whether one is clever or wise. Name any such questions and I would not mind showing you the arithmetical way to solve it.

Please be specific and stop using empty words to avoid the questions."

發表於 07-12-5 08:50 |只看該作者
Dear shc2007

You said "I want to stop the correspondence with you as we are of different wavelengths."


Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-5 13:32 |只看該作者
原文章由 uncleedward 於 07-12-4 00:32 發表

Dear shc2007 & lwl2007

In the old days, 雞兔同籠、工程問題、水管問題、流程問題、父子年歲問題、兩數和差問題were typical questions one encountered at P5 or P6. All of them can be solved without using ...

Hi, uncleedward,

Your solution of 雞兔問題 is quite interesting.  Can you provide the method of other question.
i.e. 雞兔同籠、工程問題、水管問題、流程問題、父子年歲問題、兩數和差問題

發表於 07-12-7 10:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 mayling234 於 07-12-5 13:32 發表

Hi, uncleedward,

Your solution of 雞兔問題 is quite interesting.  Can you provide the method of other question.
i.e. 雞兔同籠、工程問題、水管問題、流程問題、父子年歲問題、兩數和差問題 ...

In fact, my solution is pretty standard. It was only that I used "cutting off the rabbits' feet" to make it easier for kids to remember.

For 兩數和差,we have the following formula from most text books:

(兩數和 + 兩數差) / 2 = 大數
(兩數和 - 兩數差) / 2 = 小數

If you're interested in non-algebraic solutions to other problems, I suggest you go to the library to pick up a book (for example one of those from 九章出版社) to look it up.

Non-algebraic methods tend to more tedious than using equations but they tend to be more interesting as well.

It is always nice for a kid to master more advanced mathematical tools than those currently taught at school, but in no way this should be the requirement for all the students.

For example, in Mathematics at HKCE level, we are not supposed to use differentiation to find the minimum or maximum value of a quadratic function. The more tedious "completing the square" method is expected. Even in Additional Mathematics, to find the area of a triangle in coordinate geometry, one is not expected to use the more general, and much simpler "determinant" method learned in more advanced maths.

[ 本文章最後由 uncleedward 於 07-12-7 10:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-12-7 21:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 uncleedward 於 07-12-7 10:12 發表

In fact, my solution is pretty standard. It was only that I used "cutting off the rabbits' feet" to make it easier for kids to remember.

For 兩數和差,we have the following formula from most text boo ...

Dear uncleedward,

I am not very good in math, but really feel 一點點通 through your solution, and its very interesting.

Do you have any suggestion of the book name of 九章出版社?

Thank you very much!

發表於 07-12-10 16:46 |只看該作者
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