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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC or SJS 究竟哪間較好
樓主: zhumama

RC or SJS 究竟哪間較好 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-17 10:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-9-17 10:11 硐表

SC is of course a very good school, my kid is studying there, very competitive and challenging, well-balanced in all aspects, have well-established culture and high school spirit.   I believe RC can be the same too in next 10 years' time.

Hi, WYmom.

我多次聽人講起SC很好, 而以學生畢業時的結果來看, KGV就不如SC. 您知道原因嗎? 是因為學校好, 還是學生素質好?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-17 10:34 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-9-17 10:24 硐表

Hi, WYmom.

我多次聽人講起SC很好, 而以學生畢業時的結果來看, KGV就不如SC. 您知道原因嗎? 是因為學校好, 還是學生素質好?


Wow, your question is so sensitive.  Hmmm..  I don't think KGV's result is not so good as SC??  Maybe KGV has more classes, different combinations, larger variances... they have a student getting 10A* this year... so I guess more or less the same.  Sorry, I don't know too much about it.

It all depends how parents educate their kids and the overall peer academic atmosphere, I think.  You are more experienced with IS than me, I believe you know more.

[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-9-17 10:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-17 12:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 阿胡 於 07-9-17 10:24 硐表

Hi, WYmom.

我多次聽人講起SC很好, 而以學生畢業時的結果來看, KGV就不如SC. 您知道原因嗎? 是因為學校好, 還是學生素質好?


Many people said that SJS/SC are not international because of the higher percentage of Chinese students.  I think this is an advantage; Chinese parents are more concern about their children's academic performance.  In Britain and America, Chinese students are high performing minority; some experts there have studied them in order to find out the reasons behind their success.

SC is a good school that is why so many parents have tried very hard to get a place for their children but we can’t ignore the contribution of the caring parents. SCMP has mentioned another reason for SC’s success: the location. In the neighborhoods of SC we can find quarters of Chinese University, Baptist University, Polytechnic University and Prince of Wales Hospital. Many parents are professionals; they have lived a better life because of their academic success. They surely will pass the key to academic success to their children. We should not underestimate our contribution to our children’s success.

[ 本文章最後由 ChingChingDad 於 07-9-17 12:50 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-17 15:02 |只看該作者
Yes, I agree with you, ChingChingDad.
8-) Zhu mama

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-17 15:24 |只看該作者


Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-17 15:29 |只看該作者
To me, I think the most important issue is whether the child is enjoying the school life. If you like RC and your son loves RC, this is the thing you need to consider. When do you need to make your final decision? It's almost 1 month after the school year started and your son may find it difficult to get accustomed to the new school if you choose to switch (esp. when he loves his present school. He will wonder why mom and dad take him out of the school that he loves). And choosing a P1 school for him is not the ultimate end. If you eventually don't like RC (for whatever reason), you can always apply for other schools (not only SJS) later in his life.

The question of whichever school is better than whichever school is neverending. There are always people who think that "the moon in a foreign country is rounder" while others strongly believe that "theirs is the best". It's a quite subjective thing which is exactly why you have to ask yourself in your heart which school you (esp. your son) like most.

This is just my opinion.

[ 本文章最後由 yymom07 於 07-9-17 15:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-17 18:24 |只看該作者
Thank you, yymom07.
8-) Zhu mama

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-17 19:30 |只看該作者
如果咁樣計,港島區好多國際學校,如 GSIS,CANIS等,都唔合格?但係人地成績都好好喎。
唔好同我 ARGUE,話個個有 NATIVE ENGLISH 水平,有人都講話 SC YEAR 7 用中一課本,如果話這批學生都係自 P1 由 ESF 升上去,有人信嗎?係人都知 ESF 小學中文唔強,但到 YEAR 7 竟然可以用中一課本,我就覺這批學生都係中途插班,之前讀了多年本地小學。
一方面又強調 SJS/SC 少收插班生,但另一方面又要強調學生中文好,叫人點信?
我話多插班生唔係老作,其實往年一直都有,我都有朋友早兩年幫孩子插過班去 SJS 同 BHS。今年更易有幾奇?唔好唔記得 ESF 集團又多了一間新分店 - RC,我有朋友孩子讀開 KJS 都轉了 RC,佢話亦有人由 CWBS 同 SJS 轉去 RC,唔係今年轉,而係舊年就轉了校,我相信出年,再多一間分店 DC,肯定會又有一個轉校潮,尤其一向好多另外藉人士都住 DISCOVERY BAY,佢地而家有自己的中學,一定好多都會唔出香港讀。根本 ESF 學校多了學位,係有現實的原因,大家否認唔到。
如果真係有興趣考 ESF (包括 RC,DC) 的人,尤其插班的,唔好比人嚇,一於去馬,入 FORM,D 人話難考,話考唔到,多數都係 D 讀開 band 2-3 local school 的學生,得罪講句,普通英文對答都未掂,就膽粗粗學人考國際學校,唔比人 OUT 先奇。我就知年年都大把 band 1 local school 學生成功考入 ESF 學校,亦係各個年級都有。而且,每年都有有好多不自量力的人,跟風學人考國際學校,ESF 學費平,即使 RC/DC 話冇資助,都比大部份其他國際學校平;現實就係咁,好多人根本比唔起更貴的學費,佢地根本唔會去考 HKIS,CANIS,唔係唔鍾意 HKIS,CANIS,而係真係高攀唔起。ESF 可以話係國際學校 "入門版",學費其實只比部份名直資多少少,減去書簿費,英文補習費,即使要加上中文補習,但係其實計落條數都唔會貴好多,咁投考 ESF 人數最多,真係唔奇。因此,ESF 多人考,唔代表就係好,可能只代表最多人 AFFORD 得起。
話我係考唔到 ESF 先咁講?
人地講 D 你唔想聽的,就話很地係酸葡萄?

[ 本文章最後由 Cara2006 於 07-9-17 19:33 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-17 20:51 |只看該作者

You're so bright and sensible!  Your comment is really get to the point!!!  I can't find any "ordinary" IS parent here can give such "opinion".  PLEASE MIND your manner!  I agree that everyone can express his/her opinion freely and I also respect to most of them.  However, don't treat most of the chinese IS parents are naive and stupid!!!!  Some BK members are parents of certain IS.  They share what they experienced and noticed.  What's yours?  

Extracted from Cara2006 "話個個有 NATIVE ENGLISH 水平,有人都講話 SC YEAR 7 用中一課本,如果話這批學生都係自 P1 由 ESF 升上去,有人信嗎?係人都知 ESF 小學中文唔強,但到 YEAR 7 竟然可以用中一課本,我就這批學生都係中途插班,之前讀了多年本地小學"

I read lots of your comment.  If u're not satisfied with IS or the chinese IS parents, it's better not to come here and chat.  It'll disappoint u only because all of us are irrational & not as smart as you!

[ 本文章最後由 Fattymom 於 07-9-17 20:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-17 23:49 |只看該作者
原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-9-17 19:30 硐表
如果咁樣計,港島區好多國際學校,如 GSIS,CANIS等,都唔合格?但係人地成績都好好喎。
唔好同我 ARGUE,話 ...


I just curious which school is your child studying now? How good they are?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 00:42 |只看該作者
[quote]原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-9-17 19:30 硐表
I didn't say that, but my son told me that most of the naughtiest  classmates are not local.

According to the letter from SJS's principle, most students in P.3 have passed an assessment designed by Durham University with results:

Mathematics General: More than 2 years above
English General: More than 2 years above

* Compared with students studying in England.

If you really know someone studying in SJS, you can easily find out whether the assessment result above is correct.  If you really know someone who is studying in SJS, you should know their English standard.  

They do talk to people in Cantonese, when they find people who can't understand English very well.  They are not stupid!!!

有人都講話 SC YEAR 7 用中一課本,如果話這批學生都係自 P1 由 ESF 升上去,有人信嗎?
Many SJS students have parents teaching them Chinese at home and they also attend after school Chinese Classes, like Kumon.  Some families hire private tutors.  The Chinese curriculum is not very strong in the past, but SJS has hired more teachers to implement the new Chinese Curriculum.  Now they have Mandarin lesson everyday.

Warning:  the Information Pollution Index is high today , please avoid reading polluted messages.


發表於 07-9-18 01:25 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 07:18 |只看該作者
原文章由 Kareese 於 07-9-18 01:25 硐表
"我就知年年都大把 band 1 local school 學生成功考入 ESF 學校,亦係各個年級都有。"

請問妳點知?妳在ESF Admin處做的嗎?or 妳識人係入面做?

This guy is not an ESF parent, why bother when we are discussing ESF schools with ESF parents ourselves?

Besides, students switching from local to IS or IS to local are very normal, parents just find the suitable schools for kids, what's the problem?  It is a FACT that the admission language requirements of ESF is high and the priority rules are more for non-Chinese speaking students, so it is not easy for local students to be accepted.  For RC, the priority rules are different, so it is easier for locals to join.  It is a requirement from the govt to meet the high demand of local parents, which is good for the public.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-18 09:32 |只看該作者
Dear Cara2006,

It seems that you know a lot about IS. May I know which school is your child studying now?


原文章由 Cara2006 於 07-9-17 19:30 硐表
如果咁樣計,港島區好多國際學校,如 GSIS,CANIS等,都唔合格?但係人地成績都好好喎。
唔好同我 ARGUE,話 ...
8-) Zhu mama

發表於 07-9-18 10:02 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-18 10:06 |只看該作者
每個小朋友資質不同, 文化背景不同, 家庭環境不同, 自然英文程度會有差距. 只要學校不將差學生踢出校門, ESF一定有學生英文不好, 不足為奇.

英文是如此, 中文也一樣. 一個人可以溫文爾雅, 另一個人可以......

哈哈, 語言真是奇妙.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-9-18 12:49 |只看該作者
Hi christf,

Thanks for your long reply.  hey, please calm down.  I guess you mis-understood my meaning and tone.  My previous post just would like to have MORE SPECIFIC information of SJS/SC.  I know zhumama as well.  I hope to help her find more details only.

Your valuable input is good for us because you are well-experienced parent.  I know your kid changed two IS, certainly you know more than me, right?  I am still OBSERVING whether RC is a good school to my sweetie.  I only can say so far I feel “SATISFIED” as other parents I recognized in RC.

Sorry that I am NOT RC' fans.  I don't intend to argue anything.  As I said, I also want to know more INFORMATION and REALITY how SJS is better.  I “may” also consider SJS if I can gather more actual figures how SJS is better and more appropriate to my daughter. Why not?

However, I won't simply rely on “track record”.  My daughter is only YEAR 1 right now.  How can I predict the result in YEAR 12 or YEAR 13 (talking 10 years later)?

I heard many good comments of SC years ago.  However, recently I heard many “bad” comments and “rumours” about the teachers and management from two ways – my friend's mouth (her two daughters are studying there) and a so-called ESF teacher (via www.batgung.com).  That’s why I want to ask more and know more about SJS/SC here.  If SJS is good, how come so many children would move to SIS and other schools? Please understand I don't mean SJS is NOT good. I don't have any experience at all.  How can I comment it?  This is merely a question from my heart.  I really want to find out the answer.

Please don't make any personal attack.  Please don't name me RC's fans or Mr. Kenny's fans just because I reckon RC good so far.  I am NOT familiar with them.  I may criticize RC or Mr. Peter Kenny if I find anything wrong about the school later on.  Do you have any children studying in RC before?  If not, how can you comment it?  Just like I also can't comment SJS/SC.

In response to your question whether my daughter got accepted by DGS/ST. PAUL CO-ED, I may tell you "IMPOSSIBLE".  As I said I don't think it's appropriate to my daughter, I even didn't SUBMIT the application form.

p.s. I NEVER SAY "DGS/St. Paul Co-ed can't motivate the kids in learning".  Please don't wrongly re-write my sentence!!!!  I respect those graduates from these two wonderful schools.

Once again, thanks for your sharing.   Have a nice day too!


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 07-9-18 12:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-18 21:40 |只看該作者
Thank you all for your responses.

Different parents have different choices. I agree with Chingyu that she just want to give me some more information in order to help me choose a more suitable school for my son.

We're going to make the decision.

Thank you very much for all of your precious opinions and sharing.

I hope the princes and princesses of all BK parents enjoy their fruitful and delightful school life.

Thank you all again.
8-) Zhu mama

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-19 11:40 |只看該作者
I agree with chingyu.
I think many parents are merely asking for more information or views here and unfortunately some parents are taking these "enquiries" as challenges or insults, and would reply in a very unfriendly tone.
Parents should of course come forward to clarify misunderstanding but may be we should also consider not being hostile.
Honestly, I appears to me that some parents have stopped posting messages here totally. It is really sad, and to be honest, quite sick to see that some parents are always endlessly picking on a few particularly international schools.
I agree that we have to support our own schools and THAT is what we call school spirits or morale. But how far should we go to support our schools? Do we have to always "win" in these discussions, when there is obviously no true winners? I would think that getting informations and support here is more important here at BK than "winning" in an argument.
I must thank a few very generous parents, from ESF or RC, for their friendly messages: WYmom, ChingChingDad, Nanshanlu, Chingyu, etc. Sorry I must have missed some others. All the best wishes to these friendly people.

[ 本文章最後由 JennyL 於 07-9-19 11:46 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-9-20 01:15 |只看該作者
8-) Zhu mama
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