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教育王國 討論區 保良局陳守仁小學 08年小一 part II

08年小一 part II [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-12 14:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 principal 於 09-10-12 11:59 發表

May we know when is the appropriate time for the next “Treasure Hunt”??  

When you run out of books for Little Angels and Reading Superman, and decide to give me a yell !

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-28 15:00 |只看該作者
Ha, Ha, We (both parents and the kids) can relax now!

Seems the BK is relatively quiet recently and I suppose the parents were busy for preparing the kids for the tests.
So far, during the whole revision process, we were quite relaxed and I didn't want to give too much pressure to my son. A bit regret is that everytime when my son came back from the test of each subject, he did make some mistakes. I don't think they are all careless mistakes but rather is how to make a wise judgment or choice when he is not sure the answer. I think some exam techniques we can teach the kids so that he can think over which answer has the higher chance of correct.
But one interesting error he made that I should feel glad is that he doesn't know what is the suitable word for matching "Da Ku" (big cry) in the Chinese test. It should be "Fang Sheng Da Ku".
It is because in his dictionary, he never has the experience of "fang sheng da ku" and he always says that he is happy and positive person.

Hope every kid has a satisfactory result in the test.

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-10-12 14:55 發表

When you run out of books for Little Angels and Reading Superman, and decide to give me a yell !

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-28 15:04 |只看該作者
Ha, Ha, We (both parents and the kids) can relax now!

Seems the BK is relatively quiet recently and I suppose the parents were busy for preparing the kids for the tests.
So far, during the whole revision process, we were quite relaxed and I didn't want to give too much pressure to my son. A bit regret is that everytime when my son came back from the test of each subject, he did make some mistakes. I don't think they are all careless mistakes but rather is how to make a wise judgment or choice when he is not sure the answer. I think some exam techniques we can teach the kids so that he can think over which answer has the higher chance of correct.
But one interesting error he made that I should feel glad is that he doesn't know what is the suitable word for matching "Da Ku" (big cry) in the Chinese test. It should be "Fang Sheng Da Ku".
It is because in his dictionary, he never has the experience of fang sheng da ku and he always says that he is happy and positive person.

Hope every kid has a satisfactory result in the test.

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-10-12 14:55 發表

When you run out of books for Little Angels and Reading Superman, and decide to give me a yell !

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-28 22:19 |只看該作者

I should feel glad is that he doesn't know what is the suitable word for matching "Da Ku" (big cry) in the Chinese test. It should be "Fang Sheng Da Ku".  
It is because in his dictionary, he never has the experience of fang sheng da ku and he always says that he is happy and positive person.

Your son is very very lucky as he does not know the meaning of “fang sheng da ku” as  probably he has never experienced this.
That means he has got a very happy childhood so far so no need to cry loudly.  

However, he should know the words “fang sheng da ku” sooner or later as one’s lifetime will never be so smooth.
In case he still does not know the real meaning of “fang sheng da ku” after his retirement, he might be the luckiest boy (man) in the world!!

原帖由 heidikl 於 09-10-28 15:04 發表

Ha, Ha, We (both parents and the kids) can relax now!

Seems the BK is relatively quiet recently and I suppose the parents were busy for preparing the kids for the tests ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-10-28 23:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 11:08 |只看該作者

Your son is so smart that he could tell you what he did wrong in the Chinese test paper.  My one only said he did well in one of Chinese papers but I don't know which one.  He requested me don't ask him too many questions because he forgot all after the test. He asked me wait to see the good news! So, fine, I just wait here to see if he could get another $5 from my pocket!   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 11:56 |只看該作者

I am so glad you count me in to be one of members of "dream team"!  

P5 中文, angleprincess 所形容同我感受一樣 (會否同一班 ), 中作要求比P4嚴謹, 不易拿高分, 中黙時老師讀得比p4時快了很多, 較弱的小朋友需時去適應!

Math 教fraction, 又煩又容易亂, 細心加懂控制時間的小朋友取勝, 所以要重覆操練, 工多藝術. 老師另出WORKSHEET比小朋友操練, 是很好很細心的安排!:D

OVERALL英文同以前有些分別, 無論是小二仔仔的CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS 或 小五囡囡的MR. BEAN, 大家都很有新鮮感, 老師真聰明, 花小小心思, 用孩子們所熟悉和喜愛的人物在WS上, 令他們做WS特別快和用心, 而且很吸收呀!  另外英作 用1ST DRAFT, 2ND DRAFT, 叫同學寫COMMENT, 再改,才交. 是個很好訓練小朋友思考的方式. 但留意,囡囡出現一個情況, 本來寫得不錯, 因看了同學的COMMENT, 大改其文章, 結果交到老師時則被指寫作內容佈局有問題. 老師的COMMENT和她原文的方向是一致的.  所以我們要提醒小朋友, 同學的COMMENT只作參考用途, 不可作為寫作指引!

有沒有發覺GS小二同小五TOPIC是一樣的, 小五的生字是多了, 但對我校的小朋友來說應是沒有難度.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 13:02 |只看該作者

I am so glad you count me in to be one of members of "dream team"!  

-        Of course, you are one of the permanent members of the “Dream Team”.
Actually, the idea of “Dream Team” suddenly came up when I was doing the Maths with Bluestar last week!!  

Frankly speaking, we can simply change the % of contribution of each TSL parent from 20% to 10% or 5% or whatever to let every TSL parent to be one of the members of the “Dream Team”.  
We should not limit it to parents of senior grades only.   
After all, we are all in the same boat and belong to the same family.   

P5 中文, angleprincess 所形容同我感受一樣 (會否同一班 ), 中作要求比P4嚴謹, 不易拿高分, 中黙時老師讀得比p4時快了很多, 較弱的小朋友需時去適應! 

Math 教fraction, 又煩又容易亂, 細心加懂控制時間的小朋友取勝, 所以要重覆操練, 工多藝術. 老師另出WORKSHEET比小朋友操練, 是很好很細心的安排! 

- For Maths, no matter how hard I try to drill my child, unfortunately the outcome is still

There seems to have no ways to avoid careless mistakes!!

OVERALL英文同以前有些分別, 無論是小二仔仔的CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS 或 小五囡囡的MR. BEAN, 大家都很有新鮮感, 老師真聰明, 花小小心思, 用孩子們所熟悉和喜愛的人物在WS上, 令他們做WS特別快和用心, 而且很吸收呀!  

- Yes, I also found that the English teachers always use the real names of the teachers and pupils in the worksheets so the kids like to finish the worksheets a lot with fun!!

另外英作 用1ST DRAFT, 2ND DRAFT, 叫同學寫COMMENT, 再改,才交. 是個很好訓練小朋友思考的方式. 但留意,囡囡出現一個情況, 本來寫得不錯, 因看了同學的COMMENT, 大改其文章, 結果交到老師時則被指寫作內容佈局有問題. 老師的COMMENT和她原文的方向是一致的.  所以我們要提醒小朋友, 同學的COMMENT只作參考用途, 不可作為寫作指引! 

- Based on your daughter’s experience, we can teach our children to judge and think twice before changing the content.   
Sometimes, others’ comments are good but they could be wrong as well.   
This is a good training of their judgement and critical thinking.

有沒有發覺GS小二同小五TOPIC是一樣的, 小五的生字是多了, 但對我校的小朋友來說應是沒有難度.


- Even though they may not necessarily become rare gemstones in the end, we should be very glad to see a piece of un-polished jade to be enhanced with much value added!!

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-10-29 11:56 發表


I am so glad you count me in to be one of members of "dream team"!  

P5 中文, angleprincess 所形容同我感受一樣 (會否同一班 ), 中作要求比P4嚴謹, 不易拿高分, 中黙時老師讀得比p4時快了很 ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-10-30 11:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-29 13:45 |只看該作者
lee一個星期,我覺得我似入左地獄,上個星期六,阿女爸爸帶左阿女食日本鐵板燒,結果出事,阿女又吐又瀉, 半夜仲發高燒,即刻睇醫生啦,以為佢會冇事,點知到星期日,佢燒一直冇退,結果我就送左佢入醫院, 到星期二先出院,個幾日我都起醫院陪佢,真係擔心死我,雖然出左院,但其實佢到今日都仲有瀉,醫生就話要佢瀉哂d菌,所以冇藥俾佢止瀉,睇見佢真係好慘~so測驗,冇lu...老師話補測只可以係今日測番昨日的,但我女聽日都唔知番唔番到學,所以數同常識都冇得測,冇哂分~浪費哂之前所溫既~  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 14:37 |只看該作者
Hi, Tingmum,

You're also one of the leader in our Dream Team.  Your very good experience let me know how to train my daughter in a much effective way.  不過唔知係咪個女大咗, 我都覺得佢同以前唔同咗, 佢而家專心咗同埋知道自己應該要點樣做, 要做啲咩.  其實除咗我地做家長教佢之外, 學校嘅老師都應記一功, 因為我個女佢都話啲老師成日都會鼓勵佢地, 叫佢地努力, 尢其佢個班主任.  你個女嘅班主任係咪姓潘?

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-10-29 11:56 發表

I am so glad you count me in to be one of members of "dream team"!  

P5 中文, angleprincess 所形容同我感受一樣 (會否同一班 ), 中作要求比P4嚴謹, 不易拿高分, 中黙時老師讀得比p4時快了很 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-29 14:42 |只看該作者
Don't be upset.  As long as your daughter is getting better now, nothing is more important. Take a good rest for both of you.  Your daughter can still have lots of time to catch up later.....and the test result is not the most important thing for a P2 student.

原帖由 婥蔚媽咪 於 09-10-29 13:45 發表
lee一個星期,我覺得我似入左地獄,上個星期六,阿女爸爸帶左阿女食日本鐵板燒,結果出事,阿女又吐又瀉, 半夜仲發高燒,即刻睇醫生啦,以為佢會冇事,點知到星期日,佢燒一直冇退,結果我就送左佢入醫院, 到星期二先出院,個幾 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 15:00 |只看該作者


My doc said that, so don't misunderstand that I am a medical / paramedical staff ! )

Take care !
P1 and P2 term test / exam results are not really all that important yet, cos they are not needed for external reporting / allocation purpose.  So  don't be too unhappy about it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 15:15 |只看該作者

No matter what excuses you use to cover up now, your previous posts already “betrayed” you!!
I will treat you as a doctor anyway, even though you don’t “confess” it. 
Please PM the address of your clinic as I expect to get some discount from you in future!!  

If you are a doctor in the “Dream Team”, I don’t mind to volunteer as a social worker or a psychologist on E.K. !!  

[quote]原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-10-29 15:00 發表


My doc said that, so don't misunderstand that I am a medical / paramedical staff ! )

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 15:27 |只看該作者

Hope your daughter will recover fully soon.

As mentioned by other parents, nothing is more important than one's health.

Please take care.

原帖由 婥蔚媽咪 於 09-10-29 13:45 發表

lee一個星期,我覺得我似入左地獄,上個星期六,阿女爸爸帶左阿女食日本鐵板燒,結果出事,阿女又吐又瀉, 半夜仲發高燒,即刻睇醫生啦,以為佢會冇事,點知到星期日,佢燒一直冇退,結果我就送左佢入醫院, 到星期二先出院,個幾 ...

[ 本帖最後由 principal 於 09-10-29 17:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-29 22:42 |只看該作者

Yes, please take good care.  You still need to take care your family & your children.  Need to take enough rest, exam will be coming very soon

原帖由 principal 於 09-10-29 15:27 發表

Hope your daughter will recover fully soon.

As mentioned by other parents, nothing is more important than one's health.

Please take care.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 00:39 |只看該作者
As all the other parents mentioned, health is the most important and so please take good care of yourself and your family.

As my son said, after getting some of the test results, "Mum, we pursue knowledge, not marks." A Q spirit.
So, thinking from this perspective, the test is of much lower priority.

I'm glad that my son is getting more mature now. He can criticize the questions. e.g. on G.S. paper for Q. J1, he said that the question should be "thing that you will wear to protect your body" instead of "thing that you will use" as this is confusing. The answer he put is "bones" and it protects our heart. I also think that this answer is not wrong. (but he didn't get any mark for the answer.] Even more, he can fight for his answers to get 2 marks more in other question.

So far, except the Chinese papers which we havn't got, I felt satisfied with his result, except Eng. Test paper II which he made a lot of grammer mistakes or they should be "copying mistakes" which he needs to improve.

Overall, I likes the P.2 papers as this contains much more variety and it tests the kids critical thinking, not just memorizing. In particular, I likes the Eng. paper II  as it is really interesting (even though he got the lowest mark).   

原帖由 angelprincess 於 09-10-29 22:42 發表

Yes, please take good care.  You still need to take care your family & your children.  Need to take enough rest, exam will be coming very soon

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 11:04 |只看該作者

My son got his mark 99 in GS.  He lost 1 mark in Q.J1.  And he also put "bones" as the answer.  He said the question asked " the thing you will use" but didn't ask " the thing you will wear', so he believed the answer "bones" is correct. He even took out the child encyclopedia (human body) to support his comment.

I think this question is quite confusing.  In fact, the word "use" shouldn't only limit by the thing can be "worn" , it can be many other things.  I think "bones" is an acceptable answer.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 11:27 |只看該作者

希望婥蔚快d健健康康, 我知往年都有小朋友因病冇考測驗, 影響不太大, 無礙升班. 不用太擔心!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 12:10 |只看該作者
angelprincess ,
我地係同一班! 真好, 有照應!

其實今日的心情好down, 希望聽日可以振作!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-10-30 12:19 |只看該作者

好嘢!  有你同我一班, 有咩問題就可以向你請教啦!  希望唔好煩到你啦~  

我有煩惱或者唔開心嘅時候, 我會諗吓我嘅公主, 同埋佢時時都會講嘅說話: '希望在明天呀嗎~'. 咁我就會舒服得多架啦~ 我地大家要努力, 加油呀!

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-10-30 12:10 發表
angelprincess ,
我地係同一班! 真好, 有照應!

其實今日的心情好down, 希望聽日可以振作!ops:" />

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-30 13:28 |只看該作者
Your son is bravo!
We also sent imail to his GS teacher to clarify this question (if lucky enough, hope we can get back this 2 marks). We also read encyclopedia before on the bones.
Furthermore, my son made an interesting mistake. So far we have been using baby bath to clean his body and his hair and so I didn't aware that he doesn't know shampoo and shower gel.

原帖由 TINGMUM 於 09-10-30 11:04 發表

My son got his mark 99 in GS.  He lost 1 mark in Q.J1.  And he also put "bones" as the answer.  He said the question asked " the thing you will use" but didn't ask " the thing you will wear' ...
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