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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Questions about Applying 直資 / 私立學校
樓主: mimame

Questions about Applying 直資 / 私立學校 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 17:10 |只看該作者
a homemaker is usually a woman who spends a lot of time looking after her home and family. it would sound odd if it applied to a man. i think it's best to come clean and avoid using euphemism to cover something.
原帖由 ChiChiPaPa 於 09-10-3 15:29 發表

唔係叫 unemployed FATHER,應該係 homemaker。 其實我覺得 housewife 一詞帶有家庭崗位歧視色彩,夫婦應該共同努力照顧家庭和孩子。學歷高唔一定要把事業放在家庭之前。 ...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-10-3 17:22 |只看該作者
原帖由 Gooddaddy 於 09-10-3 17:10 發表
a homemaker is usually a woman who spends a lot of time looking after her home and family. it would sound odd if it applied to a man. i think it's best to come clean and avoid using euphemism to cover ...


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 17:40 |只看該作者
i would simply write *unemployed* in the form coz this is what the term refers to.  it looks odd if you write something like: *General Manager (last job or previouly)* or *ex-XXXX*. this may invite follow-up questions from the interviewer.
原帖由 ChiChiPaPa 於 09-10-3 17:22 發表


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-10-3 18:02 |只看該作者
原帖由 Gooddaddy 於 09-10-3 17:40 發表
i would simply write *unemployed* in the form coz this is what the term refers to.  it looks odd if you write something like: *General Manager (last job or previouly)* or *ex-XXXX*. this may invite fo ...


你可以看一看以下一篇文章,不是人人都覺得homemaker 不及其他工作的價值:

What's a homemaker worth? The shocking truth



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-3 22:28 |只看該作者
i dunno what you wanabout. the threadstarter didn't quit his job to become a homemaker. he was laid off and has been unable to find a job ever since.  As mentioned by other members here, we, as parents, should set example for children by being honest with it.  Do you really think the school will be impressed by someone who put homemaker in the application form? I don't think so.  But if the threadstarter puts down as unemployed, the school will at least  acknowledge him as a honest father.

發表於 09-10-3 23:46 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-4 15:40 |只看該作者
原帖由 ChiChiPaPa 於 09-10-3 17:22 發表


Househusband is a term used in the western countries, nothing special.  It's just that in Chinese culture, it is not so common for a father to stay home to look after children.  There's really nothing wrong with it.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-4 15:42 |只看該作者
If it were my husband, I would suggest him put "self-employed" or something like that.  I wouldn't exactly put CEO or homemaker.

發表於 09-10-4 17:02 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 09-10-4 17:59 |只看該作者
樓主既問題始終在於恥於(向學校)承認自已兩年多以來既真正身分——全職爸爸 (full time dady, homemaker, househusband…)。

樓主講過:“Used up all my savings .... I can earn again later in my life. But if my kid misses an opportunity to go to a good school, this will ruin his/her whole life.”可見樓主非常疼愛子女,在兩年多吾使返工既日子裹,想必有更多既親子時間和更好既親子關系,樓主既孩子因而在生命既起始階段擁有更多與爸爸一起既珍貴回憶。樓主既孩子係有福既,因為樓主(自兩年前起)係“全職爸爸”(不論緣於客觀定主觀原因)。

樓主也講過:“Of course  I know being a housewife is what schools like. But I am an unemployed FATHER. I feel pressure to put this into the form.” 好明顯,如果樓主係女人,問題已經解決。

“男主外、女主內”真係一種很根深蒂故既社會觀念 (stereotype)。傳統上,男人吾返工一定有問題,男人湊仔一定係無出色,吃“軟飯”,甚至無能。男人因為返工而“吾得閒”照顧小朋友係勤奮負責天經地義,因為照顧小朋友而吾返工就癡線懶惰大逆不道。





[ 本帖最後由 Tinko 於 09-10-4 19:35 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-10-5 00:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 chingmon 於 09-10-4 17:02 發表

I don't know about other children, but if the interviewer asks my daughter what daddy does for a living, she would probably go blank.  She only knows daddy goes to work.  She has no idea what he does and she absolutely doesn't know that he's the boss.  Mmmm...... maybe I should start telling her.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-10-5 10:40 |只看該作者

you are well educated and i am sure when you have a chance to meet with the principals during interviews, they can tell.  one year or two years out of job is not the end of the world.  on average, people work for 35~ years until they retire.  why must people work non-stop (for whatever reasons)? some people take a break (e.g. few years) to rethink and repathe their lives by will, whereas some people want to work but are just temporarily out of job.  

schools welcome educated parents, as long as you don't default payment of school fees!

you need to be possible! what to put down on the form would not be my concern, i would be more concerned whether i could really afford the school fee in long run. (hope for the best, plan for the worst.)  if eventually you need to ask your kid(s) to quit the school because you really can't afford anymore, it might be even tougher for them to adjust to an aided school.

many middle-class people send their kids to aided schools (not the top schools everyone fights for), so why should you feel bad if you have to put your kid(s) in local school which is not band 1? if you are a band 1 parent, your kid will be a band 1 kid. let him/her study there, keep up with his/her good work, apply for a good secondary school!  

原帖由 mimame 於 09-10-3 00:01 發表
Time flies, it's going to be 2 years by end of this month. I also don't believe it, but this is a fact. I got Master Degree from UK, and I studied in band-1 school in Kowloon Tong, so what? Even if I' ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-10-5 10:49 |只看該作者
你不如疊埋心水等大抽獎, 報津官校吧,

你的區分無top的band 1, 但我估計, band 1或band 2的, 應該實有.  條條大路通羅馬, 讀普通小學唔代表上唔到名牌中學和大學.
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