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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Victoria interview
樓主: Edsie

Victoria interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-1 18:05 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

I am also a little bit disappointed about this school.  My son was rejected for applying HMT's one, as I am living in Kln, I won't consider HK side.

As I am actually joining their playgroup now, I heard from the teachers that almost half of the seats have given to those kids with brothers/sisters/or even parents studying or studied there before.  So I think that's one of reason why so many kids were rejected by them!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-1 19:14 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

I'm still considering.  The Two's programme is already full and there are places available for the Romper.  

spoonlam 寫道:
I applied the Two's programe but b/c my son was born in Oct, so when school yr starts in Aug, he'll be put in playgroup first until he reaches the age of 2, then he'll automatically transfter to the two's programme.
are you planning to sned your kid to YC too?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-1 20:50 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


windian 寫道:
My son joined their playgroup for 6 months but still was rejected for PN class.

During the interview, My son performed well as he played the alphabet puzzle and put them all in the right place. Even he can recognize all alphabet (both upper case and lower case) and count from 1 to 30. The observer also amazed by his ability.

He was attentive when the foreign teacher read the story.

I don't know why they rejected my son's application. I am very disappointed about this school. I guess they just accept the child with good background (like living in mid-level )


Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-1 22:49 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

My son is 2 years and 1 month. He can name all shapes, colors, days of the week (say Monday to Sunday), his name and parent's names. (All in English, some in Cantonese)

Even we write the word "RECTANGLE" on the paper, not drawing the rectangular shape, he still pronouns it correctly.

Anyway, I am very disppointed with this school.

Thanks for all your comfort. I feel better now.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 09:17 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

try to apply to their playgroug (the toddler's program) first, then YC will automatically transfer your kid to Two's program when your kid turns 2.
I just applied in beginning of Feb. so dont' think it's that full and there's no interview process at all. but i still dotn' know if YC is good or nor 'cus i've seen some negative comments at BK about YC.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 09:24 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

windian, don't be angry.  I also find my baby performing pretty well in the interview, like being attentive during story reading, successfully put all the plastic coins into the clown's mouth while the other kids still have their coins in the bowl.  It's only at the last section when the ugly teacher start dancing that my baby cried.....  And he is now on the wait list.

Anyway, use a 平常心 la... afterall it is only n1, not primary or secondary.  But if I were you, I will stop attending Victoria's playgroup!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 09:34 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

after seeing all your smat kids performed so well but still got rejected by the school, i feel much better too since my son just performed ok, not as well as what you guys mentioned.
lawlinhy, what kindy are you planning to send yor son to ar? will u still apply for K1 next year?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-2 09:55 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

BK gals, we too are disappointed about unsuccessfull placement at victoria prenursery. we also received same letter saying we get a place at K1. How on earth do they judge whether the child fit their requiremnet/crtieria based on that 30 minutes chaotic interview? were we doing a fun fair? the fastest person dropping button in the cup would quality? being attentive would qualify? to be honest, all decision were based on bias ! parents to have a good education backgroup (like Master/Doctor), with job titles like Director, CEO......tell me if one of the tycoon's grand-daughter really did a better job than the rest of our kids? The school blasted about having his grand-daughter study there during one of the interview........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-2 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

my baby also did not get in and I don't know what to do, should I let her stay with the Vic playgroup until she is ready for Kindergarten?  Is there any other pre-nursery that I can consider? Some friends suggested I should just put her into any 2-yr old pre-nursery classes that she can get into just so that she can get used to the group environment before she starts K1.  

Parents whose kids did not get into Vic pre-nursery, what's your plan now?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 10:16 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

AFter rejection from Vic (HMT), i plan to send my kid to Yew Chung.  my son is currently in Tutor time's playgrounp and I like it very much because it's half English and half Madarine. Teachers there are very nice and campus is fairly new with outdoor playground. My only concern with Tutur time is their PN costs 6500 per month, i dont' think i can afford that.  I didnt' want my son to go through other interview process again just for PN, so I think i'll stickc with YC.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-3-2 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

thanks Spoonlam, wow, I didn't know Tutor Time is that expensive!

YC is of course one of the best out there, but I live on the HK side so am sticking with the ones on HK Island.  Another friend told me to apply for Vic PN again next year so that my daughter can enter as a "Big B" (she is born in Nov).  Am considering that as well.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 11:44 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

My girl is on the waiting list as well.  I do think she perform well.  Anyhow, i will just apply another nursery for her.  Victoria is one of my choice since it is close to my house.  I will apply tutor time as i found the environment is really good.  My concern is my girl can have a happy time.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

If i were you, i wouldn't wait for another year just fo Vic. I mean, Vic is a reputable and good school, but there must be other good schools that your kid can learn something from.  Learning in one year of the early child's life can make a big diff to a child's life.  I've seen other BK parents in HK side sending their kids to PN too. So just try other schools for PN and apply again to Vic for K1.  (just my opinion....)

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-2 18:00 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Wow, I also didn't know that Tutor Time will be more expensive comparing to Yew Chung, because the playgroup in Yew Chung is way more expensive than Tutor Time.  Do you mean $6500 for 5 days class?  Because they also have 2 days and 3 days PN classes, and there is also that one adult can go with the child just like a playgroup.  

My son also got rejected from Vic(HMT).  I also have applied for their playgroup a few months ago, and they did called me in the end of January for joining their playgroup in February, but I was too busy in February.  So they suggested my son to join in March instead.  I called them in the end of February to confirm joining their playgroup in March.  They told me that they are full.  I am kind of piss off.  So I just got my son to join the playgroup at Tutor Time.  Although it is a few hundreds dollars more than Vic, it is closer to my home and I think it is better than Vic too.  I feel that the teachers are more nice, and also the campus is bigger.  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-3-2 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


I'm not sure which part of HK Island you live at. Perhaps you can apply for the PN at Lingnan (off Stubbs Road). The kids all have very happy time and all the parents whom I've spoken to are very satisfied.

By next year, you can still apply for K1 of other schools if you want.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-3-2 22:49 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Thanks.  My nephew studied in Lingnan, he lived very close to it (2 minutes walk).  My sis-in-law also highly recommended Lingnan.  I will also consider to apply.  
jellomama 寫道:

I'm not sure which part of HK Island you live at. Perhaps you can apply for the PN at Lingnan (off Stubbs Road). The kids all have very happy time and all the parents whom I've spoken to are very satisfied.

By next year, you can still apply for K1 of other schools if you want.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-3 00:59 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

I don't know why Vic is very famous especially in kowloon side.
many other famous school such as kingston, YC, York, HKPS, KeenMing ... etc.

I just check the primary allocation result in Vic.
I seem to be OK, but all come from HK side.

I think Vic need to find other location in Kowloon Side to form the new branch.

450 kids to compete 50 vacancies but now 80 (many of them just 2 or 3 day per week)

I wonder why they accept this offer, cos the first priority is 5 day (of course).

1) Is it planned for K1 in Vic after PN? If yes, some kids offer K1 should be better. They will direct to K1 next year.

2) Is it planned to change 5 days after accept the offer? But many kids want to change 5 days, is it possible?

There are at least 7 type reply letter.
1) offer 5 days
2) offer 3 days
3) offer 2 days
4) offer K1
5) join one day playgroup bring with your toy to re-assess
6) waiting list
7) reject (I am not sure anyone received this letter)

any other different type?
4) & 5) is very special. if very full why re-assess.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-3-3 22:30 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview


There's also a type of offer for whole day class, i.e. Mon to Fri whole day plus Sat am.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-3-4 01:10 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Like many other parents, my little girl performed well during interview too!  My husband is also one of the  professionals (that other people may think that we have better chance to be considered) and both of us are well educated and have other post-grad. professional qualifications too.  But my little girl was also put in the waiting list of HMT Victoria.  Fortunately, Victoria is not my first choice so that I am not disappointed at all.   

Currently, I am choosing between Kingston's pm class or Tutor Time's am class for my daughter.  These 2 schools both offer English & Mandarin curriculum, low student-to-teacher ratio. Furthermore, the tuition fee is about the same($6,500/month).
Any comments as to how to choose between these two schools for my daughter?  
tumtum 寫道:
my baby also did not get in and I don't know what to do, should I let her stay with the Vic playgroup until she is ready for Kindergarten?  Is there any other pre-nursery that I can consider? Some friends suggested I should just put her into any 2-yr old pre-nursery classes that she can get into just so that she can get used to the group environment before she starts K1.  

Parents whose kids did not get into Vic pre-nursery, what's your plan now?

Rank: 2

發表於 07-3-6 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: Victoria interview

Anyone on the waiting list receive an offer from Victoria? Do we have any chance and hong long we need to wait for the result?

QBB mama
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