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樓主: bodadami

P K C [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-6-25 22:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 iamgiuliano 於 08-6-25 22:36 發表
The issue seems not whether PKC is having less homework compared with other traditional schools.  It is the promise made by PKC to prospective parents about the minimal amount of homework before their enrolling their children.

If a restaurant attracts customers by deploying the gimmick that no artificial flavor is added to the food, thus attracting a lot of valuable customers, that restaurant should stick to its promise and not add artificial flavor to the food on the pretext of adding taste or the defence that other restaurants are using more artificial flavors in comparison

6月30日是月會, 是否真的可以穿便服?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-25 23:14 |只看該作者

原文章由 iamgiuliano 於 08-6-25 22:36 發表

The issue seems not whether PKC is having less homework compared with other traditional schools.  It is the promise made by PKC to prospective parents about the minimal amount of homework before their enrolling their children.

If a restaurant attracts customers by deploying the gimmick that no artificial flavor is added to the food, thus attracting a lot of valuable customers, that restaurant should stick to its promise and not add artificial flavor to the food on the pretext of adding taste or the defence that other restaurants are using more artificial flavors in comparison...

Couldn't agree with you more !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-26 00:02 |只看該作者

原文章由 bodadami 於 08-6-25 22:47 發表

6月30日是月會, 是否真的可以穿便服?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-26 07:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 puikiufriend 於 08-6-26 00:02 發表
為鼓勵學生身體力行關心四川地震災民,本校將於六月三十日(星期一)舉辦便服日。各同學只需捐出港幣二十元善款,便可於該日穿著便服回校上課。有興趣參加的同學,請填妥下面回條,並把款項一併於六月二十六日(星期四)前交回班主任。請留意 ...

原文章由 bodadami 於 08-6-25 22:47 發表

6月30日是月會, 是否真的可以穿便服?

我解讀bodadami的問題: 如真的在6月30日月會攪便服日, 便應該在通告中清楚說明, 以消除疑慮?  

我孩子就曾問過, 雖然捐了二十元, 但月會中是不是真的不用穿formal dress, 從來無試過, 真的無問題嗎, 不會被罰吧?  我說無問題, 但孩子仍疑惑了兩秒.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-26 11:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 king777 於 08-6-26 08:59 發表

因我本來好喜歡培橋, 好想我孩子能在這裡入讀,
但最近看到好多的負面信息, 另我好擔心, 我很害怕我選錯給仔仔.
我擔心的是校長的理念是很正面, 但是到實行出來時, 又是否真的
那一套呢?? 最前線的是老師, 如果老師不配合, 跟本又是另一回事;

另, G7以上的上堂紀律問題, 看到有位MAMA的描述, 又真的另人WORRY.  

我仔K2, 今年要選學校了, 請就讀的家長給多些意見,

不知道你是從那裡看到好多的負面信息, 又因何擔心, 如果你在親子王國看pkc家長發言的話, 平心而論, 正面與負面訊息是7與3之比, 但你只看負面訊息的話, 則可能會害怕.  不過, 我敢說一句, 這樣看事情, 選那一間學校, 你都會擔心選錯給仔仔.

紀律是把兩面刀, 太聽話太乘的孩子一般缺乏創意, 再說, 有沒有紀律還要看家庭教育.

要仔仔和一班同學個個坐定定聽教聽話不敢作聲, 找些傳統學校可能效合適, 想好自己要什麼, 再做決定, 好的壞的都是自己想要的,煩惱自然消失.

最後一句, 有沒有想過, 孩子自己想要什麼?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-26 16:28 |只看該作者
其實通告已清楚說了, 只差沒寫 "雖然是月會,但是真的不用穿formal dress".
其實很多時小學生都會穿錯服, 沒什麼大不了.  孩子告訴我,就算穿錯服,老師只會提醒學生,不會駡的.放心! 
另外, 我覺得培僑的學生多數都不怕事,這点我很欣賞. 學校尽量訓練小朋友自己解決問題,家長實在不用太擔心.
這方面的問題,我建議家長可以在 E-CLASS 討論區問, 很多時老師都答得很快的.

原文章由 honglish 於 08-6-26 07:48 發表

我解讀bodadami的問題: 如真的在6月30日月會攪便服日, 便應該在通告中清楚說明, 以消除疑慮?  

我孩子就曾問過, 雖然捐了二十元, 但月會中是不是真的不用穿formal dress, 從來無試過, 真的無問題嗎, 不會被罰 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-27 00:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 mummom 於 08-6-26 16:28 發表
其實通告已清楚說了, 只差沒寫 "雖然是月會,但是真的不用穿formal dress".
其實很多時小學生都會穿錯服, 沒什麼大不了.  孩子告訴我,就算穿錯服,老師只會提醒學生,不會駡的.放心! 
另外, 我覺得培僑的學生多數都不怕事,這 ...


Just a few more words about the discipline or moral education of PKC students. If some prospective parents are so worried, perhaps they could consider doing something they are more comfortable with.

But if they just look at the PKC parents' postings here, they would have a vague notion of the quality of PKC parents.  Good kids are from good families and good parents. So, is the current issue of "worry" really warranted? I doubt it.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-28 00:04 |只看該作者
So on the homework issue, what we can do, is to train our son even more to do the work on his own, and do faster.  Then hopefully we can still reserve our energy to do readings or games or just relaxing with the children.  If the situation isn't improving and if we feel homework is getting too much and not meaningful we will need to reflect our opinion to the school again.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-29 22:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 hjm 於 08-6-28 00:04 發表
So on the homework issue, what we can do, is to train our son even more to do the work on his own, and do faster.  Then hopefully we can still reserve our energy to do readings or games or just relaxing with the children.  

I guess children do not just need to do homework, and then reserve some energy to read, play and relax.  To have full development of the mind, they need to ponder on things they don't understand.

The present prominent view of "education" seems to be market-oriented - trying to satisfy the needs of the majority of parents (not students).  That is why most schools focus on teaching difficult things, delivering instructions and forcing a lot of drilling on the students. PKC is starting in that direction as this year.  So homework will be increased steadily as a trend.

If you are complaining about too much homework, you are certainly the minority and will probably not be heard.

PKC is putting emphasis on reading.  That by itself is not bad. But too much homework will stifle independent thinking and creativity.  Reading enable us to load the memory with thoughts of other people, but will not enable us to think for ourselves.

PKC is still a very good school if they don't increase their homework anymore.  One exception I can however perceive, i.e. drilling for public examinations can be done for the G9-12 students, for the simple reason that students still have to compete with others to better universities.

Albert Einstein said:  It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

It is a miracle, simply because curiosity does not usually survive formal education.  

What a pity that the illiterate of the next generation will not be those who cannot read, write or google, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-30 00:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 bjdadishe 於 08-6-29 22:39 發表

I guess children do not just need to do homework, and then reserve some energy to read, play and relax.  To have full development of the mind, they need to ponder on things they don't understand.


Thanks for sharing. Enlightening and true.

But no offence, this is not and will never be a forum of intellectual and philosophical discussion to this depth. I don't have to say and you know why.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-30 10:12 |只看該作者

don't be upset!
We should post this in the e-class forum.  Teachers will read it.  

原文章由 lfcdhsbc 於 08-6-30 00:20 發表

Thanks for sharing. Enlightening and true.

But no offence, this is not and will never be a forum of intellectual and philosophical discussion to this depth. I don't have to say and you know why. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-2 23:20 |只看該作者
So about the funfair are you all getting the tickets and going?  I have a question as $60 isn't much but if I'm taking my son and brother/sister, it will be a couple of hundred dollars....which made me hesitate a little.  And does $60 apply for parents (we typically won't be playing the games, right, oh I dunno....), a little confused again.  And if we do not purchase the tickets now, can we purchase at the door?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-5 22:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 hjm 於 08-7-2 23:20 發表
So about the funfair are you all getting the tickets and going?  I have a question as $60 isn't much but if I'm taking my son and brother/sister, it will be a couple of hundred dollars....which made m ...

鳳凰夏日嘉年華確是有點貴, 但參與人數很多, 氣氛很好, 下次能便宜一些更好.

發表於 08-7-6 00:54 |只看該作者
I notice that some people repeatedly post some unfounded moral allegations against PKC secondary students. Moral education always originates from home. These people however are trying to make the stuff a lot bigger than it should be. I couldn't help thinking of some hidden or ulterior motives.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-6 01:02 |只看該作者
原文章由 bjdadishe 於 08-4-28 23:57 發表



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-7 23:05 |只看該作者
每年這個時候開始的數個月, pkc的負面貼文都傾巢而出, 背後原因不難明白, 請看官獨立思考, 而論者雖有不同觀點但不應歪曲事實.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-8 10:09 |只看該作者
今早偶然登入e-Portfolio看看, 原來下學期評估已有公佈, 資料詳細, 內有照片和Video.  不錯!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-8 14:11 |只看該作者
Where is it in the web?  Sorry I can't find it.

原文章由 bodadami 於 08-7-8 10:09 發表
今早偶然登入e-Portfolio看看, 原來下學期評估已有公佈, 資料詳細, 內有照片和Video.  不錯!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-8 15:52 |只看該作者

Same log in password as before.

原文章由 catnips 於 08-7-8 14:11 發表
Where is it in the web?  Sorry I can't find it.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-8 18:20 |只看該作者
Can't log in, is it the same login number and password with the eclass?

Thanks for your help.

原文章由 mummom 於 08-7-8 15:52 發表

Same log in password as before.
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