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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "
樓主: kawai

"Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group " [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 20:26 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,
Are some of you taking B12 injection?  I want to let my son take it again as I hear some body told me that the injection frequency is descending afterwards.  Is it correct?  Please give me your valuable advice.  Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 20:56 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


My son has been taking the M-B12 injection since Jan with the same dosage and frequency.  I have no idea when can it be stopped.  I asked Dr Trodd last week but he said that it will be better for my son to continue the injection even though his methionine level looked so normal per the blood test done in May.  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-4 21:47 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Can any one tell me where can I take the biotek test for my boy?

Many thanks

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 22:08 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,

My son has stopped taking B-12 injection for almost two weeks.  I wanted to see any side effects afterwards.  Obviously, nothing changes but he awakes some nights.  I was wondering if it's the only benefits on natural chelation and better sleep for my son.  As suggested by the manufacturer of PCA-RX, B-12 injection should be eliminated while using their products.  I'm planning to visit Dr. Lam and get his advices on PCA-RX or RNA.  Dr. Trodd seems against other stuffs like PCA-RX which isn't on the list of DAN Protocol.  I need an experienced physican who has relevant protocol on bio-treatments and helps us to monitor my son's lab tests during chelation.  


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 22:31 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear 內疚爸爸,

食物過敏測試 - HK Biotek

Call Kelvin Tang who is the boss of BioTek. Tell him you're a member of Baby Kingdom but missed the special offer during August.  I think he will give you the same price @$1,950 with no hesitation.   

You may also visit Dr. Lam for the 重金屬測試.

Tel: 23983090
HK$900 - Hair Lab Test
HK$600-700 for consultation and supplements

內疚爸爸 寫道:
Can any one tell me where can I take the biotek test for my boy?

Many thanks

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-4 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kawai ,

thanks for your informations , how do you compare
Dr.Lam and Dr. Todd . I read your messages before , sometimes you will visit Dr. Todd but sometimes you will visit Dr.Lam

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Don't worry, according to my understanding of Dr. Lam's protocol,  he is not using DAN protocol but it is just similar.  I don't think he will suggest patients to take long term B-12 injection treatment or any special diet.  What he's doing is helping patients to remove heavy metals by natural chelation like ALA and L-Glutathione together with some other supplements.  It's the most important part and positively may help our autistic kids who suffer from heavy metals poisoning.

Do not rinse/wash the container for the urine test as it contains preservative for the urine sample.  It should be sent to the same lab in chicago.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-4 23:30 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear 內疚爸爸,

We haven't visited Dr. Lam yet.  I'm just planning to do it.  Dr. Trodd is the only DAN doctor in Hong Kong and he's probably the most experienced doctor in the region who has been helping thousands of autistic kids with good track record.  We visited Dr. Trodd twice a month since last March and have learnt very much about biomedical treatments.  As mentioned, I need a doctor who would like to cooperate and support my suggestion on some kinds of chelations.  Anyway, we'll keep visiting Dr. Trodd when we need consultation or supplements refill from him.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-5 07:39 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

thanks for your advice.
Regarding the B12 injection. Dr. Lam commented last time it was not necessary to do it so frequently as I asked him whether we took injection every 18 days was too less.. but we did take B12 orally.And I asked him whether the visiting and taking supplement for our kids were lifelong or not, he commented not.
Kawai, do you ask the similar question to Dr. Trodd? and how is his opinion?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-5 10:41 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


I did ask Dr. Trodd whether my son can stop taking B-12 injection as I found no visible benefit after 4 months injection.  The answer was the same as given to HayBmum, he insisted that we should continue the B-12 injection as a natural chelation which may help remove heavy metals from the body.  Probiotics, DMG, super nu thera, micro minerials and cod liver oil etc... should be continued as a long term treatments.  

Please note that DAN protocol is the most effective & aggressive protocol which has been helping many autistic kids worldwide. Many autistic kids have totally recovered following the treatment of DAN protocol.  Dr. Lam's protocol is focusing on detoxification of heavy metals and it seems incomprehensive of treating autism.  Actually there is no single "cure" for autism, and no one treatment that works for every child.  

I'll keep using the cocktails treatments which inclusive of DAN protocol plus homeopathy plus others.  

發表於 05-9-5 14:19 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

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Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-5 14:35 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,
I am reading some research studies about B-12 injection.  
Click here!

It seems that B-12 injection may work very well on autistic kids.  I am very eager to try again. However, I just wonder whether it has a time limit or not as it seems impossible to let my boy take the injection for life.

BTW, CFGF diet is a MUST in DAN protocol.  My son resumed to normal diet in July for food allergy test and his performance was worse than before, e.g. restless and inattentive.  He is now back to SCD & does not eat allergic food.  His performance thus greatly improves.  This experience tells me that the special diet is really worth trying.  

I have a question,'Should our children take special diet for life?'  Can anyone here answer me?  Thanks a lot.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-5 16:23 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,

I just have one query: if our kid is sensitive to most of the food, say, all dairy products and many kinds of fruits like banana, orange, grape, etc. etc.  what else they can intake?  It seems to me that they eat limited diet which is not balanced at all?

I remember once I asked Dr. Trodd whether food test is necessary for A-child, his answer is NO.  I even feel that he does not seem to be enthuaistic to do such test (they charge $3,000!)

Would like to share all of you that I just found a kindergarten which can provide I-seat for Justin and if everything is smooth, I hope he can start his new school life in 2 or 3 weeks' time.

Besdies, thanks very much for mickeyma's advice and stellacl's profile!  By the way, stellacl, don't be too upset about the test and how's your son's primary life so far?


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-5 18:23 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

My son has taken fresh meat, veg. & fruit since March 2004.  Dr Trodd gives him various kinds of supplements.  My son has gained weight and is as healthy as before.  The diet does more benefit than harm to him.

CFGF is a must in DAN protocol for excellent effect.  My child not just takes CFGF, but SCD (CFGF + starch-free).  He is now taking SCD and does not eat all the allergic food (17 items, not too many).  He can eat all kinds of meat, leafy veg., orange, apple, pear, grape, plum,... etc.  He has started this restrictive diet for almost one week.  So far so good.  

I just have one query: if our kid is sensitive to most of the food, say, all dairy products and many kinds of fruits like banana, orange, grape, etc. etc. what else they can intake? It seems to me that they eat limited diet which is not balanced at all?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-5 18:27 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kawai,
Please check PM.  Thanks.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-5 22:47 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

My son's recent hair test report showed that his toxic level was reduced.  His Lead level had dropped dramatically.  Mecury level is still regarded as high but not really alarming.  If the hair test is a reliable indicator for toxic level, the improvement must be came out from M-B12 injection as my son only takes a few supplements.   So I plan to continue the injection for another 6 months and do the hair test again to see the result.  

kawai 寫道:

......  The answer was the same as given to HayBmum, he insisted that we should continue the B-12 injection as a natural chelation which may help remove heavy metals from the body.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-6 00:25 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


真的不好意思介紹你們做食物測試,令你們對GFCF diet及多種食物過敏而大感困惑.  以下有篇文章,希望可以幫你們了解多點.    What Motivated Us to Use the Diet

Dear Stella,
Please ask Dr. Lam for his opinion on GFCF diet.  My son has successfully abandoned the GF diet and switched to Peptizyde enzymes.  It helps maintaining his diet with no side effects.  Some parents commented that GF diet makes no significant changes before and during the diet.  My son was the same case.  

Click to see more details about the benefits of the enzymes:

Digestive enzymes

PM or call me if you want a trial bottle.

Glad to hear that your son can start I-seat soon.  Don't worry too much. He will be sure to gain progress after a few months schooling.  

Your son's hair test result is very convincing and showed that you should continue the injection until the toxins are totally removed.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-6 06:19 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

We should thank you to give us so many information on the various theraphy to treat our kids.  Believe you have spent a lot of time and effort on it.  Please do keep on sharing with us.

I asked the same question to Dr. Lam. He told me it
was not necessary, he said it depended on the progress of kids. -- half of year to 2 years...

Sorry to know that your son is highly sensitive to so many food catagories... We also have to ajust our food supply to Yu as he is also allergy to all the cow's milk product and egg...

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-6 07:25 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

I am glad to hear this news.  He has good performance while taking SCD and his behaviour is less satisfactory once he resumes normal diet.  I may let him keep the diet until he goes to P.1.

I asked the same question to Dr. Lam. He told me it
was not necessary, he said it depended on the progress of kids. -- half of year to 2 years...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-6 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear mrsphcheung,

So do you mean your son does not eat fish at all?  I am a bit concerned about those fresh meat, like pork, beef and even chicken.  It seems that they are all contaminated to certain extent. Even vegetables and fruits, are you taking organic ones?  Sorry for so many questions.

Anyway, your great efforts in putting your son into such a restrictive diet is well deserved with a big salute!

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