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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 青衣學之園普英班
樓主: 榛子

青衣學之園普英班 [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-1-17 22:08 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-1-19 13:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 fonnylee 於 08-1-14 11:35 發表
Hello, all,

Today party is celebrating Hoi-yiu's 4-yr-old bday. Time flies........

Of last Wed night talk, I've only attended for 1 hr. Mr YU is really a good speaker. His sharing most impressed me  ...

Hi Fonny (Hoi Yiu Ma)

I have heard from Charmaine that Hoi Yiu vomitted on the birthday party day then she didn't go to school for a few days. Is that right? How is she now? Charmaine has got fever yesterday and vomitted this afternoon. I hope she is getting well.

For ballet class, we are attending "Mo Mui" ballet in Kwai Fong Theatre on Sun starting from Jan 08.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-21 13:24 |只看該作者
Hi Hoi Yiu / Charmaine Ma,
Sorry to hear that and wish your girls get well soon:-|

Hi Willis Ma ,
May I know where  can I  buy the bean ? Is' it easy to manage ? I also want to extend the plant activities.

echo to Vicky.. let kids to learn about life.

So , I also hv 2 golden fish @ home ( got it from levander garden )  , Chai gives a name to his fish " organge  fish " and Tung calls her  fish "lemon fish "

I got 1 before  ( call black eye  fish ) but it's dead .. by then twins learnt life will be end 1 day and thus Twins always ask me when will their fish die. so cute

Twins ma Suzanne

發表於 08-1-21 22:03 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-22 00:18 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 christycheng 的文章

Samuel ma,

Ambrose has fever and temp. not reduce even taking medicine.  However after taking antibotics, no more fever now.  No sleeping for the whole Sat night! :cry:

Thx for your regards.

Our plant has red flower and I'll take a picture before returning to school.

Will any mum join the sports day? It must be another wonderful day!

Cheers.....Ambrose ma

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-22 00:36 |只看該作者
Dear all mums,

For our easy contact of each other(in addition to baby-kingdom), I would suggest to have our contact list.  If anyone agree, you may send your contact no., kid's name and mum/dad's name via 私人傳訊 to me for consolidation.  I'll then forward back to the joining mum/dad.

Any other suggestion?

Ambrose ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-22 14:02 |只看該作者
Hi Ambrose ma ,
Tks for initiating the K1C contact list, kindly chk PM for my reply. Wish Ambrose get well soon ! Yes, we will join the March 17 sports day. See U there

Hi Samuel ma,
Yes, Twins are so cute so as all the K1C kids as well :loveliness:  Thus, I like to talk story with them so much.  Hope to hv another chance soon.

Hi Charmaine ma,
Wish Charmaine get well soon :)  and hope to see her on the Thursday painting class. Do u know Annabelle is with us for the painting class too since last wk ?

BTW  , we will try the Todai buffet lunch on next monday Jan 28 while it's school holiday. Look forward to eating the chocolate fountain and tks for your good introduction.:D

Suzanne Twins Ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-22 20:27 |只看該作者
Ambose ma,
good idea
pls check pm

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-22 20:32 |只看該作者
hoi-yiu ma
kenneth 昨天告知我你講有關朱古力的故事,對不對?但我再問,他就講到一截截,看來他好享受,不過就不懂表達,可以告知我你的故事嗎?謝!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-22 23:53 |只看該作者
Oh! Ambrose missed the story time yesterday.:cry:   I'd like to know the story too.  As Ambrose seldom shares with me his school life.

Dear all mums,
I would suggest the story parent to share their stories after the story time, so that we can recall kid's memory and better share their school life.

What do you think?

Willis Dad, Twins Ma and Kenneth Ma,

Received your info.

Ellen (Ambrose ma)

原文章由 MrsLaw 於 08-1-22 20:32 發表
hoi-yiu ma
kenneth 昨天告知我你講有關朱古力的故事,對不對?但我再問,他就講到一截截,看來他好享受,不過就不懂表達,可以告知我你的故事嗎?謝! ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-23 12:22 |只看該作者
原文章由 elleray 於 08-1-22 23:53 發表
Oh! Ambrose missed the story time yesterday.:cry:   I'd like to know the story too.  As Ambrose seldom shares with me his school life.

Dear all mums,
I would suggest the story parent to shar ...

Hello all moms

Thank you for your care. Charmaine had fever since last Friday and like Ambrose, she is taking anti-biotics. She is better now and may go to school today. Being parents, it is hard time for us when kids are sick.

Hello Ambrose ma
We also didn't have good sleep these days. Wish Ambrose has totally recovered. By the way, very much appreciated your initiative to make the contact list. I've sent pm to you already.

Hello Suzanne

Yes, I know that Annabelle is in the drawing class. Till now, have the twins only brought back one picture of the winter blossoms? Charmaine told me she drew the Chinese tangerine last time and it is waiting to dry in the school. I don't know how many picture they draw every time. I wish your family would like the Todai buffet which we find quite worth for money. Your kids would love the chocolate fountain and all those ice-cream, desert.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-23 12:52 |只看該作者
Hi Charmaine Ma,
Glad to know that Charmaine recovered   

Hi all moms,
For today Show N Tell , Chai Chai has brought  alphabet letter puzzel " J "  and Tung Tung has brought a Mellody handbag. Talk with you kids and see if they can tell u the same.   
Would u mind .. and kindly let me know what will your kids show and tell today ?

Twins ma Suzanne

發表於 08-1-23 22:09 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-24 01:18 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 christycheng 的文章

Charmaine & Samuel ma,

Received your info la!

Dear all mums,
I'm so happy that we can even share what they bring for the 'show & tell'.

Samuel ma,

it's very nice that you tell me Samuel always talks with Ambrose, as you know, for those who can't take the kid to school like me, would really know everything about them in the school.

Ambrose ma (Ellen)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-24 15:56 |只看該作者
原文章由 elleray 於 08-1-24 01:18 發表
Charmaine & Samuel ma,

Received your info la!

Dear all mums,
I'm so happy that we can even share what they bring for the 'show & tell'.

Samuel ma,

it's very nice that you tell me Samuel always ta ...

Hello all moms

It is so good that we can share so many information here. As Ellen said, for those we can't bring kids to school really want to know how they are getting on. I've heard from Charmaine that Ms. Law didn't attend school yesterday and another Ms. Wu who speaks Cantonese replaced. Is that right? Charmaine brought a Mickey book yesterday. I will go to the sportsday with Charmaine's grandparents. Do you know if other LH branches also join? I have a friend's kid studying in Hunghom LH.

Hello Samuel Ma

Let me ask Charmaine why she asked Samuel not to put the rubbish into the bin. I wish she didn't act in an impolite way to Samuel.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-25 10:58 |只看該作者
Sorry for replying so late cos I'm quite busy these days.

Your kids are so cute and attentive in my story-telling session. The story is "Chocolate Hanna", about a girl eating chocolate only for breakfast, lunch and dinner and finally she dreamed that she become "a bar of chocolate".  She was sacred and began to eat balanced diet thereafter.

In fact, the story is chosen from the story books written/designed by the brother of my secondary schoolmate. He & his wife quit their professional job and started the new job of publishing children story book. I highly recommend those books to you. If you're interested, pls. take a look at http://www.littlerainbow.com.hk/

I found that Willis, Kenneth & many others are keen to answer my questions..... it really surprises me! :>

I'll join the Sports Day too. See you later.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-25 23:26 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 fonnylee 的文章


Received your info.

Thx.....Ambrose ma (Ellen)

Rank: 2

發表於 08-1-26 00:30 |只看該作者
我可是會很傷心的 ~
真的很謝謝你們~ 有機會也要多教教我講"廣東話"喔!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-28 19:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 Annabelle_chen 於 08-1-26 00:30 發表
我可是會很傷心的 ~
下學期若還有家長講故事時間~我會主動報名~看看大家的接受度如何 ...

Hello Annabelle Ma

I think you don't need to worry in telling story in Mandarin. On the contrary, we feel 汗顏 for not being able to speak good Mandarin. As the kids are learning Madarin & English in school, we definitely want them to expose more to these two languages. So, all parents will be very delighted if you go to tell story in Mandarin then we can also know if they respond well. See if they have this chance in the second semester.

Hello Samuel Ma

Charmaine has told me why she asked Samuel not to put the rubbish in the bin was because the thing was not a rubbish and she would need it however she couldn't tell me what that is exactly. The kid's interaction is so funny.

Hello Fonny (hoi -yiu ma)

I've asked Ms. Kerry at parent's day today that they have learnt the phonics to Letter N. There will be English vocab, cards to be delivered in 2nd semester. Besides, maths like those addition & subtraction will be taught in K2.

Hello Suzanne

Did you all enjoy the buffet in Todai? Our family (incl. my parents, my two brothers and in-laws) went to Chime Long Hotel and the zoo last weekend. We were freezing there. The zoo is very nice especially the train taking us to see the wild animals in a close distance. However, Charmaine was so scared to see the circus show. She cried since the beginning and I needed to bring her outiside the show area. The sound, fire and the clowns have made her "fear".  Waht a pity!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-1-28 21:49 |只看該作者
Annabelle Ma
kenneth ma(miu)
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