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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班
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請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-19 23:29 |只看該作者


您們覺得有沒有用, 請指教


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-20 22:07 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Golf 寫道:
您們覺得有沒有用, 請指教


Pls recommend some good centres!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-23 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

My daughter didn't join any P1 interview class.
She was accepted by Good Hope School.
She is studying in St. Cath. K3.
You can train up your kid by yourself.
Confidence , politeness, independence , and willing to talk to strangers ( teachers of interview), are important points.
Golf 寫道:
您們覺得有沒有用, 請指教


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 11:39 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

I Let my daugther study the interview class already just a little bit improve but I need to pay $5000.00.  So, result come out is I think I paid much than I get.     :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

My son is study from July05 in Wise, I paid more than HK$6,000 include fruther course in Sept05, but he failed all private school and lucky drawn, my be he is 細仔,but after the course I can know he learn more 日常生活常識.禮貌
But I guest the private school will consider parents  occupation more than the childen.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Golf 寫道:
您們覺得有沒有用, 請指教


Your kid need GOLF TRAINING

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 21:37 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

To a certain extent, your kid will not get nervous as they get used to the situation and environment.  However, I think the most worthy is that Mum can seek officer's office throughout the year, whenever you want to require something such as application procedures, schools culture and dressing, they may give you advice.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 21:57 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班


千期唔好去D面試班, 只會晒錢同晒時間, 我識D朋友大多都有俾仔女去面試班 (包括我自己都駛左成5,000), 結果都無用, 根本D學校面試形式年年唔同, 而且無幾多間學校真係會見 "校長", 所以學到D野根本用唔著.

好似我朋友咁, 連"陳守仁專班"都報埋, 絡果佢女女連Second In都無, 你話攪唔攪笑? 面試班夠話陳守仁會考國語, 你去問下D面試完既家長有無呀? 晒氣, 我都呻Stupid.

真既, 唔好晒錢, 其實佢地教既都不過係生活上一D常識同禮貌, 家長肯俾D時間自己都可以做到.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 22:39 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

agree with shuet_tam

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-11-24 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Also agree with shuet_tam.
I do think that all these P1 interviews need some training but this should not be done by those training school. They are all too commercial and the price is really high. It is not cost effective! Better train your kids yourself and do it early.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-24 23:46 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Some people may find such classes useful.  My friend's kid was smart but a little bit shy in front of strangers.  Her kid improved a lot after attending these classes and has been very successful in P.1 applications so far.

Some people may not find such classes all that useful.  My daughter joined such classes during the summer holidays.  Not much difference according to my observation, possibly because she was already outgoing and confident before joining such classes.  As for manners, the classes do teach them how to behave "properly", but it is difficult to change their habits in a few months' time.  So, I agree it's better to do the "training" at home on our own, and better to start it as soon as possible.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

I agree w/ 勞媽媽,
you have spent your time and 耐性(and your kids).

發表於 05-11-25 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Dear M&MMOM,

I don't know what is your occupation, but the top school I think they will consider that if you work in Governemnt or 專業人士,I also have a kid in K3 now, he loss in lucky drawn & all private school(5), but he have 17 classmate go in St paul Co-Ed next year, most of them have relationship w/ school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 11:47 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Dear richsmart,

Sure, is SKH.

發表於 05-11-25 12:11 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 12:24 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Dear M&MMOM,

I will try my best , I will condsider that  next yr try again since my son born in Dec2000. But 值得嗎?


發表於 05-11-25 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 18:38 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班


you kid's have 17 school mates got offered by St Paul Co ed, that 's almost the seats (30% of total seat around 56 in one SPCC) offered to non-old boys/girls... that means all the seats were given to SKH school........

so it's really a waste of our time who are not from SKH.....


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-25 18:54 |只看該作者

Re: 請問有沒有參加小一面試培訓班

Hi M&MMom,

Can you tell which schools your kids are now studying?

It sounds like talking about my situation right now..... both of us are qualified accoutants, live in NT, spent thousands dollars to send kid for interview classes (the teachers told that my kid was very smart at that time)...... I believe that interview class have its values in certain extent as I really saw improvement in behaviour (but don't think it will make miracle), however, my kid born in Novemeber.... perhaps one thing I did wrong is to let my kid to be a small kid when we once thought about to wait for one more year for K1 a few years ago.... also, no matter how we well prepared for her, she became seriously sick before the interview started and could not performed as usaul (also to take 5 types of medicine everyday)...... this is something I could not control.....  

We are very upset but as it is a matter of fact already, we told ourselves (perhaps to find a way to make us feel easier), we did our best already and should feel no regret.. God will plan for us........

M&MMOM 寫道:

I have two kids, one in P3 and one in K3 now.  I had sent both of them to two different interview classes.  

1.From my experience, if you are working mom and have no time to train up your kids by yourself, you can send them to interview class.

2. the peer group influence will also help them to behave properly, better than you just tell them to do and not to do.

3. Interview class will be more helpful if your children is shy.

4. none of the questions taught in the interview class will be asked in any school interview.

5. the oral expression of your children in cantonese will be improved greatly, but you can only be aware of these after all school interviews are over or even when they go to P1 (both my daughter and son are looked after by filipino helpers that their cantonese is poor and expression is very clumsy.  But I found the oral expression of my daughter when she was in P1 was far better than her other active classmates who did not attend any interview class.)

6.  My daughter took the one near "Golden Dragon Boat ? Chinese Restaurant" at Mongkok KCR.  
They have different " 專班" for St Francis, St Paul Co-ed, DGS, GH,...etc and my daughter joined all (and from April to Nov the following year, I spent HK$20,000+ including one to one for DGS專班).   
They lock the door, only children can enter the centre and in different time (e.g. every 15 or 30 min) so you will not know how many children are taught at the same time.  They have two teachers plus some temporary staff during peak seasons.  
They put children in different rooms and the teachers go to the rooms in turn.
The two teachers are very experienced and do try their best to teach the children
One of the teachers is very strict, comment / criticize rather than praise / encourage the children.  
The children will still enjoy the class as they can go the stickers, little gifts and play with the other kids
As I was not allowed to stay in the centre, I went for shopping in New Century Plaza or even Fa Yuen Street, that I felt exhausted whenever I broughter my daughter there (my own problem, not because of the interview class !)

7. My son took the one at Nice Studio.  They don't have so many" 專班", just DGS and DBS  for a few lessons only.  But they have several talk and more than one model interviews which are NOT free of charge.  From end Feb to Oct the following year, I spent HKD10,000, include one to two專班 for DBS.  
There are 6 children max in each class, plus 1-2 for make class and less 1-2 absent.  
The same one teacher and same group of children throughout the course, fixed room throughout the lesson.
The teachers are also very experienced and do try their best to teach the children
They teach the children with fun and leisure and the children enjoy the class as well as playing with the other kids very much.
I found my son though much LESS clever than my daughter, did learn faster and perform better.  
The centre is very quite far away from any shopping centre, and there is not even a 7-11.  I can go nowhere but sit outside the studio, chat with the other moms and take a rest.

8. My daughter and my son were accepted by most of the famous (above average) schools (St Francis, Kowloon, Alliance, GH, Tan Siu Lin, ..etc) but EXCEPT the very top one (DGS, DBSPD, St Paul Coed).  Reasons can be :
-  they are younger as born in Oct / Nov
- but they have good academic results, extra curricular activities, school recommendation letter
- I am a working mom.  Although I also started training them by myself, but  only from around Christmas when they were in K2 and it was too late.
-  interview class can help to raise their standard to above average but not to the very top.
- academic results / extra curricular activities / school recommendation letter are considered by the above average school but not so much the very top one which stress more on performance during interview while academic results / extra curricular activities / school recommendation letter are the basic requirement.

Finally, just want to state that I have no connection with any one of the above interview class, just want to share what I had experienced after completing the two important assignments - getting my beloved kids to P1.

Good luck to all of you.

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