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Which Int. School is better? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 11:38 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Hi everyone,

I have been finding international schools with IB diploma for my girl who is going to be Grade 7 in Aug. A lot of people told me that South Island School is the very best choice among all international schools as SIS is well-rounded and quite brilliant in terms of academic studies. I am considering SIS too, but they told me that it's really competitive and keen to get in SIS.

Well, therefore, I would like to apply for a few more schools for my girl so that it will be kind of 'safe'. ]

May you please give me some sort of comments and suggestions regarding the schools below? Also, may you please possibly rank them after considering all the fields?

1. South Island School
2. German Swiss International School
3. CHinese International School
4. Li Po Chun United World College
5. West Island School
6. Hong Kong Internatinal School
7. International Christian School
8. Renaissance College
9. Australian International School

I think the above are the best selected choices, so please give me some comments and rank them. Thanks a million!
   3    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 12:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 ukodelechan 於 10-5-19 11:38 發表
Hi everyone,

I have been finding international schools with IB diploma for my girl who is going to be Grade 7 in Aug. A lot of people told me that South Island School is the very best choice among al ...

I 'll be starting with the ranking.
Personally, I think
1. South Island School =German Swiss International School = CHinese International School = Li Po Chun United World College= Hong Kong Internatinal School
2. International Christian School
3. Australian International School
4. Renaissance College
5. West Island School

However, HKIS and ICS are not coping with IB, so they may not be your wise choice if you want your girl doing IB.

I think SIS too is a wise and brilliant choice as what you have said among all. A reputable and famous school. SIS has a nice campus, well balance between academics and extra-curriculum, and the students are quite polite too... So, I think it will be kind of nice if your girl can get it... Of course, as what you have known, SIS is really a bit difficult to get in.

My daughter is in DGJS and some of her schoolmates are applying for SIS and GSIS. These two schools are hot choices in her school.

Yup, you really have to be quite keen, like your girl has to be excel in Eng, with good academic result and other develoments. Mind you, they will be focusing on both Music and Sports. So you 'd better consider all these. Moreover, think of the way your girl goes to school coz the location is a bit inconvenient though there are school buses provided. Check with the details in their school website.

For GSIS, it will be a good choice too. There are lots of famous stars and everything is just fine. They also focus very much on well-rounded education, so you also have to be well prepared with all sort of extra- curricular activities. The school campus is really nice, big and I am sure everyone will be loving it. Again, keen competition and the location is not too convenient. So , maybe you have to get rid of that.

Li po chun, very strong academically with no doubt, but your girl will surely be having lots and lots of pressure. Moreover, they will accepting students from Grade 12 only. So it may not be a choice for you at the moment. Why not considering joining SIS in the first place?

Well, these are all my personal suggetions. The most important thing is the school really fits your girl...

[ 本帖最後由 season_sincere 於 10-5-19 12:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 12:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 season_sincere 於 10-5-19 12:18 發表

I 'll be starting with the ranking.
Personally, I think
1. South Island School =German Swiss International School = CHinese International School = Li Po Chun United World College= Hong Kong Internat ...

Thankyou so much! Are there any comments please?

To 'season_sincere', it's glad to know that your girl is in DGJS... Which grade is she in? She will be going to SIS too??? I also want to try DGS for my girl... Know that it's a well known school... May you please share your experience to me? Any tips?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 13:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 season_sincere 於 10-5-19 12:18 發表

I 'll be starting with the ranking.
Personally, I think
1. South Island School =German Swiss International School = CHinese International School = Li Po Chun United World College= Hong Kong Internat ...

Much appreciation for your attempt to rank the schools. How would you rank the ESF schools?
Island School, KGV, Shatin College, South Island School and West Island School.

In addition to GSIS and SIS, any other international schools are well recieived by your girls' school-mates?

Thank you!

[ 本帖最後由 lulusing 於 10-5-19 13:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 14:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 ukodelechan 於 10-5-19 12:29 發表

Thankyou so much! Are there any comments please?

To 'season_sincere', it's glad to know that your girl is in DGJS... Which grade is she in? She will be going to SIS too??? I also want to try DGS f ...

You are welcome!

It's glad to hear that you are interested in DGS, it's indeed a good school in my point of view. Well, I don't have specific tips for you seriously. As long as your daughter is smart, polite and intelligent, maybe you should just give it a try. Of course, your daughter shouldn't be only acdemically strong.

My daughters are in DGJS, but it's not yet time for them to apply for secondary schools. And, they are doing fine at DGJS, so I am not considering to apply for SIS at the moment.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 14:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 lulusing 於 10-5-19 13:07 發表

Much appreciation for your attempt to rank the schools. How would you rank the ESF schools?
Island School, KGV, Shatin College, South Island School and West Island School.

In addition to GSIS and S ...

Thankyou! I'm just sharing my comments towards those schools.

Well, most schoolmates of my daughter apply for SIS, GSIS and HKIS.

Among the ESF schools, I think SIS nad SC will be the best of all, followed by WIS, KGV and IS.

發表於 10-5-19 15:40 |只看該作者
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-5-19 17:56 |只看該作者
Every now and then, I see parents popping into BK, throwing a list of schools and ask BK parents to rank them. This is totally meaningless.

Most of those lists comprises schools with totally different qualities. The locations are  different, the curriculum are different, the fees are different.

Look at those "ranking" of american universities. They were made by scientifically comparing schools. Yet many times, we still sees very different rankings depending on the "weight" you put on different aspects.

Many parents also tend to be too keen on providing information and "advices", and yet, many of these parents have so limited knowledge of international school education as a whole, let alone the actual situation in each and every school.

As an example, how can we fairly compare ESF schools with "expensive" schools like HKIS? In terms of resourses, I will say that HKIS would definitely be one of the best. They have one of the best university placement team, with lots of support applying to american universities. If you have the dough and if your child pass the admission, go for it. However, can you really afford the fees? We are not merely talking about debentures and school fees, but the other expenses that follows. Good for you if you can afford. (I couldn't) I would say that if your child is accepted by both HKIS and ESF, it is really silly not to accept HKIS's offer (of you can afford).

Yet ESF schools charges a lot less, and with this in mind, ESF schools are indeed quite worth the money we paid.

I believe the best way is to do more research and compare schools yourself.

唔係針對邊個, 不過有感而發
如有得罪, 請見諒

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-5-19 18:20 |只看該作者
Very well said, Nintendo!!!
love you for you

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-19 18:30 |只看該作者
If you would like to rank the above schools, I would say:

1. German Swiss International School
2. Hong Kong International School
3. Chinese International School
4. Li Po Chun United World College
5. South Island School
6. West Island School
7. Austrian International School
8. International Christian School
9. Renaissance College

The above ranking I made is based on the overall impression of the school to me(program quality, students quality, student diversity, school facilities, etc.)

Maybe let me tell you my comments for some of the above schools which I am more familiar.

ranked from 1-5 where 5 is the best

1. German Swiss International School:
student achievements: 5
students quality(e.g. manners): 5
school facilities: 3
student diversity: 5(mostly from europe)

2. Hong Kong International School:
student achievements: 5
students quality(e.g. manners): 3
school facilities: 5
student diversity: 4(mostly from hk and US)

3. Chinese International School:
student achievements: 5
students quality(e.g. manners): 4
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(mostly from hk and china)

4. Li Po Chun United World College:
student achievements: 5
students quality(e.g. manners): not familiar
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 2(many are local students from loca schools)

5. South Island School:
student achievements: 4
students quality(e.g. manners): 4
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(many are from hk)

6. West Island School:
student achievements: 4
students quality(e.g. manners): 3
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(many are from hk)

7. Australian International School:
student achievements: 3
students quality(e.g. manners): 3
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(many are from hk)

8. International Christian School:
student achievements: not familiar
students quality(e.g. manners): not familiar
school facilities: 5
student diversity: not familiar

9. Renaissance College:
student achievements: not familiar
students quality(e.g. manners): 3
school facilities: not familiar
student diversity: 3(mostly from asia)

Feel free to ask for comments on particular school. I will answer if I know.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 20:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 nintendo 於 10-5-19 17:56 發表
Every now and then, I see parents popping into BK, throwing a list of schools and ask BK parents to rank them. This is totally meaningless.

Most of those lists comprises schools with totally differen ...

I have been to the schools' websites and known more information about them. I think the meaning of the post is to ask for other advice from experienced parents. As those are just personal opinion, you may agree or eventually disagree. I really don't think that anyone here is trying to be bias or to promote a certain school.

"Season_Sincere" has said that HKIS is also as good as SIS, but as I am now asking for IB, HKIS is not appropriate for my girl. That;s the reason why she/he didn't advice that for me. Maybe your children are in HKIS, that;s why you are so angry... Anyway, I just think that everyone here are trying to offer their helping hands, and I really don't want anyone to suffer or to be offended.

Thanks everyone for your opinion , once again!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-19 20:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 glorian 於 10-5-19 18:30 發表
If you would like to rank the above schools, I would say:

1. German Swiss International School
2. Hong Kong International School
3. Chinese International School
4. Li Po Chun United World College
5.  ...

How would you rate other ESF schools (Island School, KGV, Shatin College) in terms of students' achievements, students' quality (e.g. manners), school facilities and student diversity (1-5 where 5 is the best). Thank you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-19 20:31 |只看該作者

回覆 11# ukodelechan 的文章

Really interesting,lpc has dp only,not myp

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-5-19 20:54 |只看該作者
原帖由 ukodelechan 於 10-5-19 20:04 發表

I have been to the schools' websites and known more information about them. I think the meaning of the post is to ask for other advice from experienced parents. As those are just personal opinion, y ...

You are over reacting. I was not angry at all.

Like I said, my message was NOT commenting on anyone in particular. Just that I do not see the point of ranking schools that are so different, unless you have some preset criteria.

In any case, I have no further interest in this topic.

PS. My kids are not in HKIS.

[ 本帖最後由 nintendo 於 10-5-19 20:58 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-5-19 22:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 nintendo 於 10-5-19 20:54 發表

You are over reacting. I was not angry at all.

Like I said, my message was NOT commenting on anyone in particular. Just that I do not see the point of ranking schools that are so different, unless  ...

I agree that throwing out a list of schools is not the best way to do it.  Each parent have their own preference.  I know parents who absolutely love JIS and AIS, yet those won't be my choice of schools.  Each school has their own strength a weakness and it depends on what the family is looking for to choose the right school, no matter IS or local.

[ 本帖最後由 lottieclee 於 10-5-20 09:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-19 22:43 |只看該作者
I actually am not that familiar with ESF schools(esp. those in Kowloon side) compare to other international schools in Hong Kong. My comment is just a general comment based on observation of some students from those schools.

I would rank ESF schools in this way:

1. South Island School
2. West Island School
3. Shatin College
4. KGV
5. Island School

1. South Island School:
student achievements: 4
students quality(e.g. manners): 4
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(many are from hk)

2. West Island School:
student achievements: 4
students quality(e.g. manners): 3
school facilities: 4
student diversity: 3(many are from hk)

3. Shatin College:
student achievements: not familiar, but as I know, their university placement is not bad
students quality(e.g. manners): 5
school facilities: never been there, but it's big as I know
student diversity: 3(mostly chinese)

4. KGV:
students achievement: 4
students quality(e.g.manners):3
school facilities: not familiar
student diversity: 4

5. Island School:
student achievements: 3
students quality: 2
school facilities: 3
student diversity: 4(Island school is more diverse in terms of students nationality amongst all ESF schools)

hope this helps.

原帖由 lulusing 於 10-5-19 20:29 發表

How would you rate other ESF schools (Island School, KGV, Shatin College) in terms of students' achievements, students' quality (e.g. manners), school facilities and student diversity (1-5 where 5 i ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-5-19 23:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 ukodelechan 於 10-5-19 20:04 發表

I think the meaning of the post is to ask for other advice from experienced parents. As those are just personal opinion, y ...


Just curious, why people are leaving DGS?  I've heard this a number of times but cannot understand why.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-5-19 23:31 |只看該作者

原帖由 Mighty 於 10-5-19 18:20 發表
Very well said, Nintendo!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-20 09:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 tamm 於 10-5-19 23:06 發表


Just curious, why people are leaving DGS?  I've heard this a number of times but cannot understand why.

Well, everyone have their own choice, some may consider going to international schools for better plan of the future as they may be going overseas in secondary, some may want to have a 'relax' life (compared with local) and actually there are quite a number of brilliant international schools in Hong Kong... So, going to international schools may not be a bad choice, isn't it.

Even though in other 'prestigious schools' like Marymount, St. Paul's Co-ed, Maryknoll, etc... Quite a lot of students will go to internaitonal schools in secondary, like F.1 or P.6

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-20 09:04 |只看該作者
Yea indeed, everyone have their own preference in mind when choosing different schools. And of course, it's really difficult to find a 'perfect' list which everyone would agree.

But yet, I think the reasons they rank the schools are still precious and can act like a little bit of guidance.

I take a neutral stand in this issue, but I think this can be regarded as a type of sharing~

[ 本帖最後由 season_sincere 於 10-5-20 11:34 編輯 ]
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