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Searching the Best School in the World Donated to thankful [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-5 18:38 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear Thinking, Working & Planning Hard for your Children's Future Parents

In search for the Best School in the world, my wife and I have been living in more than 10 Cities in 4 Countries/Territories.

Like many of you, we started the search even before our first child was born.

The could be Endless search started almost 11 years ago.

Before sharing with you lot about our Experiences/Observations, we are hoping some of you may share with us,

"What is your Definition of the Best School?"

Together We Build a Safer, Happier, Cleaner & More Caring Community

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-13 13:51 編輯 ]
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-5 19:31 |只看該作者
我就覚得講得有点誇張、就算有一間認為是全世界最好的学校、小朋友也未必入到、如何処理?  如果這学校是在外国的、父母是否放棄一切譲児女去読?  有点本末到置。  這就是可能今日大部分小朋友被竉壊的原因。  

發表於 08-7-6 13:16 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-6 13:36 |只看該作者
One's food may be others' poison. So there is no best school in the world for all of us.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-6 14:23 |只看該作者
QUOTE Common sense would have told us, what Fate's "in the world" merely implying "in the area he's living at the time." UNQUOTE
如果FATE的意思真的只是 in the area he is living at the time就不応用 in the World 去形容了。  我個人就覚得有点誇張、也可能是英文程度不同所致。  形容自己的児女用「You're the best child in the world」的意思就完全不同了、因他們是無可取替的。  学校就当然是可「取替」的。  我倒賛成xenonlit的説法、有見地、我欣賞。

發表於 08-7-6 18:20 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-6 19:27 |只看該作者

Be Honest. Be Humble. Be Happy

Hi Mum99

Nice to see you around.  

Yes, you're right in pointing out my phrase of  "in the world" actually means "in the place where one's staying" (like in my case, it would have been in HK, UK, NZ & Australia at a particular time etc.)

But, the MAIN reason that I've decided to use "in the world" is because this's my Writing Style,

"Exaggeration Attracts MAXIMUM Attention."

(HK newspapers adopting the Same approach in writing their Headlines!)

I did the same thing about 3 years ago in writing a post in the www.move2nz.com, titled

"Don't come to NZ if you......."

(Instead of using a traditional approach like "Things you've to consider before emigrating to NZ)

Because I always believe there is More than 1 way in doing things and I prefer the Fun Way - people Learn Best when they're Relax.

(And I subsequently helped a Canadian Family emigrated to NZ and did it for FREE)

So, why do I want MAXIMUM Attention?
It's for you lot to figure it out.

Now, move onto to another BK parent, mighty.

You've brought up some very interesting points in your fedback. As Everyone is a Teacher, do you mind Enlightening me by sharing with me and/or other Eager to learn parents of the following :-

1) How did you come to the Conclusion that,

"Parents Trying their Best for their Children are Actually Spoiling their Children?",

as stated in your comments?

(I've heard parents getting the Latest Mobile are Spoiling their Children;  I've heard parents getting the Designer Clothings are Spoiling their Children etc.  But, I've NEVER heard of parents getting Children into the Best School are Spoiling their Children! (Though may Create Pressure)

2) Have you NOT known that many parents in HK have Full British Passport (i.e. the European Passport), allowing them to live and work (and of course their children to study) in any of the 27 Countries in the EC, which is soon to become a 30-Country Community?

(And some of these parents ALSO have either Canadian or Australian Pasports etc., meaning that they like you have suggested "Could Move to Anywhere they want", given that they have the Right, the Skill and the Money to live almost anywhere they want.

And myself?  Unlike my "Elited Friends" - the Elite of the 80s - who are Highly Successful Presidents, Medical Consultants, Chief Financial Officers etc., who can BUY any country residency as an Investor, I only have the Residency of 30 Countries/Territories)

3) Given that you're Good at Simplified Chinese Writing, am I right in assuming you were born in or recently come from Mainland China?

4) Assuming the above is right and given that you've a Young Daughter, am I also right in asuming the Main reason you've come to HK is, In Search for a Better Future for your Daughter?

5) Am I right too in assuming you've NOT written any post/thread yourself,  but rather enjoying in dropping comments, sometimes quite Unpleasant Comments, in others' forums?

6) Last but not least, you've named yourself "mighty" - is there anything to do with you thinking you're the "Mighty God"?

What We Were Make Us What We ARE

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-7 08:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-6 23:25 |只看該作者
Why don't you share your experience with us and your view on which is the best school in the word, in your opinion after living in more than 10 cities in 4 countries.

I certainly do not have an answer to this as I've only looked at HK's schools so far.

原文章由 Fate 於 08-7-5 18:38 發表
Dear Thinking, Working & Planning Hard for your Children's Future Parents

In search for the Best School in the world, my wife and I have been living in more than 10 Cities in 4 Countries/Territories. ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-7 08:59 |只看該作者

Be Grateful

Hi thankful

You've chosen a Great Name.

Indeed, one has to be Thankful in this very Challenging Times in HK, when one has to compete for live chickens with other if not Elder C9, queue up for the Thai Jasmine rice etc., and of course for the current Biggest Challenge,

Finding the Best Summer Holiday Programme for Children!

I wish I could be the Real Indiana Jones - Harrison Ford.  He is like many other Jews in the world,

Rich, Powerful, Determined ........

(Please refer to my current post in the UK parents club, regarding why the Jews are Ruling the World - yes, this time I really mean "The World"!)

As explained before, the terms "The Best", "In the world" were purposedly used to attract MAXIMUM Attention. They are, in fact, meaning in this instance,

"An Excellent School in HK."

To me persoanlly, sharing my Experience in the Straight Forward Format will NOT create the Desirable Outcome. Only when one has Actively & Positively Involved, will their Brain work Harder and Better, then See Things Clearer and Further, resulting ONESELF getting the Answers without being so told!

thankful, I'm thankful for your Positive Feedback.

Life is about Appreciating NOT Complaining

quote]原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-6 18:20 發表
Very interesting!  You sound a bit like Indiana Jones spending 11 years travelling around the world in search of the treasure.  Come to think of it, Indiana has a much easier task because he is only l ... [/quote]

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-7 09:04 編輯 ]

發表於 08-7-7 10:28 |只看該作者
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Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-7 12:11 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,
I have a clear picture now. You were looking for the best school (best for your children I presume) in the places where you were staying. But I cannot figure out why you could not pick out the best one(s) among limited choices as one could always choose the best according to his will, even among 10 rotten eggs. Or in fact your real purpose was to show off to people that you had been living all over the world (exaggerating).

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-7 12:13 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,
I have a clear picture now. You were looking for the best school (best for your children I presume) in the places where you were staying. But I cannot figure out why you could not pick out the best one(s) among limited choices as one could always choose the best according to his will, even among 10 rotten eggs. Or in fact your real purpose was to show off to people that you had been living all over the world (exaggerating).

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-7 14:03 |只看該作者
我実在不能不一便笑着、看FATE的回応。  非常有趣。  但我覚得有点不公平的是、FATE是想同大家分享自己的感受及資料、但現在給我、XEONLIT等将話題拉開、相信一定有很多家長在期待FATE的発表的、FATE、不要再譲他們久等了、快快公佈吧!!


 ①"Exaggeration Attracts MAXIMUM Attention."

) Have you NOT known that many parents in HK have Full British Passport
有外国護照、不一定就能簡単的到欧洲工作、考慮的因素実在太多了!! 但這是個別父母選択、我不在這多説了。

③Given that you're Good at Simplified Chinese Writing, am I right in assuming you were born in or recently come from Mainland China?

FATE,估錯了、我不是啊。 因我還未学識中文打字、現在是用日文入力的、所以字形有点怪怪的。 

④ Am I right too in assuming you've NOT written any post/thread yourself,  but rather enjoying in dropping comments, sometimes quite Unpleasant Comments, in others' forums?


這字意思不只一個、可看看字典。  其実也不要浪費時間、用這字時我没有特別深入探討。

這是一個FORUM形式的WEBSITE,可個別発表意見、偶有持不同意見者、何以用「unpleasant comments」去形容呢? 如果我説的令FATE有UNPLEASANT的感覚、that wld be my least intention,在此道歉道歉!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-7 16:21 |只看該作者
"What is your Definition of the Best School?"
The best school is the one that suits your child.
There is no best school for everyone.

In the HK context, all "famous" schools rely heavily on the input/ support of the child's family. So it's the parents that matters, not the school.

BTW, I thought the best primary schools in the world are in Finland?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-7 19:04 |只看該作者

Your Most Relevant Factor

Hi courtbas

For a moment, I thought you're working in a Court.

It's indeed my Intention to share with others about my Dramatic Life Experience.

But, do you mind if I'm doing it at a slower pace, as I'm getting a bit old now? (That's why I had found somewhere to hide myself, as I can NOT compete with those "Elites" in HK!)

Also, do you mind sharing with us,

What's the MOST RELEVANT factor you'll look at a school in HK, when considering putting your child therein?

Everyone is Different

原文章由 courtbas 於 08-7-6 23:25 發表
Why don't you share your experience with us and your view on which is the best school in the word, in your opinion after living in more than 10 cities in 4 countries.

I certainly do not have an answe ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-7 19:17 |只看該作者

Role Model for Our Children?

Hi thankful

What a Pity - you'd a Great Beginning.
And I was Hoping a Great Ending too.

Since children Learn Most & Best from their Parents, AND from what their parents DO rather than Say, do you think we've set ourselves a Good Example by,

Easily Giving Up? AND

Pointing Fingers at others and Blaming Everyone Else?

In Life, we ALL have a Choice.

In BK, everyone also has a Choice too,

One can Actively and Positively Enagaged by showing Self Respect & Respect for Others along the way;


Once can enjoy some Quiet Reading;


One can just move on and read other posts/threads.

I Respect Your Choice.

Are we all as Responsible Parents NOT teaching our children to be Honest, Caring, Respectful etc. - but how many of us are actually Doing it Ourselves?

Be Respectful by showing others Respect First

原文章由 thankful 於 08-7-7 10:28 發表
I give up!  You are either mad or you have an ulterior motive, or you are both!  (By the way, I am not exaggerating!)

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-8 21:51 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-7 19:24 |只看該作者

Respond Later

Hi xenonlit, Mighty & owenmami

You lot have raised some interesting points, which I'll respond later as I really have to start my usual Monday Night Martial Art Training NOW.

Life is about having Something to Look Forward To

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-7 19:36 |只看該作者
To certain extent, I share the same thinking as owenmami.  Assuming each school gets the same funding from government, the school can rely heavily on the resourses from parents, both in money terms and in manpower terms.  There comes to my agreement => So it's the parents that matters, notthe school.

Thanks Fate for introducing me your's topic and excuse me I am a bit sidetrack here.

原文章由 owenmami 於 08-7-7 16:21 發表
In the HK context, all "famous" schools rely heavily on the input/support of the child's family. So it's the parents that matters, notthe school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-7 20:03 |只看該作者

回覆 #6 Mighty 的文章

yes, mighty's chinese is like japanese charactor to me.

發表於 08-7-8 01:31 |只看該作者
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