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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Yew Chung Secondary School
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Yew Chung Secondary School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-8 16:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My boy just got offer from Yew Chung, may I have your comment on this school regarding their teaching method and school life?  I found there are some negative feedback from forum.  Thanks
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Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-9 15:52 |只看該作者
hello, im a Y13 student from yew chung.

well, w/ no doubt there'll be negative feedbacks all over the internet about our school, as not many students do realise and appreciate the positive sides of yew chung. besides, wining is always easier than awarding. :]

okay so i suppose that your boy is going to Y7?
in junior years school is quite fun, and in yew chung, although i havent been there forever, just Y9, juniors are quite a happy bunch of little kids.
1.their teachers are nice, mostly (even if for some who do not wear smiles always, they are great teachers)
2.really low workload from most subjects (maybe a little bit more from chinese, since the chinese department is a really traditional teaching department, if you know what i mean by that)
3.quite a lot of games during lessons (which help them learn)
4.and there are staff and programmes that would help Y7s to fit into the school, like the Y7 camp, and peer support programme where seniors and counsellors would hold parties for them
so basically junior years are about having fun and learning through games.

if you wanna know more, as in what happens after the happy years just pm me or continue this post, i'll be more than happy to help you.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-9 16:42 |只看該作者
Hi wan628,

Thanks for your input.  I hope you won't mind my asking you this: I can see that you can express yourself fairly well in both Chinese and English - Do you consider yourself an average student, above average, or somewhat behind?  Please feel free not to answer if you don't feel comfortable to.  I'm just curious about the standard of YC students?

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-9 19:09 |只看該作者
Hi Wan628,

Yes, I found there are many negative view from forum, such as:
a) High turnover of foreigner teacher, does this affect the teaching quality and continuity?
b) There has no systematic teaching mechanism and guide teacher how to teach.  It is up to student luck whether they meet a good teacher.
c) However, some teachers are so so teacher and they do not teach the material in detail.  Such that the academic result of each student depends on their own initiative to work hard.  Does the school atmosphere encourage student to learn?

May I have your idea/observation on these?


原帖由 wan628 於 10-6-9 15:52 發表
hello, im a Y13 student from yew chung.

well, w/ no doubt there'll be negative feedbacks all over the internet about our school, as not many students do realise and appreciate the positive sides of y ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-9 20:09 |只看該作者

回覆 4# Njjster10 的文章

well, i havent been in yew chung forever actually, so its rather difficult for me to actually judge...i guess im an above average student in my year group.

a.) it is so true that teachers do come and go very frequently, the rate of turnover is on average 10 teachers per year. it does cause some concerns for parents and seniors, esp. IB, where teachers' experience count a lot for the course. okay, heres a case of our year group, one of the two economics teachers has left after one year of teaching, the school has hired a new teacher who has no IB experience whatsoever for that class. so now the two classes are 1) taught by a very experienced teacher; 2) taught by a new teacher, after these two years, nevertheless, the top students of the new teacher's class remained top (though you may argue that they wouldve done better, but who knows?), while the rest doesnt change much.

b.)and yes there isnt exact guidelines for teachers to teach, it really is up to the teacher's style. on the point of luck...well, im not sure whether youve quoted this from somewhere or what, but umm...personally, i dont see meeting 'good' teachers by luck. you see, every teacher has their styles, so do students, the extend to which they 'cooperate' differs. lets take an example of my IGCSE, my history teacher was really strict, he gives a lot of assignments and projects; while my business teacher was quite the opposite, he couldve disappeared for a double lesson for a cup of tea (according to what he said before leaving us), theres not much to do (in and out of class), we chat a lot, fool around a lot...still, i got A grade for both subjects. instead of hoping for a 'good' teacher like my history teacher, its up to the student's effort.

c.)on this point, it is true that some teachers do not go over the whole course in details, HOWEVER, one very crucial point is that, in what role does the student (or parent) see the teacher in the course. is the teacher a facilitator? or is he/she the one who spoon feeds all the time. does the teacher teach, or does the teacher guide? is the student willing to study out of class?

i guess my conclusion about the complaints on teachers is that, yes, its such a pity (and rather ridiculous) that the teachers turnover rate is so high in yew chung, and good teachers are not around all the time, but studying is not solely about teachers, instead, its mainly about students themselves. whats their attitude towards studying, are they really eager to learn and understand, or have they got too used to being spoon-fed in junior years.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-9 21:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 wan628 於 10-6-9 15:52 發表
hello, im a Y13 student from yew chung.

well, w/ no doubt there'll be negative feedbacks all over the internet about our school, as not many students do realise and appreciate the positive sides of y ...

Dear Wan628

Last time I visited YC and one of the teachers said YC's aim is to motivate students to learn (rather than spoon feeding). Do you think the school provides enough environment/ tools to motivate students? Or you think a student learn or not learn depends on his/her attitude of learning?

Personally, I am not care whether YC has a high turnover rate of teachers. Just like what I experienced in University, students should learn how to survive no matter the teachers are good or not good. Even though the MBA class I took in the U.S., not all teachers are good and the turnover of teachers are quite common in deed.

However, I hv a few questions:

1. Can you comment the discipline of students in YC? People always say discipline in IS is not good.

2. Also, as I know YC is a Christian school, do you know how much does the school provide on spiritual side? Does it emphasize on it or just a so-called Christian school?!
3. Is YC a competitive school, or I should say does YC students competitive when compared with other IS?
Any comments?! Thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-9 23:03 |只看該作者

回覆 6# fatcni 的文章

1. well, all i would say about discipline is that YC is just like any other schools. there are good students, lost students, and naughty students. but overall i see YC as quite a well-disciplined school.
*the point about IS being less disciplined than local schools is so wrong, i have no idea of who has came up w/ that, but that is just an unreasonable judgement. a school is a school, news are all over band 1 school students being spotted committing crime and stuff. 新奇士都有爛橙啦.

2. the CMED (Christian Moral Education Department 宗教德育部) is growing stronger and stronger lately, there are frequent assemblies on about the bible, and there are guests to tell their stories w/ jesus (e.g. nick vujicic, MC Jin, 王祖藍, 高皓正, 鍾舒漫) there are also camps and weekly gatherings throughout the school year. but of course, for non-christian students, they can just remain silent while the rest prays in assemblies.

3. the atmosphere is quite relax and joyful in YC. for all kinds of exams (even public exams), we share past papers and tips on exams, some of us would even form small study groups so we can share our notes. we are more like pals rather than competitors even if we are competing for the same place in university.
but once again, i honestly have no idea of whats going on in other schools.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-10 10:32 |只看該作者
Hi, Wan628,

Thanks for your valuable information.

You mentioned that there are good studying atmosphere within YCIS and there are some good and lost student in the school.  May I know:
a) Normally, from your observation, how student study during the whole year?  They normally go to private teacher for additional help?
b) Any idea about the % of good student and lost student within a class?
c) I have known Y11 student must attend certain standard before they are allowed to enter DP course.  Any idea about the passing rate?  Where the student go if they are not accepted by YCIS DP course?

Thanks in advance
原帖由 wan628 於 10-6-9 23:03 發表
1. well, all i would say about discipline is that YC is just like any other schools. there are good students, lost students, and naughty students. but overall i see YC as quite a well-disciplined scho ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-10 15:33 |只看該作者
a.) not many of us do go for tutorials actually, some of us do, but the sessions are extremely expensive.

b.) that would depend on which year group they are in, its about maturiy you see. i'd say Y9 and Y10 are the two year groups where there are quite a few of lost students, coz they see themselves as mature enough while the fact is that they are just acting stupid.

c.) it was to obtain 5Cs, im not sure about the new standard though, should be quite similar, i'll let you know as soon as i found that out. btw, the DP that youre on about is the IB diploma, and now theres this pre-IB year (instead of Y11) before the 2-year IB course, it is supposed to help students to cope w/ the demands of the IB course.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-11 12:10 |只看該作者
Dear Wan628

Thanks for your information.

原帖由 wan628 於 10-6-10 15:33 發表
a.) not many of us do go for tutorials actually, some of us do, but the sessions are extremely expensive.

b.) that would depend on which year group they are in, its about maturiy you see. i'd say Y9  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-14 10:15 |只看該作者

Hope you don't mind my further question.  You mentioned that there are quite a few lost student in Yr9 and 10.
But YCIS DP result is quite good.
Any magic during Yr 11 and DP course, how the student catch up and get good result.
BTW, do you still remember how many class in Yr10, 11 and DP and the number of student?
And how many new student for DP course?

Thanks in advance.

原帖由 Njjster10 於 10-6-11 12:10 發表
Dear Wan628

Thanks for your information.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-14 21:02 |只看該作者

回覆 11# Njjster10 的文章

99% of the students who got into the IB years are the ones who want to get into good universities, thats why the IB results are quite good.
those lost students have either encountered the magic youve mentioned, or they left for other schools, mostly overseas, they start another course in community colleges or the UK A-level.
the number of students is not fixed in each year group, this is because our school is built for more than 1000 students but at the moment we have only 800 students.
the IB group last year was about 50, this year is 60, and next year is about 80.
while the IGCSE group the year before was 81, last year was 100, this year is more than 100.
the numbers tend to grow a lot, on one hand is due to the supposed number of students which yew chung has to have, on the other hand is due to the gain of popularity of intl. schools.

Rank: 2

發表於 10-6-14 21:03 |只看該作者

回覆 11# Njjster10 的文章

about half of the IB group this year are from local schools.

Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-15 15:23 |只看該作者

Thanks a lot.
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