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Yip's vs tom lee [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-27 00:06 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My kid is 2 years 6 months.  We are considering some music course for him.  Is Yip's or tom lee better ?
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-27 00:17 |只看該作者
My little one turned 3 last month. He's now attending both centres. I suppose both courses are well-developed but with different emphasis (Yip-choral singing and music knowledge vs Tom Lee-ear and keyboard training).

原帖由 samsam88 於 10-4-27 00:06 發表
My kid is 2 years 6 months.  We are considering some music course for him.  Is Yip's or tom lee better ?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-27 22:50 |只看該作者
Thanks for your information.  May I know how your schedule is to attend both centre and how much is the tuition fee ?

原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-27 00:17 發表
My little one turned 3 last month. He's now attending both centres. I suppose both courses are well-developed but with different emphasis (Yip-choral singing and music knowledge vs Tom Lee-ear and key ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-28 00:18 |只看該作者
If I remember it correctly, I paid $2100 for 12 1-hr lessons (1 term) at Yip's. Since my son is already studying visual art at Lo Fung Art Gallery (lucky enough to secure a place once he reached 3), I don't bother paying an extra amount of $500-600 for another hour (with a different focus - i.e. on drawing and painting) at Yips.

My child attends Yip's on Tuesdays while Tom Lee on Wednesdays. I suppose to let him stay on learning at both centres during his kindergarten years. They have a relatively longer history of providing quality music group courses. However, I expect him to sing in the HK Children's Choir in the future while specializing in violin performance at Yip's.

Being a professional musician and full-time instrumental teacher, I have been teaching my child to play the piano and the violin day by day. From my experience, to foster the child's interest in music and to develop in him a good ear as well as a good sense of rhythm and intonation is most vital in his early years.

Social skills and exposure to various types of music and art forms are highly concerned, too. So, besides those weekly music group classes and daily individual sessions with me, I also let him sing in the church choir every Saturday and go to music concerts/cultural activities with him once/twice a week.

I hope he can have a broader experience of music, arts and life rather than being too focused on technical matters of playing a particular instrument.

原帖由 samsam88 於 10-4-27 22:50 發表
Thanks for your information.  May I know how your schedule is to attend both centre and how much is the tuition fee ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-28 16:59 |只看該作者
Dear ohmygosh,

For learning voilin, which one would you recommend - Yip's or HK Children String?


原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-28 00:18 發表
If I remember it correctly, I paid $2100 for 12 1-hr lessons (1 term) at Yip's. Since my son is already studying visual art at Lo Fung Art Gallery (lucky enough to secure a place once he reached 3), I ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-28 21:44 |只看該作者
I would also bring my 4-year old to some muscial concert or cultural activities.  Can you suggest some?

原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-28 00:18 發表
If I remember it correctly, I paid $2100 for 12 1-hr lessons (1 term) at Yip's. Since my son is already studying visual art at Lo Fung Art Gallery (lucky enough to secure a place once he reached 3), I ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-28 22:41 |只看該作者
I learnt to play the violin with a private teacher when I was small. Never tried Yip's but just heard of it from another professional violinist who invited me to teach violin classes in primary schools on my return to Hong Kong after graduation from university in the UK with a music (performance) degree. She told me that the training of violin students at Yip's was extremely demanding; however, I've never had the chance to prove that.

I'd like to let my child study in a violin group class at Yip's at the age of four in order to benefit from group playing and learning since he's been receiving my individual coaching all the time. Also, I hope to carry on teaching him by myself at home since I believe in my own professionalism, philosophy and methodology, too.

Sorry that I have no idea about HK Children String. However, it's always best to learn an instrument individually with a full-time, well-qualified and experienced teacher while giving the child the chance of making music with others.

原帖由 Bubuchu 於 10-4-28 16:59 發表
Dear ohmygosh,

For learning voilin, which one would you recommend - Yip's or HK Children String?


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-28 23:07 |只看該作者
It's a shame that most concerts/performances don't welcome children under 6.

So far in April, we attended 'Peter and the Wolf' presented by HK Philharmonic Orchestra at HK Cultural Centre, 'Music to Enjoy' (mainly singing) by HK Chorus at Sheung Wan Civic Centre and 'Paintings in Action' (dance performance) by E-side Dance Company at Ngai Chi Wan.

We've planned ahead and have bought tickets for:

The Faust Festival 2010
摘星2010-芭蕾舞精英班示範 (planned)



原帖由 ottomum 於 10-4-28 21:44 發表
I would also bring my 4-year old to some muscial concert or cultural activities.  Can you suggest some?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-29 09:49 |只看該作者

You're really a music lover.  I hope my son would have a chance in learning violin from you.


原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-28 23:07 發表
It's a shame that most concerts/performances don't welcome children under 6.

So far in April, we attended 'Peter and the Wolf' presented by HK Philharmonic Orchestra at HK Cultural Centre, 'Music to ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-4-29 10:47 |只看該作者
HK string我唔清楚,

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-29 11:00 |只看該作者
I enjoy a variety of visual and performing arts but was just too focused on music (particularly piano and violin) when I was small. Always thinking of learning ballet (dance) and painting (visual art) but I never asked my parents to find a class for me.

Now I am mother of a 3-year-old. Despite working full-time as a professional instrumental teacher, as a single mom, I can't afford spending too much on my own hobbies. Currently I am taking only singing lessons; I enjoy singing those Italian songs and arias of 17th/18th centuries. I had been longing to learn individually with a professional vocalist when I was teen but I didn't have the chance (perhaps I felt the burden of my parents who had 3 children all learning music and later all studying abroad so I was always keeping my idea to myself and seldom let them know about it).

I encourage children and youngsters to participate in music events and cultural activities regularly and more frequently. However, very few families have the same belief. It's so hard for them to make time for the child and take him to a concert or stage performace or an exhibition at a museum or gallery. They spend much money finding a good instrumental teacher for the child and don't mind travelling for an hour with the child to the studio for tuitions. In this way, they can foster a good piano/violin player but not a decent musician which I mean to develop a pupil. Even if I tell them about some delightful events in town, their children are already occupied by homework and tutorial classes. Well... I understand about the local education... I don't mean to blame them but just feel sorry for them not being able to actually enjoy music and arts.

原帖由 Bubuchu 於 10-4-29 09:49 發表

You're really a music lover.  I hope my son would have a chance in learning violin from you.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-4-29 16:12 |只看該作者
Dear ohmygosh,

I totally agree with you.  We really want to bring our child to enjoy music performance and art exhibition but in vain by giving an excuse of no time.

原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-29 11:00 發表
I enjoy a variety of visual and performing arts but was just too focused on music (particularly piano and violin) when I was small. Always thinking of learning ballet (dance) and painting (visual art) ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-30 00:36 |只看該作者
Make a family plan of going to a concert / exhibition / any cultural activity monthly or fortnightly! Not just for the child's but also for your own good. Don't think of the benefits of doing so. Just make time for that and enjoy it! That shouldn't be a luxury.

原帖由 Bubuchu 於 10-4-29 16:12 發表
Dear ohmygosh,

I totally agree with you.  We really want to bring our child to enjoy music performance and art exhibition but in vain by giving an excuse of no time.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-30 07:32 |只看該作者
聽完你這番說話,我真的要檢討一下,可能我自己唔識音樂,所以唔識哉陪兒子,兒子比較坐唔定,可否建議有甚麼適合的musical shows呢?他學緊violin 同 Piano, 謝謝!

原帖由 ohmygosh 於 10-4-29 11:00 發表
I enjoy a variety of visual and performing arts but was just too focused on music (particularly piano and violin) when I was small. Always thinking of learning ballet (dance) and painting (visual art) ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-4-30 11:01 |只看該作者
Concerning performing art, that doesn't have to be 'music' 'music' 'music'. Dance and musical always carry an element of music and movement; drama often brings out tempo, intonation and rhythm.

Out there in town must be something he'll enjoy and get inspired. Expose him to a great variety of arts and different cultures (hasn't to be just Western or particularly related to the instruments he's learning - don't impose our preference on our children) and think of it as a change to the lifestyle of the whole family rather than another way to make him play his instruments better! Would be best received in this approach. The life of the child and the whole family will be enriched. Pray for him and pray for yourselves (parents) too.

Guide him to appreciate the hard work and discipline of other performers and strengthen his sense of responsibility in order to improve his learning attitude which would be most important as a student. Let him know that mommy and daddy value all those above exam results or anything else (and of course, that should be from the bottom of your heart! Pray for yourself if you are not ready for that).

You might be a little worried that 兒子比較坐唔定, children's musical/drama such as 怪獸之夜兒童英語音樂劇,明日藝術教育機構執頭偶兒童劇《小魔怪黐笠笠》could make a good start (I think). Hong Kong Youth Music Camp (Day Camp) will be held in July and August - can be a good choice, too!

Make a plan of going to a kind of performance every other week / every month. Happily announce it as a change to the lifestyle of the whole family and describe it positively as a very special time for the family. Present in the family a selection of concerts/shows suitable for him (as a start, only those which admit children as young as 3 years) and let him have a say in which show/event to attend and the schedule of that particular day.

Together you and your child go buy tickets, discuss the price or seat or venue or anything, decide which transport to take, what to wear, what time to get there, where to dine before/after the show. Aim for a happy afternoon/evening spending together as a family. Nothing is more important than this. Have a strong belief in that. Open yourself to get attracted to and become excited about those performances, too. Our children are learning from us. If we appreciate and respect the performers, they'll grow up doing the same. Don't be put off even if he asks to leave in the middle of the show as the first few times. It's ok. Just let him know you love him, and how long and how much you've enjoyed being with him at the show.

原帖由 rookiemom 於 10-4-30 07:32 發表
聽完你這番說話,我真的要檢討一下,可能我自己唔識音樂,所以唔識哉陪兒子,兒子比較坐唔定,可否建議有甚麼適合的musical shows呢?他學緊violin 同 Piano, 謝謝!

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