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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Why is there a sudden change of principal at RCHK?
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Why is there a sudden change of principal at RCHK? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-17 18:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Could anyone tell me why all of a sudden Peter Kenny is no longer RCHK's principal?

How ESF and RCHK are handling this matter of most crucial personnel change concerning a school has been meek and dubious. Kenny wrote the parents about the school's success in IB exams as late as middle of July. Then all of a sudden a Harry Brown surfaced in a newsletter to parents a few days ago as the new principal, with no one cared to say anything about Peter Kenny.

My wife wondered if Kenny is involved in a scandal while my kid suggested that he might have contracted aids. These unnecessary and of course unfounded speculations only come to show that RCHK's stakeholders like myself deserve the right to know when it comes to matters as essential as such to our children.

While I will try to find it out from other sources, if anyone could shed some light here in the meantime, it will be greatly appreciated.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-17 19:14 |只看該作者
Not exactly "all of a sudden".

The newsletters you claimed to have read are those uploaded on the school website. There are a lot others newsletters and memos that are not available to non RC people.

RC people received a letter from the school a long time ago explaining why Peter Kenny was leaving, where he was going to, etc.

ESF has advertised for the position in local newspapers and overseas.

RC people have been sent the cv's of the selected "finalist" candidates. We also have been invited to an evening meeting to meet with the candidates. A lot of parents and teachers attended the evening meeting.

Dr Brown was finally selected to replace Peter Kenny well before school ended; and everyone within the RC community knows that we are going to have a new principal. Even primary students are aware of that.


原帖由 Livingston 於 09-8-17 18:29 發表
Could anyone tell me why all of a sudden Peter Kenny is no longer RCHK's principal?

How ESF and RCHK are handling this matter of most crucial personnel change concerning a school has been meek and dubious. Kenny wrote the parents about the school's success in IB exams as late as middle of July. Then all of a sudden a Harry Brown surfaced in a newsletter to parents a few days ago as the new principal, with no one cared to say anything about Peter Kenny.

My wife wondered if Kenny is involved in a scandal while my kid suggested that he might have contracted aids. These unnecessary and of course unfounded speculations only come to show that RCHK's stakeholders like myself deserve the right to know when it comes to matters as essential as such to our children.

While I will try to find it out from other sources, if anyone could shed some light here in the meantime, it will be greatly appreciated.

[ 本帖最後由 almom 於 09-8-17 19:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-17 20:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 Livingston 於 09-8-17 18:29 發表
Why is there a sudden change of principal at RCHK?

Could anyone tell me why all of a sudden Peter Kenny is no longer RCHK's principal?

How ESF and RCHK are handling this matter of most crucial personnel change concerning a school has been meek and dubious. Kenny wrote the parents about the school's success in IB exams as late as middle of July. Then all of a sudden a Harry Brown surfaced in a newsletter to parents a few days ago as the new principal, with no one cared to say anything about Peter Kenny.

My wife wondered if Kenny is involved in a scandal while my kid suggested that he might have contracted aids. These unnecessary and of couse unfounded speculations only come to show that RCHK's stakeholders like myself deserve the right to know when it comes to matters as essential as such to our children.

While I will try to find it out from other sources, if anyone could shed some light here in the meantime, it will be greatly appreciated.



杜拜挖走 新書院校長
【本報訊】近年急速發展的中東阿聯酋城市杜拜,向香港 育界挖角。英基學校協會 06年由國際 育文憑組織( IBO)羅致來港、出任轄下 新書院創校校長的 Peter Kenny(圖),上周應允出任一個以杜拜為基地的跨國集團總監,負責發展集團的 育大計。
Peter Kenny前日向家長發出電郵,宣佈他將於本學期完結後離任。他表示,原想一直服務 新書院,不過最近有機構主動邀他出任跨國集團總監職位,負責推行世界 育計劃,工作與他在 IBO時相若。 Kenny沒有透露聘用他的集團名稱,只稱對方是一個以杜拜為基地的國際集團,他將會負責在阿聯酋、印度、英國和北美建立 IB課程的世界級學府,及掌管在美國紐約的師訓學院。他稍後會親自向家長交代,並協助校方尋找新校長。
06年初來港履新的 Kenny,原是 IBO亞洲太平洋區小學課程經理,任內他成功令 新的小學、中學及預科國際 育文憑( IB)課程,取得 IBO認可,因而受到家長讚賞。

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-17 22:00 |只看該作者
Thanks for the info.

原帖由 N70 於 09-8-17 20:28 發表



杜拜挖走 新書院校長
【本報訊】近年急速發展的中東阿聯酋城市杜 ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-8-17 22:09 |只看該作者
My kid is attending RCHK but I wasn't aware of the memos and newsletters highlighting Kenny's departure. Perhaps it's oversight on my part. Perhaps after three years of my kid's attending the school, we're still non RC people. Nevertheless, thanks for your advice.

原帖由 almom 於 09-8-17 19:14 發表
Not exactly "all of a sudden".

The newsletters you claimed to have read are those uploaded on the school website. There are a lot others newsletters and memos that are not available to non RC people. ...
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