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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 SWCK vs Anfield
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SWCK vs Anfield [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-17 17:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
要開始為女兒選擇幼稚園, 太多選擇有時都好煩, 好怕為女兒選錯學校.

1. 最好有戶外活動的地方
2. 活動教學
3. good language environment and training
4. no need to be academic, learn through play

暫時我找到2間: small world vs anfield, 在bk的評價都好似幾好. 但其實所知又不太詳盡, 在他們website中也是好一般的介紹. 唯一知small world好似用montessori approach, anfield就不太清楚. 所以想各家長比少少意見. 同埋仲有沒有其他kindergarten符合我的要求.

地點反而我無所謂, 因為住九龍中, 其實去2間學校自己渣車都唔係差太多時間.

至少小一的出路, 我想問是否2間都是去esf為主??? 同埋如果讀完esf p1想去考local dss or private school, 中文另外再補, 可行否?? 謝謝!!!!
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-17 18:25 |只看該作者


I do not know much about Small world. But my dauther study K1 in Anfield.  Teachers are caring, they encourge reading habit, student need to borrow books from school weekly.

For local school P1, i think it is quite difficult to transfer from international to local... mainly due to chinese - write / oral standard ...
For anfield, future P1 will be in ESF, but still base on the interview performance.

Any other feedback ?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-19 23:59 |只看該作者
原帖由 workmama 於 08-10-17 18:25 發表
I do not know much about Small world. But my dauther study K1 in Anfield.  Teachers are caring, they encourge reading habit, student need to borrow books from school weekly.

For local school P1, i th ...

Thanks workmama.

I would also like to ask, if, student of anfield cannot go to esf, then what are the other choices in the kowloon side??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-20 10:10 |只看該作者

原帖由 GUB 於 08-10-19 23:59 發表

Thanks workmama.

I would also like to ask, if, student of anfield cannot go to esf, then what are the other choices in the kowloon side??

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-20 19:24 |只看該作者
Just what I heard from friends.

Students of SWCK should have no problem to get an interview from any HK side ESF schools as most of them will come to SWCK for a pre-interview.

However, if you target ESF in Kowloon side, SWCK might not provide you any advantage as its network is mainly with those HK side ESF school.  

My son was with SWCK and he is now in ESF primary.  WE are totally happy about this kinder and would recommend it to anybody who is looking for caring English medium kinder.  Of course, don't think SWCK can do anything for your kid's Chinese.

原帖由 GUB 於 08-10-17 17:52 發表
要開始為女兒選擇幼稚園, 太多選擇有時都好煩, 好怕為女兒選錯學校.

1. 最好有戶外活動的地方
2. 活動教學
3. good language environment and training
4. no need ...
:-D :-D :-D :-D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-23 18:57 |只看該作者
thanks for the reply!

as i live in kowloon, so i cannot apply the esf in hk side @@

i love the montessori approach of the swck and it is one of the reasons i am considering to send my girl to swck. also its caring environment.  

for primary, honestly i love a local private school but i am worry about the chinese standard of my girl if she study in swck.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-10-27 14:16 |只看該作者
GUB, I share your concern.  My daughter is attending Best Concept Montessori preschool.  It is not really a kindergarten.  My plan is to let her stay there until K2 when she will (hopefully) start in SIS.  

I don't know how other parents feel about the Chinese language, but I personally think it is a MUST.  Expect very little from ESF primary and SWCK.  I have 5 nieces/nephews who go to ESF kinder/primary/secondary.  They need Chinese tutoring after school twice a week.  I figure I can save that money and let it go to the tuition fee for SIS - SIS being more expensive than ESF.  Also, it saves precious time from after school tuition -- better off doing extra curriculum activities, IMHO.
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