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中學問題 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-4-29 18:41 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
看了蔡繼有中學家長分享 ,好驚。對小朋友而言,老師說一句勝過家長十句,如果學校對交功課、閱讀、成績等不嚴厲認真,家長很難培養小朋友紀律和自習。男拔首年ib成績出色,是因為學校聘請了很多本身ib成績近四十分的老師任教,ib很難教的,老師若自己都沒有成功經驗,再加上教學經驗欠奉,很難想像學生如何能有好表現。更擔心的是擔任兩個重要公開試班級的老師頻頻轉換,實在是拿學生前途開玩笑,家長有心也無力親自教,可以點?我知道蔡的小學絕對愉快,但中學不竟是要論成績考大學的。現在真的很擔心不知應否入學。中學家長可否分享一下你們的看法?萬分感激!
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Rank: 4

發表於 13-5-2 00:02 |只看該作者
It is my personal comment...

To be honest, my girl are in senior primary now, most of the student not really serious about hand in homework as the local school (and for some problem kids, they only hand in couples of homework each year). And it is really a mess sometime....

It seems it is a result as the kids haven't been taught as straight as local school for some policies and rules (some teachers really teaches them in a foreign way)....

Just my 2 cents, the views may be different from people to people.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-5-4 16:20 |只看該作者


My personal opinion...if you think children should be disciplined or taught strictly so that they will finish homework or to do what they are told, traditional schools will be your cup of tea. For our case, I chose CKY believing that my son can develop sense of responsibility and independence which will benefit his lifetime. When he grows up, there will be no one to discipline him and tell him what to do next. To achieve such a goal I believe both school and parents must take responsibility and work together. However, I agree that many kids are still not able to take their own responsibility in completing their work even at secondary level. It is disappointing but it may be part of the long process. It is different for each kid and I am seeing my son improving a lot this way. He always tries to complete his work as required but sometimes not that good in time planning yet!

Anyway, FYI, secondary has a Friday homework club for those who have not handed in homework on time. It may not be seen as a "penalty" if compared with traditional school but CKY is addressing the issue through some ways.

Rank: 2

發表於 13-5-25 14:27 |只看該作者
I have a different experience regarding primary students handing in their homework.  My son is in Year 4.  As I see, the majority of students have no problem in handing in homework on time.  Sometimes they may forget to bring or are late, but as long as they make it up, there's no problem, in my opinion.
It's true that a couple of students have problem handing in homework on time.  But teachers do take it seriously.  They write in the handbook to inform parents, take away their recess and even ask them to stay after school to finish.  Don't think the school is too lenient on this.  And parents have a part to play.  I believe even in traditional schools, there are always students with problems in finishing homework.

Secondary students may be a different story, as I heard.  But I know that teachers still talk to students and parents if there is any problem.

My personal view.
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